Why Add Homogeneous and Particular Solutions in Linear Differential Equations?

In summary, an expert summarizer has found that if a general solution and a particular solution are added together, then any linear combination of the two is also a solution of the complete equation. Additionally, this answer contains information about the difference between a subspace and a linear manifold.
  • #1
I've come across an issue that was bugging me last semester in my circuits class today: Finding general solutions of linear differential equations. Just add the homogeneous and particular solution and it's done. Last semester it wasn't explained why exactly this is possible and this semester it's even worse.

Is there a proof or preferably a geometric representation that shows why adding these two together works? I can't find anything in my Diffy Q book or online. The only thing that is said is along the lines of "because they are linear." I guess I'm just not finding that point very obvious.. Thanks for any help
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  • #2

"Because they are linear" means that if y = f(x) and y = g(x) are solutions of the equation, then any linear combination y = a f(x) + b g(x) is also a solution.

So, if can you find one particular solution of the complete equation (without any arbitrary constants), usually with a certain amount of "guessing" what the terms will be in the solution, and then find the general solution of the homogeneous equation (with the right hand side deleted and set to 0), any linear combination of the two is also a solution of the complete equation, and it also contains the right number of arbitrary constants to be "the" general solution.
  • #3

Yeah, I'm just looking for something deeper but I guess it stops there. Thanks for your reply.
  • #4

DrummingAtom said:
Yeah, I'm just looking for something deeper.

Actually, it would be interesting to go deeper. The place where the water gets deeper is the phrase

it also contains the right number of arbitrary constants to be "the" general solution.

It's easy (I think) to accept that a general solution plus a particular solution is a solution. It's harder to see why it expresses all solutions. If you accept that all solutions are found by a certain integration then you can probably accept that only one constant of integration is involved. But since the practical method of solving a differential equation isn't always by a straightforward integration, it's hard to see why we can rely on integration to count the number of possible constants.
  • #5

If you want a "deeper" answer, look to Linear Algebra and the distinction between a "subspace" and a "linear manifold" of a vector space. A subspace of a vector space is a subset, A, such that if u and v are in A then so are u+ v and av for any scalar a. If, instead, A is a "linear manifold", that is not true but there must exist a subspace A' and fixed vector, r, so that for any vector v in A, v- r is in A'. Conversely, if p is a vector in linear manifold A, then p- r is in subspace A'. In particular, if p and q are vectors in A, then there difference, p- q, is in the subspace A'.

In R2, any subspace is a straight line through the origin. A "linear manifold" is a straight line that is not through the origin. The vector, r, above, can be any vector from the origin to a point on the line. Any point on that line can be written as r plus a point on the line parallel to that given line, thorugh the origin- which is, of course, a subspace.

The fundamental "theory" of linear differential equations is that the set of all solutions to a linear homogeneous differential equation form a subspace of the space of all infinitely differentiable functions. The set of solutions to the corresponding homogeneous equation is the "line through the origin" and the "particular soution" is the vector "r" from the origin to the linear manifold.
  • #6

@ Stephen Tashi: That's actually something that I never thought about it. Interesting

@ HallsofIvy: Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for. But I still don't understand how the homogeneous solution plus "r" would still form a subspace. It seems that adding the particular solution pops the solutions out of the subspace. I attached some pictures to show you how I'm thinking about this. If I drew that correctly then the general solution can't be multiplied by a negative scalar because it the line starts on the origin instead of going through it.


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  • #7

DrummingAtom said:
@ Stephen Tashi: That's actually something that I never thought about it. Interesting

@ HallsofIvy: Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for. But I still don't understand how the homogeneous solution plus "r" would still form a subspace.k
Well, the problem I have with answering this is that I just told you it doesn't form a subspace!

It seems that adding the particular solution pops the solutions out of the subspace. I attached some pictures to show you how I'm thinking about this. If I drew that correctly then the general solution can't be multiplied by a negative scalar because it the line starts on the origin instead of going through it.
Your picture looks good. Yes, it is true that the general solution can't be multiplied by a scalar whether positive or negative (and give another solution) because the general solution does NOT form a subspace.
  • #8

Oh, my mistake, that didn't make much sense because you explicitly said what is going on, lol. Subtracting "r" from the general solution would form a subspace, or that A' you were talking about earlier, which is the set of the homogeneous solutions. Thanks for your insight.
  • #9

I will throw my 2 cents worth. Let's call your DE ##L(y) = f(x)##. In the second order case you have two linearly independent solutions ##y_1## and ##y_2##, giving the general solution ##y_c= C_1y_1 + C_2y_2## of the homogeneous equation ##L(y) = 0##. Now let's say you have found, by any method, some particular solution ##y_p## of the NH equation so ##L(y_p) = f(x)##. The claim is then that the general solution of the NH equation is ##y_g = C_1y_1+C_2y_2 + y_p##. To see this, suppose ##Y## is any solution of the NH equation. Then ##L(Y) = f(x)##. Look at what ##Y-y_p## satisfies. ##L(Y-y_p) = L(Y) - L(y_p) = f(x) - f(x) = 0## by the linearity of ##L##. This says ##Y-y_p## is a solution of the homogeneous equation. Therefore it must be possible to express ##Y - y_p = C_1y_1 + C_2y_2## so ##Y = C_1y_1+C_2y_2 + y_p##. So just having ##y_p## is good enough that you can get any solution, such as ##Y##, by adding it to the general solution of the homegeneous DE.

I know this information is contained in the previous replies, but I hope you find this helpful.

FAQ: Why Add Homogeneous and Particular Solutions in Linear Differential Equations?


What are the general solutions of linear differential equations?

The general solutions of linear differential equations are solutions that encompass all possible solutions to a given differential equation. They are often expressed in the form of a formula that includes arbitrary constants, which can then be determined by applying initial conditions.


Why is it necessary to add the homogeneous and particular solutions?

Adding the homogeneous and particular solutions allows us to find the complete solution to a linear differential equation. The homogeneous solution represents the general solution to the associated homogeneous equation, while the particular solution accounts for any additional terms in the non-homogeneous equation. Combining these two solutions gives us the complete solution.


What is the difference between the homogeneous and particular solutions?

The homogeneous solution is the solution to the associated homogeneous equation, which is obtained by setting all non-homogeneous terms equal to zero. It represents the general solution to the differential equation. The particular solution, on the other hand, accounts for any additional terms in the non-homogeneous equation and is added to the homogeneous solution to obtain the complete solution.


How do you determine the particular solution for a linear differential equation?

The particular solution can be determined using the method of undetermined coefficients or the method of variation of parameters. The method of undetermined coefficients involves assuming a solution in the form of the non-homogeneous terms and solving for the coefficients. The method of variation of parameters involves finding a general solution to the associated homogeneous equation and then using a variation of the coefficients to find the particular solution.


Why do we need to find a particular solution for a non-homogeneous linear differential equation?

A non-homogeneous linear differential equation contains terms that are not equal to zero, making it more complicated to solve than a homogeneous equation. Finding a particular solution allows us to account for these additional terms and obtain the complete solution to the differential equation.

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