Why are aerospace engineers paid more than MechE's?

In summary: That said, Aerospace engineers typically have a lot more experience than MechE engineers and can bring a lot more to the table.
  • #1
Everyone says that the classes are basically the same, with different examples. So why are the aerospace engineers paid more by companies? And what are the differences in the job description of an aerospace engineer and a mechanical engineer both working in aerospace?
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  • #2
Supply and demand. All things being equal, a company will offer a candidate the lowest amount they think the candidate will accept. It isn't the job description (aero isn't any "harder" that MechE).

Historically, aerospace engineering has been one of the most volatile areas of engineering with large buildups and subsequent busts and layoffs. So, aerospace engineering salaries are bumped up relative to more stable MechE jobs to entice people to jump into the fray. You see a similar thing in petroleum engineering. It is a real boom and bust field but when a boom is on the companies really want engineers right away (and are willing to pay). That is why petroleum engineering is the highest paid subfield (on average).
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  • #3
analogdesign said:
Supply and demand. All things being equal, a company will offer a candidate the lowest amount they think the candidate will accept. It isn't the job description (aero isn't any "harder" that MechE).

Historically, aerospace engineering has been one of the most volatile areas of engineering with large buildups and subsequent busts and layoffs. So, aerospace engineering salaries are bumped up relative to more stable MechE jobs to entice people to jump into the fray. You see a similar thing in petroleum engineering. It is a real boom and bust field but when a boom is on the companies really want engineers right away (and are willing to pay). That is why petroleum engineering is the highest paid subfield (on average).

Of course, the corollary to the boom and the high pay is that when a bust inevitably occurs, those highly paid engineers can suddenly find themselves out of work, and often struggle to find new work unless they consider leaving the field entirely. I suspect this is happening already with petroleum engineering (certainly in the province of Alberta in Canada, and probably in similar oil-rich regions around the world) given the collapse in the price of oil and the current global glut in the oil supply.

I'm curious as to the situation with aerospace engineering at this time. I know in Canada Bombardier (a major employer for aerospace engineers) have announced major layoffs (7000 positions are set to be eliminated), but overall in both Canada and the US, I'm curious about what hiring is like at the moment.
  • #4
MechE2B said:
Everyone says that the classes are basically the same, with different examples. So why are the aerospace engineers paid more by companies? And what are the differences in the job description of an aerospace engineer and a mechanical engineer both working in aerospace?
Yes, it is supply and demand, but the supply is constrained by the fact that aero is generally regarded to be harder than mechanical.

There are a lot of overlapping courses, but "basically the same" still leaves all of the aero specific courses, many of which are harder than mechanical. I washed out of an aero major and finished a mechanical engineer.
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  • #5
Marginal revenue product, also it really is an elite industry imo with lots of competition i am told, to me it seems on the same level as high finance/wall street..you have to be really super talented and motivated and know what you're doing.
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  • #6
russ_watters said:
Yes, it is supply and demand, but the supply is constrained by the fact that aero is generally regarded to be harder than mechanical.

There are a lot of overlapping courses, but "basically the same" still leaves all of the aero specific courses, many of which are harder than mechanical. I washed out of an aero major and finished a mechanical engineer.
So how would this apply to career openings listed as Aerospace or Mechanical, for the same job? Specifically, I viewed a number of openings with the company SpaceX listed as such.
  • #7
MechE2B said:
So how would this apply to career openings listed as Aerospace or Mechanical, for the same job? Specifically, I viewed a number of openings with the company SpaceX listed as such.

That means that SpaceX recognizes that there is enough overlap in the degrees that both are potentially right for their open positions. They will hire the best people they can find regardless of whether they have a MechE or Aero degree. This is in part because many colleges don't offer an explicit Aero degree (mine didn't) but rather it is a specialization within MechE. If you get a job at SpaceX you're going to get the same (low) offer regardless of your degree.

The whole "aero engineers make more than MechE" thing is an average over a lot of engineers. It is in part reflective of the fact that military contractors on average pay more than HVAC contractors.
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  • #8
analogdesign said:
If you get a job at SpaceX you're going to get the same (low) offer regardless of your degree.
I interviewed for a graduate ME position at another of the commercial aerospace companies, the salary they were offering worked out to be less than the hourly wage I started out on as an apprentice electrician 8 years ago. I went to back to school to increase my income, not make less! I didn't call back to follow up, maybe others didn't either as the role was advertised for a further 8 or so months. At that point I would assume they could only scrap the bottom of the barrel as all the best students I knew already had jobs lined up by that point.
  • #9
MechE2B said:
So how would this apply to career openings listed as Aerospace or Mechanical, for the same job? Specifically, I viewed a number of openings with the company SpaceX listed as such.
Because an aerospace engineer is essentially a specialized mechanical engineer; same as a how a computer engineer is essentially a specialized electrical engineer.
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Likes analogdesign and billy_joule

Related to Why are aerospace engineers paid more than MechE's?

1. Why do aerospace engineers make more money than mechanical engineers?

Aerospace engineers typically have a higher salary than mechanical engineers because their job requires specialized knowledge and skills in designing, building, and testing aircraft and spacecraft. The aerospace industry also tends to be more competitive and innovative, leading to higher demand for skilled engineers and therefore higher salaries.

2. Is there a significant difference in the education or training required for aerospace engineers compared to mechanical engineers?

Both aerospace and mechanical engineers typically have a bachelor's degree in engineering, but aerospace engineers may need more specialized training in areas such as aerodynamics, propulsion, and materials science. Additionally, the aerospace industry often requires engineers to have security clearance and specialized certifications, which can also contribute to higher salaries.

3. What types of companies or industries typically hire aerospace engineers?

Aerospace engineers can work in a variety of industries, including aerospace and defense companies, government agencies, and research institutions. They may also work in related fields such as aviation, space exploration, and satellite communications. These industries often have high demands for cutting-edge technology and require skilled engineers, leading to higher salaries.

4. Do aerospace engineers have more opportunities for career advancement compared to mechanical engineers?

Both aerospace and mechanical engineers can have opportunities for career advancement, but the aerospace industry may offer more options for higher-level positions due to its highly competitive and constantly evolving nature. Aerospace engineers may also have more opportunities for international work or collaboration with other countries, which can lead to higher salaries.

5. Are there any other factors besides industry demand that contribute to the higher salaries of aerospace engineers?

In addition to industry demand, the specialized and complex nature of aerospace engineering work also plays a role in their higher salaries. Aerospace engineers often work on advanced and cutting-edge projects that require a high level of technical expertise and innovation. This can lead to a higher level of job responsibility and therefore a higher salary. Additionally, the potential risks and high stakes involved in aerospace engineering projects may also contribute to the higher pay for these engineers.

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