Why Are All Planets in the Same Plane?

In summary, the planets in our solar system are all in a single plane due to the formation process of our solar system. As particles coalesced to form the sun, the whole system began to spin and flatten into a disk, resulting in the planets being close to the same plane. It is possible for a system to capture a larger body out of the plane, but this would not be stable for long. In binary and trinary systems, more complex dynamics can come into play, but it is still rare to see intersecting planes. Additionally, Oort Cloud objects orbit the sun at random angles, further supporting the idea that the formation process is what led to the planets being in a single plane.
  • #1
I've been wondering why in our solar system, all of the planets are in a single plane rotating around the sun. Why are there no intersecting planes? Also, would there be any solar systems with such planes?

I'm not asking for any minor angles. For example, I'm asking if there's any solar systems that have a planar axis such that they would intersect at ~30-90 degrees.

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  • #2
Good question.
First i should point out that all of the planets are only close to the same plane. Usually we define a reference frame defined by the orbit of the earth, then refer to the angle of other planets' orbits relative to that. For instance mercury (with the largest angle of inclination) is about 7 degrees off (i think).

Anyway, as you suggested those are very minor angles.
The reason they are all so close to planar is due to their formation. When a nebula (collection of tiny tiny tiny particles) starts to coalesce into a planetary system - a nucleus has to form that becomes the sun. As particles "accrete" together, increasing the mass, a lot of angular momentum has to be conserved (think of spinning on a swing and pulling your legs in - you speed up), so the whole system starts to spin and flatten out into a disk. Once you have the disk, the center keeps increasing in mass, and smaller bodies start to form further out (which become planets). And that's the in-a-nutshell story of our creation, and why we're so close to a plane.

You can't have an accreting sphere (as apposed to disk), because the rotating particles in different planes will collide and flatten into a disk again - so planets can't form drastically out of the plane.
But it should by possible for a system to capture a larger body out of the plane. If this happened it wouldn't be stable for very long however... so overall the chances of seeing something like this are very slim in a single sun system.

In binary and trinary systems, some much more complex dynamics can come into play... maybe its possible there? (i think it would still be rare)
  • #3
It is also worth noting that Oort Cloud objects (otuside the orbits of Neptune and Mercury) appear to orbit the Sun at fairly random angles.
  • #4
So even with a drastically different orbit radius it would still flatten out?

Say the orbit of Mercury vs, the orbit of orbit of Neptune? What if orbits that different in size were in separate planes. There would be no way that they could collide. Would it still flatten?

Thanks for answering the initial question.
  • #5
I think the previous explanation glosses over one issue a little. If the cloud is rotating about a single axis, but evenly distributed (say, in a uniform sphere), objects near the poles are not in orbit around the center of the cloud, just like the circle New York traces around the Earth as it rotates doesn't go around the center of the earth. So an object at high latitude in our rotating cloud has to either be "swept-up" by the disk or it would fall into the sun. I've never seen a computer simulation of this, but there is probably a latitude above which all objects fall into the sun and below which get pulled into the disk.
  • #6
aetherguy881 said:
So even with a drastically different orbit radius it would still flatten out?

Say the orbit of Mercury vs, the orbit of orbit of Neptune? What if orbits that different in size were in separate planes. There would be no way that they could collide. Would it still flatten?

Thanks for answering the initial question.

The collision and flattening process happens way before the planets have formed, when it's all dust or smaller particles.
  • #7
Redbelly has answered why they wouldn't form that way.

But drastically different orbital radii would be required for the situation to arise another way (how i have no idea - it may not be possible).
If the radii were similar, even if the bodies didn't physically collide - their mutual attraction would (i think) certainly destabilize the orbits.

Another thing i just thought of: although the effect of individual planets on the sun is almost negligible, they do have slight effects - the sun actually orbits a point within its own radius.
say for instance that mercury orbits at a right angle to mars' orbit - and there are no other planets. The 2 always perpendicular forces on the sun could very possibly develop resonant effects -> magnifying and instabilities... another reason this would be hard to occur.
  • #9
Ok I guess that answers my questions guy, thanks.

FAQ: Why Are All Planets in the Same Plane?

1. Why is the Solar System Planar?

The Solar System is planar due to the conservation of angular momentum during its formation. As the solar nebula collapsed, it began to spin faster due to the conservation of angular momentum, causing it to flatten into a disk shape. This disk eventually formed into the planets, with their orbits lying on the same plane.

2. Is the Solar System the only planar system?

No, the Solar System is not the only planar system. Many other planetary systems have been observed to have their planets orbiting on a plane, supporting the idea that the formation of a disk during planetary formation is a common occurrence.

3. What is the significance of the Solar System being planar?

The planar nature of the Solar System allows for a stable and organized system. The planets' orbits do not cross, reducing the likelihood of collisions and maintaining their positions in the system.

4. Are all the planets in the Solar System perfectly aligned on the same plane?

No, while the majority of the planets in the Solar System are on a similar plane, there are some variations. For example, Pluto's orbit is tilted at an angle of 17 degrees compared to the rest of the planets.

5. Will the Solar System always remain planar?

It is expected that the Solar System will remain planar for the foreseeable future. The conservation of angular momentum and the stable nature of the system make it unlikely for any significant changes to occur. However, small perturbations from other celestial bodies could potentially change the orbits of the planets over a long period of time.

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