Why are discussions about PMMs and Over-Unity machines forbidden on the PF?

  • Thread starter robert reed
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    clean energy
In summary, discussions about PMMs (Perpetual Motion Machines) and Over-Unity machines are forbidden on the PF (Physics Forums) because they violate the laws of thermodynamics and have been proven to be impossible to create. These machines claim to produce more energy than they consume, which goes against the principle of conservation of energy. Furthermore, many of these discussions are based on pseudoscience and unproven theories, which goes against the scientific rigor and evidence-based approach of the PF community. Therefore, in order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the forum, such discussions are not allowed.
  • #1
robert reed
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well my name`s doug I am not a sure enough sicentest I am just a fella with some ideas and no one to check them out sooo i figured i try here
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  • #2
i don't know who to or who will talk to me
  • #3
ive been pondering self sustaining energy for some time and think i may be onto a way to accomplish that
  • #5
Minor clarification; when we say we don't discuss "your own ideas" we are talking about new, personal scientific theories. If you want to talk about your idea to build a micro turbine to draw power from the creek running behind your house (for example), we can absolutely help.
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  • #6
..perhaps we can use water ,air , gravity and buoyancy to create self sustaining energy using the four most abundant resources air (gas),water (fluid ) gravitational pull (downward Force) and buoyancy upward force of pressure on a given volume causing an upward force using a cylinder half full (up and down ) then harness the upward and downward forces to run a air pump to fuel the buoyant force and fluid to run the downward force and generate electricity

that will in turn fuel itself and create excess for distributions does that make sense there many other forces that can be harnessed as well this is something I've been thinking about for some time but with no one to check out my concept

the device can be scaled to whatever size you need and the basic concept is that it will power itself once started and send surplus on down the line to a battery or power grid it could be used to charge battery's or something else the device could use many different (FREE) forces to power a generator gravitational,rotational,

..my first idea was to take a cylinder and put a divider down the center and fill one side with a fluid (water) and on the other side would be open to the bottom the fluid side would have a downwards facing cup and the open side a up ward facing cup and utilizing buoyancy/pressure to raise the fluid side cups running a generator and the open side would use the upward facing cups filled with water from the fluid side flowing downward exerting the downward Force

you could line the sides of the fluid side with small propellers /generators and have air bubbles flow over them creating an upwards force /FUEL all you need are high efficiency air pump and generators it could be retro fit in many differnt ways and is powered by free forces and will never run out of and would be made entirely of recycled materials and used anywhere depending on the fluid and density but making the device would be simple
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  • #7
also i`m just a fella that`s been pondering this i`m not a scientist there would/can be many ways this can be relized many ways to build such a device i should think
  • #8
the fuel has been there all along we just didnt know how to harness it that's where yall come in the mechanical ideal is sound i think and can be implmented in many differnt ways ..
  • #9
i had thought it could be retro fit in say a city water tower or the height of a skyscraper imagin a large tube one side fluid (going up) and an open side with fluid going down both powering many small generators or big ones it is only held up by what you can imagine it can be made self contained and used many different places say the desert or jungle
  • #10
In our guidelines Robert, free energy is listed as a forbidden topic on PF.
  • #11
@robert reed -- here are some links from the PF Rules that you should read. As @anorlunda says, we do not allow discussion of PMMs or Over-Unity machines to generate "free energy". They are "forbidden topics" here at the PF. Please use the links to find out why they cannot work. It's better to spend your creative time thinking about real things, rather than pseudoscience fantasies.

This thread is now closed.

Forbidden Topics: 3929007 said:
Pseudoscience, such as (but not limited to):
Perpetual motion and "free energy" discussions
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Related to Why are discussions about PMMs and Over-Unity machines forbidden on the PF?

1. What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work or cause change. It can take many forms, such as thermal, electrical, mechanical, and chemical energy.

2. How is energy created?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. For example, the sun's energy is created through nuclear fusion, while fossil fuels are created through the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years.

3. What are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy?

Renewable energy sources can be replenished naturally and sustainably, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy. Non-renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are finite and cannot be replaced once used, such as fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.

4. How does energy impact the environment?

The production and consumption of energy have significant impacts on the environment. Non-renewable sources of energy contribute to air and water pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. Renewable sources of energy, on the other hand, have much lower environmental impacts.

5. What are some ways to conserve energy?

There are many ways to conserve energy, such as turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone. Conserving energy not only helps reduce our impact on the environment, but it can also save money on energy bills.

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