Why Are Eggrolls Always Missing from My Chinese Food Delivery Orders?

  • Thread starter Echo 6 Sierra
  • Start date
In summary, the EGGROLL is missing from the Chinese food that the speaker has ordered from various restaurants in the area. The speaker quit smoking and ran out of nico-gum, which may have led to the missing eggrolls.
  • #1
Echo 6 Sierra
Where's my $&%@ EGGROLL?!?

OK, I've ordered delivery chinese food from almost every available restaurant within a 5 mile radius of where I work and EVERY TIME I'm missing at least one eggroll. Is it a conspiracy, is it just the way the business works, is the driver taking his tip in snacks...WHAT IS IT!? All I want is enough eggroll to last through my orange chicken or whatever I'm eating that day and ONE just dosen't cut it. I also quit smoking yesterday and have run out of nico-gum.:mad: :mad: :devil:
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  • #2
. . . . have run out of nico-gum.
Bad time to quit, unless you're planning to go 'cold turkey'. Good luck with that!

As for the eggroll issue, pizza is only food I've ordered for delievery, so I can't help you there.

I usually just grab something from down the street as I leave work or grab something on the way home. I might call in an order, but I prefer to pick up.
  • #3
I have your eggroll! MWAHAHAHAHA! :devil: I cut a hole in the bottom of the sack and pulled it right out along with the hot mustard and sweet and sour sauce. mmmm... delicious...:cool:
  • #4
That would well get my goat the time it happened to me i made such a stink about it the owner gave me free prawn cracker on my next order.
  • #5
I'd call and complain. Maybe they'll at least give you a coupon for your next order. I usually pick up my Chinese take-out, mostly because the places with the best food rarely employed anyone who spoke English well enough to understand them on the phone, so I just placed my order in person where I could circle things on the menu.

Then again, I never order more than one eggroll either...just one fills me up and I barely eat anything else.
  • #6
One time I called the Jap place and made an order. I said my name is Cyrus. She said, Ok bob, 15 mins. :confused:

I think I should call and say my name is Chan or ping so they know how to spell it :smile:
  • #7
cyrusabdollahi said:
One time I called the Jap place and made an order. I said my name is Cyrus. She said, Ok bob, 15 mins. :confused:

I think I should call and say my name is Chan or ping so they know how to spell it :smile:

We'll call you Sum Ting Wong. :wink:
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
We'll call you Sum Ting Wong. :wink:

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #9
Math Is Hard said:
We'll call you Sum Ting Wong. :wink:

:smile: :cry:

FAQ: Why Are Eggrolls Always Missing from My Chinese Food Delivery Orders?

1. Where did the dish "eggroll" originate from?

The eggroll is a popular dish in many Asian cuisines, but its exact origin is debated. Some believe it originated in China, while others believe it originated in Vietnam or Thailand.

2. What are the ingredients in an eggroll?

The ingredients in an eggroll can vary depending on the region and personal preferences, but typically it includes a mixture of vegetables (such as cabbage, carrots, and bean sprouts), meat (such as pork or chicken), and seasonings (such as soy sauce and garlic). It is then wrapped in a thin dough wrapper and deep-fried.

3. Can eggrolls be made without meat for vegetarians/vegans?

Yes, eggrolls can be made without meat for vegetarians/vegans. The filling can be substituted with tofu or other plant-based proteins, and the dough wrapper can be made without eggs. There are also many variations of eggrolls that are naturally vegetarian/vegan, such as spring rolls or summer rolls.

4. Why is the eggroll a popular dish in many Asian cuisines?

The eggroll is a popular dish in many Asian cuisines because it is a versatile and convenient dish that can be easily customized to suit different tastes and dietary restrictions. It is also a popular street food and can be found in many Asian countries, making it a staple in many cultures.

5. How is an eggroll different from other types of spring rolls?

An eggroll is a specific type of spring roll that is deep-fried and typically has a thicker and crunchier outer wrapper. Other types of spring rolls, such as summer rolls or rice paper rolls, are often not deep-fried and have a thinner and softer wrapper. Eggrolls also often have a meat filling, while other spring rolls may have a vegetarian filling.

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