Why are Laurent Series manipulated differently for different regions?

In summary, the function \frac{1}{\left( z-1 \right)\left( z+2 \right)} can be rewritten using partial fractions as \frac{1}{z-2}\; -\; \frac{1}{z\; -\; 1}. To ensure that the geometric series converges in different regions, the manipulation of the formula is adjusted by substituting different values for x, such as z or 1/z, depending on the desired region. This allows the series to converge and makes the formula valid in the given regions.
  • #1
Say we have the function:

[tex]\frac{1}{\left( z-1 \right)\left( z+2 \right)}[/tex]

Using partial fractions,

[tex]\frac{1}{\left( z-1 \right)\left( z+2 \right)}\; =\; \frac{1}{z-2}\; -\; \frac{1}{z\; -\; 1}[/tex]

My question comes in on why and how these equations are manipulted for different regions.

Now for a) region |z| < 1

[tex] \frac{1}{z-1}\; =\; -\frac{1}{1-z}\; =\; -\sum_{j=0}^{\infty }{z^{j}}\; [/tex]

But for region 1 < |z| < 2

[tex]\frac{1}{z-1}\; =\; \frac{1}{z}\frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{z}}\; =\; -\frac{1}{z}\sum_{j=0}^{\infty }{\frac{1}{z^{j}}\; =\; }\sum_{j=0}^{\infty }{\frac{1}{z^{j+1}}}[/tex]

I have no idea how or why they are being manipulated for different regions. My book assumes me to be brilliant I suppose?
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  • #2
No, it's not so hard.

The key point is that the geometric series does not converge everywhere. So in each case, they are manipulating it so that the series converges in the desired region.
  • #3
Can you elaborate on how to make it converge for a region?
  • #4
Look up geometric series in google. For a series to converge, the terms should approach zero. That only happens when |z|<1 doesn't it?
  • #5
Gib Z said:
Look up geometric series in google. For a series to converge, the terms should approach zero. That only happens when |z|<1 doesn't it?

Sort of.

[tex] \frac{1}{1-x}=\sum_{j=0}^{\infty }{x^{j}}[/tex]

Is valid when |x| < 1. Thus in the region where |z| < 1, they just let x=z. But where |z| > 1, they let x=1/z in the geometric series formula above, so that the formula would make sense in the desired region.

FAQ: Why are Laurent Series manipulated differently for different regions?

1. What is a Laurent Series?

A Laurent Series is a type of mathematical series used to represent a complex function in the form of a power series. It is named after mathematician Pierre Alphonse Laurent and is a generalization of the Taylor series.

2. What is the difference between a Taylor series and a Laurent series?

A Taylor series is a type of power series that is used to represent a function as a sum of its derivatives at a single point. A Laurent series, on the other hand, is used to represent a function as a sum of its derivatives at a point plus an additional term that includes negative powers of the variable.

3. How is a Laurent Series calculated?

A Laurent Series can be calculated using the formula: f(z) = ∑(n=−∞)∞ cn(z−z0)^n, where z0 is the center point and the coefficients cn are determined by the function's derivatives at that point. The series can be truncated at a certain point to approximate the function.

4. What is the region of convergence for a Laurent Series?

The region of convergence for a Laurent Series is the set of all complex numbers z for which the series converges. This is determined by the radius of convergence, which is the distance from the center point z0 to the nearest singularity of the function. If the radius of convergence is infinite, the series converges for all complex numbers.

5. What are the applications of Laurent Series?

Laurent Series are commonly used in complex analysis, a branch of mathematics that deals with functions of complex numbers. They are also used in physics and engineering to solve differential equations and to approximate complex functions. They have applications in fields such as fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, and signal processing.
