Why are MathJax images not displaying on my webpage?

In summary: Images are more bandwidth intensive.In summary, the MathJax environment changed and there are no Latex images being displayed. Please post any problems. I'll leave it enabled for the next hour or so and switch back to images until we are 100% ready.
  • #1
I have enabled MathJax on the site. There are no Latex images being displayed. Please post any problems. I'll leave it enabled for the next hour or so and switch back to images until we are 100% ready.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Greg Bernhardt said:
I have enabled MathJax on the site. There are no Latex images being displayed. Please post any problems. I'll leave it enabled for the next hour or so and switch back to images until we are 100% ready.

So I wrote the LaTex code for y=x^2 and a dubious thing appeared (below). Do these essentially replace the nicely looking LaTex images and to make them we'd still have to type the LaTex code ?

[tex] y=x^2 [/tex]
  • #3
dextercioby said:
So I wrote the LaTex code for y=x^2 and a dubious thing appeared (below). Do these essentially replace the nicely looking LaTex images and to make them we'd still have to type the LaTex code ?

[tex] y=x^2 [/tex]

Nothing in what you do changes :)
  • #4
So, Greg, it's the image which changes and the lower space on the server occupied by the tinier pictures, right ?
  • #5
dextercioby said:
So, Greg, it's the image which changes and the lower space on the server occupied by the tinier pictures, right ?

I have no idea what you are saying :) There are no images anymore.
  • #6
The align environments seem buggy, plus some markup in my blog posts don't render. I'm trying to troubleshoot now.
  • #7
jhae2.718 said:
The align environments seem buggy, plus some markup in my blog posts don't render. I'm trying to troubleshoot now.

The blog needs to be reworked, there were a few extra things we needed to do to make latex work on the blogs and I haven't touched that yet, so disregard the blogs for the moment.
  • #8

(> 4 characters)
  • #9
Testing, testing...

[tex]-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2 \Psi + V \Psi = i \hbar \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial t}[/tex]
  • #10
Test of align*:
\nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} &= \frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0} \\
\nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} &= 0 \\
\nabla \times \mathbf{E} &= -\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t} \\
\nabla \times \mathbf{B} &= \mu_0\mathbf{j} + \mu_0\varepsilon_0 \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t}
Last edited:
  • #11
I have four ([itex]4[/itex]) in this line of text. I "accidentally" typed ([itex]3[/itex]) the first time but saw it in preview, changed it, and the preview worked properly!
  • #13
Can I draw a commutative diagram?
A @>>> B \\
@VVV @VVV \\
C @>>> D
Nope (didn't expect this environment to work anyways). But interestingly, I get a box containing the latex code. Hrm, how about as a matrix?
A &\to& B \\
\downarrow & & \downarrow \\
C &\to& D
  • #14
Ooh, quick edit doesn't play nicely.

I just quick edited this post to put "[itex]\sqrt{3}[/itex]" in the post, but the latex didn't render and I just saw the raw text. But if I reload the page, it will look right.

edit: Or, eI thought reloading would. Nothing's rendering now. :(

edit2: Ah, now reload's working.
  • #15
Greg, the align* environment should align the LaTeX by placement of &s.

Sometimes I see it rendered correctly, other times not. See attached image.
  • #16
sorry I was doing some tweaking. turning off for now, i'll turn it back on later tonight and update here. thanks! images are back
  • #17
Why the sudden change?

Sorry to say I really hate the new look. The images are smaller, and arew just ugly compared to the old font. Please bring back imgtex =)
  • #18
What I checked worked OK.
  • #19
Nebuchadnezza said:
Why the sudden change?

Sorry to say I really hate the new look. The images are smaller, and arew just ugly compared to the old font. Please bring back imgtex =)

such problems can be configured
  • #20
Greg, during the test was the math rendered with cmr font? (Didn't look like it, but hard to tell...)
  • #22
So MathJax doesn't treat equations as images. Does this mea we can have an unlimited number of LaTeX equations i our blogs? Right now, you can have only 10, which is kind of anoying...
  • #23
I'd think so, Micro.
  • #25
Let's see if one of the truth tables from my programming blog will work here:
\begin{tabular}{r | c | c |}
& \textbf{True} & \textbf{False} \\ \hline
\textbf{True} & True & False \\ \hline
\textbf{False} & False & False \\ \hline

Edit: seems like the tabular environment is not supported...
Edit2: This is not a bug, tabular and centering are not supported in MathJax. So, no LaTeX tables. :(
  • #26
Please don't fix what's not broken!
  • #27
MathJax will help lower the load on the servers. Text requires less bandwidth than images.

The appearance is configurable and can be changed.
  • #28
flyingpig said:
Please don't fix what's not broken!

It is broken, unsupported and burdensome. We currently host 1,114,554 latex graphics.
  • #29
But it's so small!
  • #30
Again, the cosmetic aspects can be changed. Stop whining! It's just a test!
  • #31
So, we can't click anymore to see the latex code? :(
  • #32
Edit: NVM, this is wrong: "No; as a workaround you can quote the post to see the [itex]\LaTeX[/itex]."

Edit: heh, that's funny, MathJax renders \LaTeX incorrectly. Wonder if it works in eq. mode:
  • #34
QuarkCharmer said:
So, we can't click anymore to see the latex code? :(

Right click on the equation to get a menu.
  • #35
If the TeX is too small, you can manually scale it in the menu.

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