Why are other people having more fun than me?

  • Thread starter Reflector
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In summary, you're a spastic who is looking for a way to have fun that doesn't involve actually doing fun things.
  • #1
What is it with them that makes them deserve it, while I have to miss out? What am I a spastic? I guess the fun comes in proportion with how much you are above a spastic... but if I know this then how could I be unaware, un-spastic?
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  • #2
you could consider dropping your victim attitude and approach life with a positive and engaging attitude instead... that almost inevitably leads to fun...
  • #3

Think of a new analogy.

Tom Mattson
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  • #4
Wrong forum.
  • #5
This ain't philosophy, so it's going to General Discussion. (You're welcome, Evo! :biggrin: )
  • #6
Reflector said:

Think of a new analogy.

Tom Mattson

Ahhh haha. That laugh made everyone look at me :(
  • #7
Reflector said:
What is it with them that makes them deserve it, while I have to miss out? What am I a spastic? I guess the fun comes in proportion with how much you are above a spastic... but if I know this then how could I be unaware, un-spastic?

Be honest with yourself, be yourself, be patient. Be true to your own spirit and give yourself time to mature. The changes and awards will amaze you! :smile:
  • #8
Fun doesn't just show up, you have to go after it! It doesn't do any good to sit inside, looking out the window, wondering why the other kids are having fun playing while you're sitting in the window, you have to get up and go outside and join them!
  • #9
Moonbear said:
Fun doesn't just show up, you have to go after it! It doesn't do any good to sit inside, looking out the window, wondering why the other kids are having fun playing while you're sitting in the window, you have to get up and go outside and join them!

Another way of saying that :

It doesn't do any good to sit inside, looking out the window, wondering why the other kids are having fun playing while you're sitting inside, looking out the window and wondering why the other kids are having fun playing while you're ...
  • #10
You have to love yourself and be an optimist whatever it is going to take; whatever you are going to do.
  • #11
After 5+ years in a POW camp, the POW's all came to the same conclusion: the only thing completely under your control is what is going on inside your head. Your attitude is what you choose it to be. Choose a positive attitude.
  • #12
I keep myself happy by mercilessly torturing my colleagues and co-workers. I suggest you do that for a giggle. It certainly cheers me up :devil:
  • #13
I think one of your main problems is that you go on the internet and come to a physics forum for advice on how to have fun.
  • #14
Fun is what you make of it. I consider running to be fun. Of course most people think I am nuts, but that's beside the point. If you see someone having fun and think it is a fun activity, join in. If, however, you think that what they are doing is suicidal (bungee jumping off of bridges, etc) then find your own meaning of fun. I am having fun right now tinkering with Winamp's downloadable Milkdrop visualization plugin.

View the world in a positive outlook... who knows, maybe the world will give you a positive outlook in return... unless you're screaming for dear life by having fun jumping off of bridges with a synthetic cord sealing your fate :biggrin:.
  • #15
wasteofo2 said:
I think one of your main problems is that you go on the internet and come to a physics forum for advice on how to have fun.
it is still anyway better than animals in some jungles which always try to make things clearer by pretending to be like this like that in order to laugh most right behind their veils, or to take the most benefits from naive human beings
  • #16
I think one of your main problems is that you go on the internet and come to a physics forum for advice on how to have fun.

always speakin truth wasteof02.
  • #17
Just an Asterisk said:
it is still anyway better than animals in some jungles which always try to make things clearer by pretending to be like this like that in order to laugh most right behind their veils, or to take the most benefits from naive human beings
So are you saying posting on a physics forum asking how to have fun is better than going out there and doing stupid/superficial things to laugh? I'm sorry, but the extremely metaphorical stuff lost me quite a bit.

JFruit said:
non, non :wink: i don no bout anything on pf, my physics knolwdege bad. so, i stay in chating forum only, sure for fun. heh, you come to a chting for um for reserch in Creationism :wink:, hmm ?
Still, you're sitting in a chair, logged onto the internet, posting in a physics forum, asking people how to have fun, that's a big problem right there.

I'm lost, I came here to learn about a bunch of random physics questions I had, stayed to ask more Biology questions and discuss politics.
  • #18

You forget : leaving goats hanging upside down from their spidey-silk-milk, is NOT considered engaging in Biological discussion. :wink:

FAQ: Why are other people having more fun than me?

1. Why do some people seem to always have more fun than me?

There could be several reasons for this. It could be that those people have a different personality or mindset that allows them to enjoy themselves more easily. It could also be that they have a larger social circle or more opportunities for fun activities. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences are unique and it's not fair to compare your level of fun to others.

2. Is there something wrong with me if I'm not having as much fun as others?

No, there is nothing wrong with you. Fun is subjective and what brings joy to one person may not bring joy to another. It's important to focus on finding activities and experiences that bring you joy, rather than trying to match someone else's level of fun.

3. How can I have more fun in my life?

The best way to have more fun is to try new things and find activities that you genuinely enjoy. This could include hobbies, social events, or even just exploring your local area. It's also important to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that bring you joy.

4. Why do I feel pressure to have as much fun as others?

Social media and societal expectations can often make us feel like we need to constantly be having fun and living our best lives. However, it's important to remember that what we see on social media is often curated and not a true representation of someone's life. It's okay to not always be having fun and to take time for yourself.

5. Can having too much fun be a bad thing?

Yes, it's possible for too much fun to have negative consequences. It's important to find a balance and not let fun activities interfere with important responsibilities or relationships. Additionally, constantly seeking out fun and excitement can sometimes mask underlying issues or emotions that need to be addressed. It's important to prioritize mental and emotional well-being over constant fun.
