Why are particles in low representations in the Standard Model?

In summary, the reason for putting objects in low representations in the SM and not higher ones is that they are not seen in this way and would violate some accidental symmetries in the SM.
  • #1
Gold Member
I was wondering.
What's the reason for putting objects in low representations in the SM and not higher ones?
So, why fermions in a doublet of SU(2) and not a multiplet?

In analogy in SU(5) we put the particles in the 5-plet...
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  • #2
You could do that. But it would predict particles that are unseen. If I put the left-handed electron and neutrino in an SU(2) triplet and not an SU(2) doublet, where is the third particle?
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  • #3
Hmmm I was thinking more the representations of the same gauge group.
For example the SU(2) has the 4-plet or triplet representation
[itex] 2 \otimes 2 = 3 \oplus 1[/itex]
[itex] 2 \otimes 3 = 4 \oplus 2[/itex]

and in a similar way I think you can work up to the 6plet.
In the 6plet one could put all the leptons.
  • #4
You can't do that and make the quantum numbers come out right. How do the e and mu get the same quantum numbers if they are in different positions in the multiplet?
  • #5
I think they would still be color neutral...
They would still have the same isospins and u(1) charges, and that's enough.
For example if I had:
[itex] [6] = \begin{pmatrix} e \\ \nu_e \\ \mu \\ \nu_\mu \\ \tau \\ \nu_\tau \end{pmatrix}[/itex]

The U(1) transformation matrix would have to be [itex] Y_6 = \begin{pmatrix} Y_{el-flav} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & Y_{mu-flav} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & Y_{tau-flav} \end{pmatrix}[/itex]
(still traceless) with [itex]Y_{i-flav}[/itex] the same 2x2 matrices you have in the SM for the i-th flavor.
and similarily for the isospin
[itex]T_6^i = diag ( \tau^i , \tau^i , tau^i ) [/itex]
The only quantum number which I "feel" this would violate is the lepton number. But the lepton number is an accidental symmetry of SM.

Maybe I'm terribly wrong with the choices of Y and T matrices?
  • #6
You can't have them in a 6-plet of isospin and have the same isospins.

Consider angular momentum, also an SU(2). A 6-plet corresponds to J=5/2 which has m = +/- 5/2, +/- 3/2 and +/- 1/2. You can't declare it to have three +/- 1/2 and no +/- 3/2 or +/- 5/2. That's not a J=5/2 state and it's not a 6-plet.
  • #7
There's no way (yet?) to derive the particle content of the Standard Model theoretically. It's just empirical input to the model. The same holds for the many free parameters (coupling constants/masses).

FAQ: Why are particles in low representations in the Standard Model?

What is the Lagrangian representation?

The Lagrangian representation is a mathematical framework used in classical mechanics to describe the dynamics of a system. It is based on the principle of least action, which states that the path a system takes between two points in space and time is the one that minimizes the action integral.

What is the field representation?

The field representation is a mathematical framework used in quantum field theory to describe the dynamics of fields. It is based on the concept of quantization, where fields are treated as operators and the dynamics of the system are described by the evolution of these operators.

How are Lagrangian and field representations related?

The Lagrangian and field representations are related through the process of quantization. The Lagrangian representation is used to derive the equations of motion for a classical system, while the field representation is used to describe the corresponding quantum system. This allows us to connect classical mechanics with quantum mechanics.

What are the advantages of using the Lagrangian and field representations?

One advantage of using these representations is that they provide a unified framework for describing the dynamics of both classical and quantum systems. They also allow for a more intuitive understanding of the underlying physical principles and can simplify complex calculations compared to other methods.

What are some applications of Lagrangian and field representations?

The Lagrangian and field representations have numerous applications in physics, including in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum field theory, and general relativity. They are also used in engineering, particularly in the analysis and design of control systems and in the study of fluid dynamics.
