Why are the tensor products over Q and Z_n equal?

In summary: Tensoring with Q does everything in sight, so in particular it sends Z-modules to Q-modules. As a side note, \mathbb{Q} is the injective hull of \mathbb{Z}, and this is a general property of injective modules: Tensoring with them preserves all exact sequences.In summary, tensoring over R or Z can sometimes yield the same group, as in the case of R = Z_n or Q. This is because Q is the quotient field of Z, and tensoring with Q preserves all exact sequences. This can be seen through basic properties of tensors and the fact that every Z linear map of Q vector spaces is also Q linear, making Z bilinear and Q bilinear maps the same.
  • #1
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Given R a ring and M,N two R-modules, we may form their tensor product over Z or R. They can be defined as the group presentations
< A x B | (a + a',b)=(a,b) + (a',b), (a,b+b')=(a,b) + (a,b') >,
< A x B | (a + a',b)=(a,b) + (a',b), (a,b+b')=(a,b) + (a,b'), (ra,b)=(a,rb) >
respectively and the image of (a,b) in the quotient is written [itex]a\otimes b[/itex].

Tensoring over R will generally yield a smaller group since there is the additional relation [itex](ra)\otimes b = a\otimes (rb)[/itex]. But sometimes tensoring over R or Z give the same group.

I have read in a textbook that this happens in the case where R = Z_n or Q. For Z_n, it is quite clear, since in this case, the relation [itex](ra)\otimes b = a\otimes (rb)[/itex] is implied by the relations [itex](a + a') \otimes b = a\otimes b + a'\otimes b[/itex] and [itex]a \otimes (b+b') = a\otimes b + a\otimes b'[/itex].

But for R = Q, I do not quite see why the two tensor products are equal. Thx!
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  • #2
I am a little puzzled. It seems to me that any Z/nZ module is entirely torsion. I.s. as a Z module, every element is annihilated by n. But when tensoring by Q, all torsion elements are annihilated, since (1)(atensb) = (n/n)(atensb) = (a/n)tens(nb) = (a/n)tens(0) = 0.

Thus tensoring any Z/nZ modules over Q should give zero. But if say n is prime, then Z/nZ is a field, so tensoring non zero vector spaces over Z/nZ should never annihilate any non zero vector space.
  • #3
Um, you talk abour tensoring Z/Zn-modules over Q. This doesn't really make sense I think because Q is not a subring of Z/Zn so the action of Q is ill-defined.
  • #4
i guess i misread your question. you seem to be asking about tensoring over Z and over Q giving the same result.

(A module can be a module over two rings even though neither is a subring of the other, although the only module that is a module over both Q and Z/n is zero, but never mind. I presume you want a non zero example.)

let me think about it. ... OK, just tensor Z/n with Z/n. That apparently gives the same result over both Z and Z/n.and Q tensor Q seems to be Q, whether tensored over Z or Q. you can probably check this in a few minutes using the basic properties of tensors, i.e. (ab)tens(x) = atens(bx) if b is in the ring you are tensoring over.
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  • #5
I don't quite understand the question. Are you asking for an example of Q-modules whose tensor product over Q is the same as their tensor product over Z? In that case, mathwonk's example is valid:


The first equality is trivial, for the second the obvious map [itex]\frac{a}{b}\otimes_\mathbb{Z} \frac{p}{q}\mapsto \frac{ap}{bq}[/itex] is easily checked to be an isomorphism.
  • #6
Landau said:
I don't quite understand the question. Are you asking for an example of Q-modules whose tensor product over Q is the same as their tensor product over Z?

Almost! I am asking for a proof that the tensor product of any Q-module over Q is the same as their tensor product over Z.

The statement is taken from Hatcher's. See pages 34-35 of http://www.math.cornell.edu/~hatcher/AT/ATch3.pdf (pages 218-219 of the book). The question is at the bottom of page 34 and top of page 35.
  • #7
Ah, right, the proof of that fact (which I hadn't realized myself) is the same as showing that the map in my last post is an isomorphism. Basically, you need to show that if R resp. S is a right resp. left Q-module, then for r in R, s in S and q in Q:


This is done with the following 'trick'. Write q=a/b, and [itex]\otimes=\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}}[/itex]; then:

[tex]r\frac{a}{b}\otimes s=r\frac{1}{b}\otimes as=r\frac{1}{b}\otimes \frac{bas}{b}=r\frac{b}{b}\otimes \frac{as}{b}=r\otimes \frac{a}{b}s[/tex]
  • #8
Geez, I should have seen that. :(

Thanks friend!
  • #9
Yeah, as Hatcher says: "It is an easy algebra exercise to see that..." :P

You're welcome!
  • #10
just playing. but this seems to be true because every Z linear map of Q vector spaces is also Q linear. hence I believe it follows that Z bilinear and Q bilinear maps are also the same. Then since the tensor product over Q represents the functor of Q bilinear maps, while that over Z represents the Z bilinear maps, and those functors are the same, then their representing modules are the same. blah blah blah...
  • #11
mathwonk said:
just playing. but this seems to be true because every Z linear map of Q vector spaces is also Q linear.
Yeah, so I guess the underlying reason is that Q is (by definition) the quotient field of Z. For every ring homomorphism f:Z\to Q there is a unique ring homomorphism Q\to Z extending it.

Related to Why are the tensor products over Q and Z_n equal?

1. What is a tensor product problem?

A tensor product problem is a mathematical concept that involves finding the tensor product of two or more tensors. Tensors are multidimensional arrays that are used to represent and manipulate data in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science.

2. What is the significance of tensor product problems?

Tensor product problems are important in various fields because they allow for the combination of different types of data and operations, resulting in more complex and powerful calculations. They are also used in applications such as image processing, signal processing, and machine learning.

3. How is a tensor product problem solved?

To solve a tensor product problem, the tensors involved must have the same number of dimensions and the same size in each dimension. The tensors are then multiplied element-wise, and the resulting tensor is reshaped to the appropriate dimensions. The specific method of solving a tensor product problem may vary depending on the context and application.

4. What are some common applications of tensor product problems?

Tensor product problems have many applications, including image and signal processing, data compression, dimensionality reduction, and machine learning. They are also used in theoretical physics, particularly in the study of quantum mechanics and quantum information theory.

5. Are there any challenges associated with solving tensor product problems?

Yes, there are some challenges associated with solving tensor product problems. One of the main challenges is dealing with large and complex datasets, which can result in long computation times and require efficient algorithms and computing resources. Additionally, the interpretation and analysis of the results of a tensor product problem can be difficult and require a deep understanding of the underlying mathematical principles.

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