Why Are There No Solutions to This Vector Equation Problem?

In summary: The corresponding value of s is found by symmetry.In summary, the conversation discussed the equation PPR = α*PRPS, where PR and PS are the points of intersection on lines R and S, found by taking the cross product of the normals of two planes. The lines R and S were given in terms of their respective planes and parametrized using y and u. However, the resulting equations did not have any real solutions, indicating that the lines are parallel to the plane containing point P.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Get a vector equation of the line that pass by the point P and intersect with the straight line R and S
Relevant Equations
All below.

I think that we can say that PPR = α*PRPS
where PR and PS are the points where occurs the intersection on the line R and S.
Obs: line r and s are found by knowing that the straight line intersection of two planes are
n1 X n2 [cross product]

Lr = (0,1,-2) + y(-1,1,1)
Ls = (0,1,-1) + u(1,2,1)

This leave us to three equation and three incognits


Three real solution, but the answer is that is impossible, why?


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  • #2
I'm not quite sure what you actually want, but I don't think your equation for ##L_r## satisfies your definition for line ##r##.
  • #3
LCSphysicist said:
I think that we can say that PPR = α*PRPS
where PR and PS are the points where occurs the intersection on the line R and S.
I agree
Obs: line r and s are found by knowing that the straight line intersection of two planes are
n1 X n2 [cross product]
I presume you are referring to (1) the plane containing point P and line R and (2) the plane containing point P and line S. Yes it's correct, and a good insight, that the line we seek lies in the intersection of those two planes.
Lr = (0,1,-2) + y(-1,1,1)
Parametrising on y, I get Lr = (-1, 0, -1) + y(-1, 1, -1), which differs from yours in 4 out of 6 places.
Why did you not parametrise on x, which is easier? :
Lr = (0, 1, -2) + x(1, -1, 1)
If we replace your y by x, what you wrote is closer to this, but still differs in two places.
Ls = (0,1,-1) + u(1,2,1)
I agree with this one, and we could replace u by x so as to parametrise in the same way as we did for Lr, to write
Ls = (0,1,-1) + x(1,2,1)
This leave us to three equation and three incognits

View attachment 265641

Three real solution, but the answer is that is impossible, why?
I couldn't quite follow this. I expected to see the equation written as follows:
$$y = a_yx + b_y$$
$$z = a_zx + b_z$$
(assuming the line is not perpendicular to the x axis)

I haven't done the calcs but perhaps if you correct your parametrisations as per above, your solution will match that in the book.
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  • #4
LCSphysicist said:
Obs: line r and s are found by knowing that the straight line intersection of two planes are
n1 X n2 [cross product]
andrewkirk said:
I presume you are referring to (1) the plane containing point P and line R and (2) the plane containing point P and line S.
I interpreted @LCSphysicist's remark as referring to the fact line R (and likewise line S) is given in terms of two planes, z=z(x) and y=y(x). Taking the cross product of their normals gives a vector parallel to their line of intersection.
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Likes etotheipi
  • #5
LCSphysicist said:
I think that we can say that PPR = α*PRPS

Lr = (0,1,-2)+ y(-1,1,1)
Please explain your PPR, PRPS notation.
Did you mean Lr = (0,1,-2)+ y(1,-1,1)?
Reusing y is confusing. How about u and v as the parameters?

No idea how you got your last trio of equations, but I would rebase the origin to be at P. Then all you need is a point on each of R and S (i.e. u and v values) such that their vector representations are collinear (cross product is zero). Add back in P at the end.

The attachment appears to be a different question.
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Likes etotheipi
  • #6
Update: my relatively simple method still gave crazy answers. I believe the problem is that the line S is parallel to the plane containing P and R (and likewise mutatis mutandis). So there are no solutions.

Fwiw, here's my method in general:
Normalise so that P is the origin. Represent the points on lines R and S parametrically as ##\vec R+r\vec R'##, etc.
If r and s are the parameters for the points where the sought line intersects them, the vectors for these points are collinear, so have a zero cross product:
##(\vec R+r\vec R')\times(\vec S+s\vec S')=0##
Expanding, and taking the dot product with ##\vec S'## to eliminate references to s:
##r=-\frac{\vec S'.(\vec R\times\vec S)}{\vec S'.(\vec R'\times\vec S)}=-\frac{\vec R.(\vec S'\times\vec S)}{\vec R'.(\vec S'\times\vec S)}##
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FAQ: Why Are There No Solutions to This Vector Equation Problem?

1. What is a vector equation?

A vector equation is a mathematical representation of a line or plane in three-dimensional space using vectors. It is written in the form r = r0 + tv, where r is the position vector, r0 is the initial point on the line, t is a scalar variable, and v is the direction vector of the line.

2. How do you find the vector equation of a line?

To find the vector equation of a line, you need to know the coordinates of a point on the line (such as point P) and the direction vector of the line. The direction vector can be found by taking the difference between any two points on the line. Once you have these values, you can plug them into the equation r = r0 + tv to get the vector equation of the line.

3. What does it mean for a line to intersect with other lines?

When a line intersects with another line, it means that the two lines share a common point. In other words, the two lines cross or meet at a specific point on the coordinate plane.

4. How do you find the point of intersection between two lines?

To find the point of intersection between two lines, you can set the two vector equations equal to each other and solve for the values of t that make the equations equal. These values of t will correspond to the coordinates of the point of intersection. Alternatively, you can also use the elimination or substitution method to solve for the coordinates of the point of intersection.

5. Can a line intersect with more than two lines?

Yes, a line can intersect with more than two lines. In fact, in three-dimensional space, a line can intersect with an infinite number of other lines. This is because there are an infinite number of planes that can contain a given line, and each of these planes can intersect with the given line at a different point.
