Why are these 2 derivatives not treated the same?

  • Thread starter bluestar
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They're just constants, and the derivative of a constant is 0.In summary, the conversation discussed the equations (5.35) and (5.36) in a physics textbook. It was noted that in equation (5.35), the constant drops out when taking the derivative with respect to r, but in equation (5.36), the constant remains. The conversation then delved into the concept of taking derivatives and the importance of factoring out constants. It was concluded that the derivative of a constant is always 0 and the constant should be factored out when taking the derivative.
  • #1
In equation (5.35) the constant drops out when the derivative with respect to r is taken. However, in equation (5.36) the constant does not drop out. Does anybody know why?

Equation (5.35)
F_L=-\frac {d}{dr}\left(\frac {n^2h^2}{2\mu r^2}\right)=\frac{n^2h^2}{\mu r^3}

Equation (5.36)
F_C=-\frac{d}{dr}\left(-\frac {e^2 }{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}\right)=-\frac{e^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}

The equation can be found in context at the following link, which should take you to page 173, equation (5.35) & (5.36) is found on page 172.


Stochastic Simulations of Clusters: Quantum Methods in Flat and Curved Spaces By Emanuele Curotto
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  • #2
Do you see why

[tex] \frac {d}{dr} ( \frac {1} {r^2} ) = - \frac {2} {r^3} [/tex]


[tex] \frac {d}{dr} ( \frac {1} {r} ) = - \frac {1} {r^2} [/tex]
  • #3
Wow, it has been a long time since I have performed a derivative.

Yep, I think I understand.
Does any constant goes to 1. Then what ever power r is raised to becomes a constant and then the r is raised to the next higher (lower) power.

Is this example correct?
\frac {d}{dr} ( \frac {1} {5r^\left(-4\right)} ) = - \frac {1} {\left(1\right)4r^\left(-5\right)}

Athough in your example the r^2 in the denoninator put a 2 constant in the numberator. This I don't understand.
\frac {d}{dr} ( \frac {1} {r^2} ) = - \frac {2} {r^3}

Although in the book this equation
F_C=-\frac{d}{dr}\left(-\frac {e^2 }{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}\right)=-\frac{e^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}

should be:

F_C=-\frac{d}{dr}\left(-\frac {e^2 }{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}\right)=-\frac{e^2}{\left(1\right)\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}
  • #4
i'm going to use quick reply instead of taking the time to tex it.

this may help: look at the 1/r as being r^-1 instead. when you take the derivative of something simple like that, you take the exponent (-1) and multiply that to the front then subtract one on the exponent so (-1) becomes (-2).

so d/dr of r^(-1) is -(1)r^(-2) aka -1/r^2

now for the stuff above:

just take all that negative e squared over 4 pi epsilon-0 out since they aren't being acted upon with calculus ... and you have all that times the derivative of 1/r ... and we know from above that the derivative of 1/r is -1/r^2 ... so when you take the negative of that (where Fc wrote -d/dr) you'll have positive 1/r^2 still multiplied by all the junk in front ... yielding what the book has.

hope that helps ... go E&M ... and calculus!
  • #5
Thanks bpatrick, your tip to factor out the unaffected variables will be quite useful.
I checked some other references also and everything is starting to come back and clear up; however, I have one persistent question about equation (5.36)
Equation (5.36)

F_C=-\frac{d}{dr}\left(-\frac {e^2 }{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}\right)=-\frac{e^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}

I understand when evaluating the derivative all constants go to 1 thus the 4 in the denominator went to 1. So, what I don’t understand is where the new 4 came from in the denominator as shown in the book. Anyway, here is what I get.

F_c = (-1) (-\frac{(e^2)}{(\pi \epsilon_0)})
\frac{d}{dr} (\frac{1}{4r})
= (-1) (-\frac {e^2 }{\pi \epsilon_0 }) (\frac{ 1}{ (1) (r^2)})
= (\frac {e^2 }{\pi \epsilon_0 }) (\frac{1}{r^2})

So where did the 4 come from AND why did the sign change?
  • #6
bluestar said:
Thanks bpatrick, your tip to factor out the unaffected variables will be quite useful.
I checked some other references also and everything is starting to come back and clear up; however, I have one persistent question about equation (5.36)
Equation (5.36)

F_C=-\frac{d}{dr}\left(-\frac {e^2 }{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}\right)=-\frac{e^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}

I understand when evaluating the derivative all constants go to 1 thus the 4 in the denominator went to 1. So, what I don’t understand is where the new 4 came from in the denominator as shown in the book. Anyway, here is what I get.

F_c = (-1) (-\frac{(e^2)}{(4\pi \epsilon_0)})
\frac{d}{dr} (\frac{1}{r})
= ??

So where did the 4 come from AND why did the sign change?

You can factor out all constants too (done in original tex). In your case, 1/4.

Fc = (-1)[-e2/(4πε0)] d/dr (1/r)

The sign should have changed because you can factor a negative one from (-1)[-e2/(4πε0)] = (-1)(-1)[e2/(4πε0)] = [e2/(4πε0)]
  • #7
Did not know about factoring out the constants; however, it presents a problem.

It doesn’t seem right that the derivative can have 2 solutions.
F_C=-\left(-\frac {e^2 }{4\pi \epsilon_0 }\right) \frac{d}{dr} \frac{-1}{r}
=-\frac{e^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}

Or this:
F_C=- \left(-\frac{e^2}{\pi \epsilon_0 } \right) \frac{d}{dr} \frac{-1}{4r} =-\frac{e^2}{\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}
  • #8
What?! [tex]\frac{d}{dr}[-r^{-1}]=r^{-2}[/tex]
And [tex]\frac{d}{dr}[-\frac{1}{4}r^{-1}]=\frac{1}{4}r^{-2}[/tex]
You leave the coefficients alone when you differentiate or integrate.

FAQ: Why are these 2 derivatives not treated the same?

1. Why do derivatives have different treatment?

Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset, such as stocks, commodities, or currencies. They are used for hedging, speculation, and arbitrage purposes. Different derivatives have different structures, risks, and uses, which results in different treatment.

2. What factors influence the treatment of derivatives?

The treatment of derivatives is influenced by various factors, including the type of derivative, underlying asset, maturity date, counterparty risk, and market regulations. For example, exchange-traded derivatives are subject to more regulations and transparency requirements compared to over-the-counter derivatives.

3. How are derivatives treated differently in the financial market?

Derivatives are treated differently based on their classification as either standard or non-standard contracts. Standard derivatives are traded on organized exchanges and have standardized features, such as contract size and expiration date, while non-standard derivatives are customized contracts between two parties. Additionally, derivatives may be treated differently for tax and accounting purposes.

4. What are the potential risks associated with different treatment of derivatives?

The different treatment of derivatives can lead to various risks, such as liquidity risk, credit risk, and market risk. For instance, over-the-counter derivatives may pose higher counterparty risk compared to exchange-traded derivatives, as they are not subject to centralized clearing and settlement procedures.

5. How do financial institutions manage the treatment of derivatives?

Financial institutions use risk management strategies to mitigate the potential risks associated with different treatment of derivatives. These strategies may include diversifying their derivatives portfolio, setting limits on exposure to certain types of derivatives, and conducting thorough due diligence on their counterparties.
