Why Are Waves So Long? Exploring the Mysteries of Frequency and Wavelength

  • Thread starter Newtons Apple
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In summary: , it only changed the distance it traveled in one second. frequency is still the same, only the distance it covers in one second changed.
  • #1
Newtons Apple
Hi everyone... So, I may be putting too much thought into this. But I'm studying for my Ham Radio license, and I was pondering the size of our allotted range of frequencies. The lowest frequency is in the 160 meter range (clocking in at 1.8 Mhz) So, of course I was thinking what other things use those lower ranges and what they equate to in meters. I noticed that 1 Hertz. (One cycle per second) is equal to 299792458 meters! How is this possible? And Why? If a hertz is a cycle per second, does that really mean it's traveling 299792458 meters per second?

Also for something like low, can you possibly even modulate it to send data? To me, it feels like that wavelength is so long, that it'd be hard to actually "apply" data.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Newtons Apple said:
If a hertz is a cycle per second, does that really mean it's traveling 299792458 meters per second?

Yes, light travels at 299792458 meters per second.
  • #3
Newtons Apple said:
Also for something like low, can you possibly even modulate it to send data? To me, it feels like that wavelength is so long, that it'd be hard to actually "apply" data.
Extremely Low Frequency RF communications is used with submarines because the low frequency RF can penetrate seawater much better than shorter wavelengths:


Wikipedia said:
ELF frequencies have been used in only a very few human-made communication systems. ELF waves can penetrate seawater, which makes them useful incommunication with submarines.
  • #4
Newtons Apple said:
If a hertz is a cycle per second, does that really mean it's traveling 299792458 meters per second?
Realize that all electromagnetic waves travel at that speed (through vacuum), regardless of frequency.
  • #5
Thanks for the responses everyone...So I suppose without getting *Too* technical... why is it that lower frequencies can go through certain materials, but high frequency waves can't? What is it about the properties that make one wave good for one type of propagation? Just like how higher frequency waves are good at getting through the Ionosphere, but longer waves are pushed back down?
  • #6
Newtons Apple said:
without getting *Too* technical...why is it that lower frequencies can go through certain materials, but high frequency waves can't?
The 'Simple' answer is that the losses occur per cycle of the wave. Shorter wavelengths have more cycles per given distance, hence are absorbed more by, say, seawater. (Ref Post #3 by berkeman)
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  • #7
I see! Thanks everyone, I never sort of combined the two pieces of knowledge that EM waves travel at the speed of light. And one hertz is the wave "Traveling" So it can travel (complete 1 cycle) once per 299792458 meters. Hence 2 cycles, means that it travels twice as fast...dividing that number in two... Okay I get it, thanks guys!
  • #8
The frequency, f, of the wave is independent of the propagation medium.
The unit of frequency is hertz, Hz, which has the units of sec-1.
From frequency you can calculate the wave period, T, in seconds, T = 1 / f.

The wavelength, λ, is then the period * speed of propagation.
Only in free space is λ = 299792458 / f.
  • #9
Newtons Apple said:
Hence 2 cycles, means that it travels twice as fast...dividing that number in two... Okay I get it, thanks guys!

no that is incorrect, the velocity of the wave didn't change

FAQ: Why Are Waves So Long? Exploring the Mysteries of Frequency and Wavelength

1. Why do waves have different lengths?

Waves have different lengths because they are affected by various factors such as wind speed, depth of the water, and the distance over which the wind blows. These factors can cause waves to either increase or decrease in length.

2. How are wave lengths measured?

Wave lengths are measured from the crest (highest point) of one wave to the crest of the next wave. This is known as the wavelength and is typically measured in meters or feet.

3. What determines the size of a wave?

The size of a wave is determined by the strength of the wind, the duration of the wind blowing, and the distance over which the wind blows. The longer the wind blows and the greater the distance, the larger the waves will be.

4. Why do waves appear to be longer in some areas than others?

Waves can appear longer in some areas due to the topography of the ocean floor. When waves encounter a shallow area, such as a sandbank or reef, they can become steeper and appear taller and longer. This is known as shoaling.

5. Can waves ever be too long?

Yes, waves can become too long and eventually break. This typically occurs in very deep water where the wave length is longer than the depth of the water. The wave will eventually break and dissipate due to its own weight, wind, or encountering a shallow area.
