Why are we thrown backwards when a train stops?

  • Thread starter autodidude
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In summary, when a car or bus stops, the front of the car lowers because the center of mass is higher then the ground. This happens because the brakes generate a torque that tries to roll the car forward. The front of the car lowers because the force of friction is acting at the road/tire interface and the center of mass is higher then the road surface.
  • #1
When it stops, you move forward but at the very last moment just before it comes to a complete halt (when it sounds relatively quiet), it moves back. On a bus or a car, I'm guessing that would be caused by the front of the car 'jerking' back up, but a train seems more...rigid? Also, why do the front of cars lower when they decelerate?
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  • #2
hi autodidude! :smile:
autodidude said:
When it stops, you move forward but at the very last moment just before it comes to a complete halt (when it sounds relatively quiet), it moves back. On a bus or a car, I'm guessing that would be caused by the front of the car 'jerking' back up, but a train seems more...rigid?

i think it happens if the driver releases the brake just before the vehicle stops, so the deceleration is less
Also, why do the front of cars lower when they decelerate?

if you hang something from the roof of the car, it will hang at an angle forwards

this shows the direction of the "fictitious gravity" (ie gravity plus the fictitious force -ma) that exists in the decelerating frame of reference of the car

the weight effectively acts in the same direction, starting at the centre of mass and therefore going closer to the front than usual …

so there's more weight over the front wheels, and less over the rear :wink:
  • #3
Another effect to bear in mind is that your body is bracing against the forward fictitious force you are feeling. You don't know when that force will go away, so you continue to brace until after you notice the force is gone. So the backward thrust you feel could come partly from you-- not just from the de-flexing of the vehicle when the cause of strain is removed.
  • #4
When it stops, you move forward but at the very last moment just before it comes to a complete halt (when it sounds relatively quiet), it moves back. On a bus or a car, I'm guessing that would be caused by the front of the car 'jerking' back up, but a train seems more...rigid?

While the train is stopping there is a certain deceleration that you feel. A the instant the train stops, the decelaration goes from that value to 0 (zero) so you feel a sense of a jerk.

Suppose you were sitting facing backwards as the train is stopping. You would be pressed into the back of the seat, which being a little springy will let you sink into it a bit. At the moment the train has stopped you will feel no accelaration ( deceleration) and you will no longer be pushing into the seat. With no acceleration the spriginess of the seat will now push you back out, or in a backwards sense as you say.

Both tt and kg have given applicable answers and I thus think it is a combination of factors at play here.
  • #5
autodidude said:
Also, why do the front of cars lower when they decelerate?
Because their center of mass is above the the pavement, createing a torque due to the pavement exerting a backwards force at the contact patch of the tires and the forwards reaction force due to deceleration of the car at the center of mass.

The brakes themselves also generate a downwards torque onto a car during deceleration.
  • #6

autodidude said:
why do the front of cars lower when they decelerate?

The force of friction which is slowing the car is acting at the road/tire interface and its vector points rearward. The center of mass of the car is higher then road surface. Since the force is not directed through the center of mass there is a torque on the car which tries to roll it forward.

This tendency is usually lessened through the engineering of the brakes and suspension. As you apply the brakes the rotor tries to pull the caliper along. On the front end the force on the caliper is transferred to the suspension in such a way that the front is pushed up, on the rear they reverse it so the rear end gets pulled down. It is actually possible to design a suspension that would nose up when braking, but it would feel unnatural and awkward so nobody does that.
  • #7
Thanks a lot guys, very helpful

FAQ: Why are we thrown backwards when a train stops?

1. Why do we feel a backwards force when a train stops?

When a train is moving, our body is also in motion at the same speed as the train. This is known as inertia. When the train suddenly stops, our body wants to continue moving forward at the same speed due to inertia. As a result, we feel a backwards force.

2. Why do we feel a stronger backwards force when the train stops abruptly?

The strength of the backwards force we feel is directly related to the rate at which the train decelerates. When a train stops abruptly, it decelerates at a higher rate, causing a stronger backwards force on our body.

3. Why do we not feel a backwards force when a train is moving at a constant speed?

When a train is moving at a constant speed, there is no change in speed or direction, so our body experiences no change in motion. Therefore, we do not feel a backwards force.

4. Does the force of the backwards motion depend on where we are seated on the train?

Yes, the force of the backwards motion can vary depending on where we are seated on the train. The further back we are seated, the stronger the force will be, as we are closer to the point of deceleration.

5. Is there a way to reduce the backwards force when the train stops?

There are various ways to reduce the backwards force when a train stops, such as using a longer deceleration time, using shock absorbers, or gradually reducing the speed instead of an abrupt stop. These methods can help decrease the force and make the stopping experience more comfortable for passengers.
