Why aren't children accessing this site?

  • Thread starter yeeyee
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In summary, the site is not popular with children because it is not a site that is oriented towards children. The forums are more popular with them.
  • #1
Why do I not see any children accessing the site ? Is it true that they don't like the forums better than their friends out there, music, games ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

They are afraid of fish
  • #3

yeeyee said:
Why do I not see any children accessing the site ? Is it true that they don't like the forums better than their friends out there, music, games ?
There are young teenagers on this site. For most pre-teens, I'd say that the forum might be too advanced for them.

<hits arildno with whale blubber>
  • #4

Evo said:
For most pre-teens, I'd say that the forum might be too advanced for them.
Well exam scores keep going up each year and we know the exams aren't getting (because they tell us) so I assume all the kids are discussing their grand unified theories on the tellie-tubbies site.
  • #5

yeeyee said:
Why do I not see any children accessing the site ?
.. because it's not really a "children" type site. This is more of a math and physics type place.

I have a young boy who plays on http://www.webkinz.com/us_en/" . Not for hours and hours, but he likes it. What age group are you asking about...? Most older kids (15-17+) are on myspace or facebook.
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  • #6

There's plenty of children on this site. It's just that most of them are in an adult body.
  • #7

I was 15 when I joined 3 years ago...
  • #8

Kids are evil anyway. The site would come to a standstill if it was filled with them.
  • #9

14 here.
  • #10

Most kids take physics junior year of high school at the earliest, and it is often poorly done. There needs to be exposure to a subject before they can take an interest.
  • #11

I agree. I am doing a physics course now and all I have is high school physics which was algebra based whereas this course is calculus and only having bridging Calculus course it is quite difficult to get my head around at first. More exposure and greater explanation would probably do a world of good.
  • #12

Don't be fooled : many people here are kids at heart :-p
  • #13

Kurdt said:
Kids are evil anyway. The site would come to a standstill if it was filled with them.
Thanks, Kurdt!
Finally, I understand why poor, undeveloped countries are generally swarming with children, whereas nice, rich countries have fewer and fewer of them.

It's the kids' fault! Thank goodness we haven't given them the right to vote..

FAQ: Why aren't children accessing this site?

1. How can we ensure the safety of children accessing the site?

To ensure the safety of children accessing the site, there are a few measures that can be taken. First, implement strict privacy and security policies to protect their personal information. Second, use age verification methods to restrict access to age-appropriate content. Third, regularly monitor and moderate the site for inappropriate content. Fourth, provide clear guidelines and resources for parents to educate their children about online safety.

2. Should children be allowed to register on the site?

This ultimately depends on the type of site and its intended audience. If the site is geared towards children, then it may be necessary for them to register in order to participate in activities or access certain features. However, if the site is not specifically for children, it may be best to restrict registration to users 13 years and older in compliance with COPPA regulations.

3. What measures can we take to protect children from cyberbullying on the site?

Cyberbullying is a serious issue that can greatly impact the well-being of children. To protect them from cyberbullying on the site, consider implementing a reporting system for users to flag any instances of bullying. Provide clear guidelines and consequences for bullying behavior, and take swift action to address any reports. Additionally, regularly monitor user interactions and intervene if necessary.

4. Is it necessary to have a parental consent form for children accessing the site?

If the site is collecting any personal information from children under the age of 13, then a parental consent form is required in compliance with COPPA regulations. This includes information such as name, email, and location. It is important to have a clear and easy-to-understand consent form that outlines what information is being collected and how it will be used.

5. How can we make the site more engaging and educational for children?

There are several ways to make the site more engaging and educational for children. First, incorporate interactive elements such as games, quizzes, and videos. Second, provide educational resources and materials that align with the site's purpose or content. Third, regularly update and add new content to keep children interested and coming back. Fourth, consider involving children in the site's design and development process to ensure it is appealing to them.
