Why aren't there coprime integers?

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  • Thread starter evinda
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In summary, the conversation discusses an exercise about finding coprime integers that satisfy a given equation. The solution involves examining the prime factors of the given number and using the fact that if two integers are coprime, then their prime factors cannot overlap. The conversation also discusses a more general method for solving similar problems.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey again! (Smile)

I am looking at the following exercise:

Why aren't there coprime integers $a,b>1$, such that $a^2 b^3=8100$?

That's what I have tried:

$b>1$,so it has a prime divisor $p$.

$p$ can be $2 , 3 \text{ or } 5$.

  • $p=2$:

    $$b=2k, k \in \mathbb{Z}$$

    Then, $a^2 \cdot 2^3 \cdot k^3=2^2 \cdot 3^4 \cdot 5^2$ ,that is not possible,because the prime $2$ appears at the left side more times than at the right side.
  • $p=5$

    $$b=5k, k \in \mathbb{Z}$$

    Then, $a^2 \cdot 5^3 \cdot k^3=2^2 \cdot 3^4 \cdot 5^2$, that is not possible,because the prime $5$ appears at the left side more times than at the right side.
  • $p=3$

    $$ b=3k, k \in \mathbb{Z}$$

    Then, $a^2 \cdot 3^3 \cdot k^3=2^2 \cdot 3^4 \cdot 5^2$, that is also not possible,because, even if , $3$ is a factor of $k$,it would be $3^3 \cdot \text{ something }$,and so, it can't be that we have the same number of $3$ at both sides.

Can I say it like that or have I done something wrong? Also,don't I have to say which values can $k$ take? Because it can't take different values from powers of $2,3,5$.. (Thinking) :confused:
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  • #2
I would approach it this way:

If $p|b^3$ then $p|b$, so that $p^3|b^3$ and thus $p^3|8100$.

Thus the only prime which can divide $b$ is $3$, as $8\not\mid 8100$ and $125\not\mid 8100$.

Since $b^3$ is a perfect cube, and $3^4 = 81$ is not, the only possible value for $b^3$ is $27$, or $b = 3$.

But then, we have that $3|a^2 = \dfrac{8100}{27} = 300$, that is: $3|a$, so that $a$ and $b$ are not co-prime.

Also, observe $300$ is NOT a perfect square.
  • #3
Hey! :)

evinda said:
Can I say it like that or have I done something wrong? Also,don't I have to say which values can $k$ take? Because it can't take different values from powers of $2,3,5$.. (Thinking) :confused:

Yep. You can say it like that. It is perfect! ;)
Furthermore, for the line of reasoning it is irrelevant which values $k$ might take. So that is fine too.
  • #4
Deveno said:
Since $b^3$ is a perfect cube, and $3^4 = 81$ is not, the only possible value for $b^3$ is $27$, or $b = 3$.

But then, we have that $3|a^2 = \dfrac{8100}{27} = 300$, that is: $3|a$, so that $a$ and $b$ are not co-prime.

Also, observe $300$ is NOT a perfect square.

Could you explain it further to me? Why is the only possible value for $b, 3$ ? :confused:

- - - Updated - - -

I like Serena said:
Hey! :)
Yep. You can say it like that. It is perfect! ;)
Furthermore, for the line of reasoning it is irrelevant which values $k$ might take. So that is fine too.

Great!Thanks a lot! (Clapping)
  • #5
evinda said:
Could you explain it further to me? Why is the only possible value for $b, 3$ ? :confused:

You already understand that the only prime divisors of $b$ are $2,3,5$.

If $b = 2k$, as you say, then $b^3 = 8k^3$. This means $8|b^3$ and $b^3|8100$, so $8|8100$, which is false.

The same kind of reasoning applies if $5|b$ (this is the same as what you wrote "without the $k$").

So out of $2,3,5$, the only prime which stands a chance of dividing $b$ is 3. This means $b$ is a power of 3.

The only powers of 3 that divide 8100 are: 1, 3, 27 and 81. Since $b > 1$, that leaves 3, 27 and 81.

Now if $b$ is a power of 3, so is $b^3$: if $b = 3^k$, then $b^3 = (3^k)^3 = 3^{3k}$.

But the highest power of 3 that divides 8100 is $3^4 = 81$.

This means that $3k \leq 4$, so $k = 0,1$. We have already ruled out $k = 0$ (since $b > 1$), so it HAS to be that $k = 1$.

And if $k = 1$, so that $b = 3$, then $b^3 = 27$, so:

$a^2 = \dfrac{8100}{27} = 300$, which is divisible by 3.


I'd like to explain a bit about WHY I approach it this way: your method "counts" powers of each prime for possible prime factors of $b$. There is nothing wrong with this, because the possible powers of prime factors of:

$8100 = 2^2\cdot3^4\cdot5^2$

are all SMALL, if nothing else, we could try every single possibility.

This approach would be much more involved if we tried to use it for:

$n = 2^{352}\cdot5^{682}\cdot7^{22}$.

What I am trying to get across is if $\text{gcd}(a,b) = 1$, then if $p$ divides $b$, it doesn't divide $a$. So if we were trying to express:

$n = a^2b^3$, for example, then if 5 (for example) was a factor of $b$, then $b$ contains ALL the powers of 5 that occur in $n$.

This can only happen if 682 is divisible by 3, which is not the case. We can use the same reasoning to deduce that 2 is not a factor of $b$. This means that $b = 7^k$, and thus $b^3 = 7^{3k}$, and since ALL the powers of 7 in the factorization of $n$ occur in $b$, it HAS to be that $3k = 22$, which is impossible.


I do NOT want to give the impression your approach is "wrong", because it is fine. I merely hope that you can see that a method which generalizes better is more useful than one tied to a "specific case".

FAQ: Why aren't there coprime integers?

1. Why is it important to have coprime integers?

Coprime integers are important in various mathematical applications, such as cryptography and number theory. They also have practical uses in everyday life, such as simplifying fractions and determining the least common multiple of two numbers.

2. What does it mean for two integers to be coprime?

Two integers are coprime if they share no common factors other than 1. This means that their greatest common divisor (GCD) is 1. For example, 6 and 25 are coprime because their only common factor is 1, while 6 and 15 are not coprime because they share a common factor of 3.

3. Why aren't all integers coprime?

Not all integers are coprime because they can have common factors other than 1. This is because integers are composite numbers, meaning they can be divided by more than just 1 and themselves. For example, 12 and 18 are not coprime because they share a common factor of 6.

4. Can three or more integers be coprime?

Yes, three or more integers can be coprime as long as their greatest common divisor is 1. For example, 6, 25, and 49 are coprime because their only common factor is 1.

5. Is there a pattern or formula for determining coprime integers?

There is no specific pattern or formula for determining coprime integers. However, there are a few rules that can help determine if two integers are coprime, such as checking for any common factors and using the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD. In some cases, the coprime integers may also be found through trial and error.

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