Why Can Heat Pumps Have an Efficiency Greater Than 1?

In summary, the term "efficiency" in the context of heat pumps can be misleading because it is not referring to the traditional thermodynamic efficiency of a heat engine. Instead, it is a measure of how much heat energy is being transferred in relation to the energy input required to do so. This can result in an efficiency greater than 1, but it does not violate the laws of thermodynamics. It simply means that the heat pump is able to transfer more heat energy than the energy it requires to operate.
  • #1
In my thermodynamics class we're talking about heat pumps (i.e. refrigerators and such). When talking about a typical heat engine (carnot or not) it makes sense to me to talk about the efficiency of the engine [itex]η=1-\frac{Q_{l}}{Q_{h}}[/itex], because it clearly represents how much bang you get for you buck (to be colloquial). But when you discuss heat pumps, it's possible to have an efficiency greater than 1, and I have a difficult time understanding this. It's clear from the definition in the case of a refrigerator for example, because you have [itex]η=\frac{Q_{l}}{W_{in}}[/itex]. In Blundell & Blundell's Concepts in Thermal Physics p.133, they reason this is because efficiency is essentially "what you want to achieve" divided by "what you have to do." Can someone clarify this idea of efficiency in the context of heat pumps or explain why it makes sense to talk about an efficiency [itex]\geq 1[/itex]?
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  • #3
Imagine you are pumping water from a low reservoir to a high reservoir. The potential energy added to the water is mgh and the energy required of the pump is measured in joules. Divide one by the other and you get efficiency. Eout/Ein = efficiency.

But what if you didn't care about the mechanical energy in moving the water. What if what you cared about was how many fish you transported during this process. Then you do Fout/Ein = Fish Transportation Coefficient of Performance (FTCOP). Would you agree that depending on the units, this number could be tiny or huge, but it doesn't have anything to do with thermodynamic efficiency and a number greater than 1 doesn't imply a violation of conservation of energy?

With some devices it just so happens that you don't care about the mechanical efficiency of the pump. A heat pump is one of them. So is a cooling tower for that matter. What you care about in a heat pump or cooling tower is the amount of heat energy transferred into or out of the working fluid. That's why it isn't a "water pump" any more, it is a "heat pump". And my example above would be a "fish pump".

Now a fish pump isn't a thermodynamic cycle in the sense that a carnot heat engine is. But a heat pump or chiller is and that's why it is confusing to talk about units of energy in and out and get an answer greater than 1. But consider the following typical performance of different parts of a chiller plant tied to an chilled water air conditioner:

Condenser water pump (through cooling tower): 0.1 kW/Ton
Cooling tower fan (optional): 0.1 kW/Ton
Chilled water pump (through system): 0.2 kW/Ton
Chiller: 0.7 kW/Ton
Air handler fan: 0.2 kW/Ton

Taken together, this system has a coefficient of performance of 1.3 kW/Ton. In the real world, we use kW/Ton because it is more useful than a non-dimensional COP. But that's a COP of 2.7 for the entire system. Only one component of that system is a "heat pump" in the sense your book is teaching you -- a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. But every component involves moving heat around using a pump, compressor or fan, at a COP of much better than 1.0.
  • #4
Not sure whether I'm making the same point as Russ...

I depends whether you choose to consider heat as merely another form of energy or as something a bit different.
When we say that a power station is only 40% efficient, it may nevertheless be close to its theoretical limit of, say, 50% efficiency, as prescribed by the laws of thermodynamics. So is it really 40% efficient or 80% efficient?

With the first interpretation, it is entirely consistent to consider a heat pump as having greater then 100% efficiency. Indeed, if you use the electricity from the power station to drive a heat pump to generate the same temperature difference that the power station employed, the system as a whole would have a theoretical efficiency of 100%.
  • #5
unchained1978 said:
In my thermodynamics class we're talking about heat pumps (i.e. refrigerators and such). When talking about a typical heat engine (carnot or not) it makes sense to me to talk about the efficiency of the engine [itex]η=1-\frac{Q_{l}}{Q_{h}}[/itex], because it clearly represents how much bang you get for you buck (to be colloquial). But when you discuss heat pumps, it's possible to have an efficiency greater than 1, and I have a difficult time understanding this. It's clear from the definition in the case of a refrigerator for example, because you have [itex]η=\frac{Q_{l}}{W_{in}}[/itex]. In Blundell & Blundell's Concepts in Thermal Physics p.133, they reason this is because efficiency is essentially "what you want to achieve" divided by "what you have to do." Can someone clarify this idea of efficiency in the context of heat pumps or explain why it makes sense to talk about an efficiency [itex]\geq 1[/itex]?

'Efficiency' refers to (Work Out)/ (Work or Energy In). A heat pump doesn't actually produce 'work out' so 'efficiency' is not really the right term to use. So there's nothing to worry about and no violation. If you tried to use the heat that your heat pump pushed out in some sort of maximally efficient heat engine, then you would be limited by thermodynamic efficiency in the actual work you could achieve with it. You would be back to the conventional 'efficiency' idea kicking in.

Related to Why Can Heat Pumps Have an Efficiency Greater Than 1?

What is a heat pump and how does it work?

A heat pump is a mechanical device that transfers heat from one location to another. It works by using a refrigerant to absorb heat from a low-temperature source, such as outdoor air or the ground, and then transferring that heat to a higher-temperature source, such as the inside of a building. This process is reversed during the summer to provide cooling.

What is the efficiency of a heat pump?

The efficiency of a heat pump is measured by its coefficient of performance (COP). This is the ratio of the heat output to the energy input. The higher the COP, the more efficient the heat pump is at transferring heat.

What factors affect the efficiency of a heat pump?

The efficiency of a heat pump is affected by several factors, including the outdoor temperature, the size and design of the heat pump, and the condition and insulation of the building it is heating or cooling. In general, heat pumps are most efficient in mild climates and in well-insulated buildings.

What are the benefits of using a heat pump for heating and cooling?

One of the main benefits of using a heat pump is its energy efficiency. Heat pumps can be up to 50% more efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems, resulting in lower energy bills. They also provide both heating and cooling, making them a versatile and cost-effective option for year-round comfort.

How can I improve the efficiency of my heat pump?

To improve the efficiency of your heat pump, make sure it is properly sized for your home and regularly maintained. You can also improve insulation and seal air leaks in your home to reduce the workload on your heat pump. Additionally, consider using a programmable thermostat to optimize your heat pump's performance.

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