Why can we choose wavefunctions to be real?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of real wavefunctions in physics, specifically in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation found in the Wikipedia article. The speaker questions the validity of this assumption, but it is explained that it is often used for approximate results and can also be applied in cases of degeneracy. An example using hydrogen is given to further clarify.
  • #1
There are many cases, for simplicity, we choose the wavefunctions to be real. For example, in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Born–Oppenheimer_approximation, there is "The electronic wave functions \chi_k\, will be taken to be real, which is possible when there are no magnetic or spin interactions. "

I do not know why this can always be done. In fact, I think even the electron eigenstates of hydrogen cannot taken to be real. I know if the Hamiltonian has time-reversal symmetry, and the energy eigenstate is nondegenerate, then the wavefunction can taken to be real. But in most cases there is degeneracy. Therefore this assumption seems to be starnge and not reasonable?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, in the example you show, it is used for an approximation. So it only needs to give approximate results, and the method is valid as long as the approximation holds. Welcome to real physics.

You can attempt the calculation without the approximation if you like...
  • #3
AndrewShen said:
I do not know why this can always be done. In fact, I think even the electron eigenstates of hydrogen cannot taken to be real. I know if the Hamiltonian has time-reversal symmetry, and the energy eigenstate is nondegenerate, then the wavefunction can taken to be real. But in most cases there is degeneracy. Therefore this assumption seems to be starnge and not reasonable?

I think you misunderstood here something. When the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are degenerate, you can also chose real eigenfunctions. E.g. in the case of hydrogen, you may combine the degenerate (and complex) wavefunctions which are eigenstates of m into real eigenstates ##\psi_{lm}+\psi_{l-m}## and ##i(\psi_{lm}-\psi_{l-m})##. For l=1, this are the orbitals ##p_x## and ##p_y##, respectively.

FAQ: Why can we choose wavefunctions to be real?

1. Why do we choose wavefunctions to be real in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, wavefunctions describe the probability amplitude of a particle in a given state. By choosing them to be real, we can interpret them as representing the physical properties of the system, such as position and momentum. This simplifies the mathematical description of the system and allows for easier interpretation of the results.

2. Can wavefunctions be complex numbers?

Yes, wavefunctions can be complex numbers. In fact, most wavefunctions in quantum mechanics are complex numbers. However, in certain cases, such as when dealing with simple systems like a particle in a box, we can choose to work with real wavefunctions for convenience.

3. What is the physical significance of choosing real wavefunctions?

Choosing real wavefunctions has physical significance because it allows us to interpret them as representing the actual physical properties of the system. For example, the square of the wavefunction gives us the probability density of finding the particle at a particular position, and the real part of the wavefunction gives us information about the particle's momentum.

4. Are there any advantages to choosing real wavefunctions in quantum mechanics?

Yes, there are advantages to choosing real wavefunctions in quantum mechanics. One advantage is that the equations become simpler and easier to solve. Additionally, choosing real wavefunctions allows for a more intuitive understanding of the physical properties of the system.

5. Can we always choose wavefunctions to be real in quantum mechanics?

No, we cannot always choose wavefunctions to be real in quantum mechanics. In some cases, such as when dealing with spin or polarization, complex wavefunctions are necessary to accurately describe the system. However, in many cases, we can choose to work with real wavefunctions for simplicity and convenience.

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