Why Can't I Integrate g(x) Over [1, Infinity) When It Also Approaches Zero?

In summary, the function f(x) approaches 0 as x approaches infinity while the function g(x) does not. The area under the graph for g(x) does not converge as x approaches infinity.
  • #1
Saracen Rue
Say we have two functions; ##f\left(x\right)=\frac{1}{e^x-1}## and ##g\left(x\right)=\ln \left(\frac{1}{x}+1\right)##. Let us find the limit of both functions as x approaches infinity;
##\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} {f(x)} = \frac{1}{e^\infty-1} = \frac{1}{\infty} = 0## Therefore as ##x \rightarrow \infty##, ##f(x) \rightarrow 0##.
##\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} {g(x)} = \ln \left(\frac{1}{\infty}+1\right) = \ln \left(0+1\right) = 0## Therefore as ##x \rightarrow \infty##, ##g(x) \rightarrow 0##.

Now, when we integrate ##f(x)## over the domain ##[1, \infty)##, it works perfectly fine and has a result of
0.45868. This makes sense because the area enclosed under the graph is constantly getting smaller due to ##f(x) \rightarrow 0##.

However, when I try to integrate ##g(x)## over the same domain my calculator won't give me an answer. ##g(x)## approaches 0 just as ##f(x)## does, meaning that the enclosed area should increasingly get smaller also until it reaches the point where the area incriminates being added become negligible. So why can't I get a numerical answer while integrating ##g(x)##?
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  • #2
It is not sufficient that the function goes to zero. It must go to zero sufficiently fast.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
It is not sufficient that the function goes to zero. It must go to zero sufficiently fast.
Could you please elaborate on what you mean? How could the function not being 'sufficiently fast' change the fact that it approaches zero as x approaches infinity? Integrating gives the area under the graph, and we know that as x approaches infinity the function approaches 0. This means there has to be a point in which the 'height' of the function above the x-axis becomes negligible (that is equal to zero) and therefore the area under the the graph must stop having incriminates added onto it.
  • #4
Saracen Rue said:
Could you please elaborate on what you mean? How could the function not being 'sufficiently fast' change the fact that it approaches zero as x approaches infinity? Integrating gives the area under the graph, and we know that as x approaches infinity the function approaches 0. This means there has to be a point in which the 'height' of the function above the x-axis becomes negligible (that is equal to zero) and therefore the area under the the graph must stop having incriminates added onto it.

A function tending to 0 is not the same as a function becoming 0. Your functions never actually reach 0, hence there are always"increments".

Look up the series ##\Sigma 1/n## for a clue as to what is going on here.
  • #5
Saracen Rue said:
This means there has to be a point in which the 'height' of the function above the x-axis becomes negligible (that is equal to zero) and therefore the area under the the graph must stop having incriminates added onto it.
No it doesn't. This argument is not rigorous. Even if the function value decreases towards zero, it does not mean that the area will. Consider the piecewise constant function that takes the value ##1/2^n## between ##x = 2^n## and ##x = 2^{n+1}##. Clearly, this function converges to zero as ##x \to \infty##. However, integrating the function from ##2^n## to ##2^{n+1}## gives ##2^n/2^n = 1##. Therefore, the integral from 1 to ##2^n## is equal to ##n## and therefore the integral diverges when taking the upper limit to infinity. When you compute an area, it is not only a matter of "height", you also need to consider the width of the region and your region is infinite.
  • #6
I'm sorry for being so dense everyone, I haven't even heard of things like piecewise constants. I guess I'm just beyond my current level of understanding here.

There is one thing I stumbled across though - the derivative function of ##g\left(x\right)=\ln \left(\frac{1}{x}+1\right)## is ##g'(x)=\frac{-1}{x(x+1)}##. The squared factor on the denominator implies that; as x approaches infinity, the gradient function approaches 0 at a faster rate than function ##g(x)## approaches 0. Could you then extrapolate from this and state that ##g(x)## approaches a non-zero constant value before approaching 0, and thus the area under the graph will be infinite?
  • #7
Saracen Rue said:
Could you then extrapolate from this and state that ##g(x)## approaches a non-zero constant value before approaching 0, and thus the area under the graph will be infinite?

Think of it this way, if the integrant approached a constant non-zero value ##c_0## and the integral upper boundary was set to ##x = N##, then the integral would grow as ##\sim c_0 N## as ##N \to \infty##. However, if the integrand goes to zero, the integral will increase slower. However, there are many possible functions that grow slower than ##N## as ##N \to \infty## but that still tend to infinity, ##\log(N)## being one such example.

FAQ: Why Can't I Integrate g(x) Over [1, Infinity) When It Also Approaches Zero?

1. What is the "Integrating to infinity issue"?

The "Integrating to infinity issue" is a problem that arises when trying to solve certain mathematical integrals that have an infinite limit of integration.

2. How does the "Integrating to infinity issue" affect scientific calculations?

The "Integrating to infinity issue" can affect scientific calculations by producing undefined or infinite results, which can lead to errors in data analysis and conclusions.

3. Can the "Integrating to infinity issue" be avoided?

The "Integrating to infinity issue" can be avoided by setting appropriate limits of integration and using techniques such as integration by parts or substitution to manipulate the integral into a finite form.

4. Are there any real-life applications of the "Integrating to infinity issue"?

Yes, the "Integrating to infinity issue" is commonly encountered in physics, particularly in the calculation of work and potential energy in systems with infinite limits, such as an object moving along an infinitely long path.

5. How can one solve the "Integrating to infinity issue"?

The "Integrating to infinity issue" can be solved by using advanced mathematical techniques, such as contour integration or the Cauchy principal value, which allow for the integration of functions with infinite limits. Alternatively, numerical methods can also be used to approximate the integral.

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