Why can't sequences with non-numerable elements converge?

In summary: In the terms of the net, we say that a net has limit L if and only if for every neighborhood of L, the net is eventually in that neighborhood. So we don't need limits in terms of sequences, we can also use nets to define them.
  • #1
I have read somewhere that we can extend the notion of a series of a sequence
[tex] \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} a_n [/tex]
to sums over an arbitrary index set, say
[tex] a : I \to \mathbb{R} [/tex]
is a family of real number indexed by I, then
[tex] \sum_{i \in I} a_i [/tex]
is the sum of all the elements.

I think the text said that [tex]a_i \geq 0 [/tex] in order to has sense, and that if [tex]a_i \neq 0[/tex] for a non-numerable size of elements, then the series can't converge.

1) My question is with that last sentence, why can't converge such a sequence?, for example if the family is
[tex]a : \mathbb{R_{>0}} \to \mathbb{R}, a(i) = \frac{1}{i}[/tex]
how does one sum over all it's elements?

2) Other question, the fact that all the [tex]a_i \geq 0[/tex] is required because we can't asume an order on the elements of the index set, and if I have negative elements the convergence can vary according to the order in which I made the sum?

Thanks in advance for any help in understanding this.
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  • #2
The thing is that we define the convergence slightly different.

If a series [itex]\sum_{n=1}^{+\infty}{a_n}[/itex] has positive terms, then we can say that the series converges if and only if

[tex]\left\{\left.\sum_{k\in K}{a_k}~\right|~K\subseteq \mathbb{N}~\text{finite}\right\}[/tex]

is bounded. (this does not hold for negative terms).

So we mimic this definition. If [itex]I\rightarrow \mathbb{R}:i\rightarrow u_i[/itex] is all positive, then we say that it is "summable" if

[tex]\left\{\left.\sum_{k\in K}{a_k}~\right|~K\subseteq I\right~\text{finite}\}[/tex]

is bounded.

It can now be proven that if [itex]I\rightarrow \mathbb{R}:i\rightarrow u_i[/itex] is "summable", then at most countably many terms are nonzero. Indeed, let's put

[tex]D_n=\{i\in I~\vert~a_i\geq 1/n\}[/tex]

The [itex]D_n[/itex] is finite. Otherwise, we could find a subset of k elements with k>nM with M an upper bound of

[tex]\left\{\left.\sum_{k\in K}{a_k}~\right|~K\subseteq I\right~\text{finite}\}[/tex]

But then

[tex]\sum_{i\in D_n}{a_i}>M[/tex]

which is a contradiction. This implies that the [itex]D_n[/itex] are finite. And thus

[tex]\{i\in I~\vert~a_i\neq 0\}=\bigcup_n{D_n}[/tex]

is countable.

So summable families coincide with convergent series.
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  • #3
Hi micromass,
Thanks, it's pretty clear!
Some questions thought:
1) In all instances when you write
[tex]K \subseteq I[/tex]
do we have to assume that K is finite? (for the sum to have any sense)
2) In the last step when you say
[tex]\displaystyle \cup_n D_n[/tex]
is countable, you are using that a countable union of finite sets is countable?
3) In all cases we are assumming the standard topology in
? (the order topology when we say the sum is bounded)? Or isn't a sense of limit needed somehow to say it's summable isn't equivalent to say that it converges?
  • #4
Damidami said:
Hi micromass,
Thanks, it's pretty clear!
Some questions thought:
1) In all instances when you write
[tex]K \subseteq I[/tex]
do we have to assume that K is finite? (for the sum to have any sense)

Yes, I'm sorry. All of it needs to be finite. I forgot that.

2) In the last step when you say
[tex]\displaystyle \cup_n D_n[/tex]
is countable, you are using that a countable union of finite sets is countable?


3) In all cases we are assumming the standard topology in
? (the order topology when we say the sum is bounded)? Or isn't a sense of limit needed somehow to say it's summable isn't equivalent to say that it converges?

Yes, we assume the standard topology on [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex].

If you're acquainted with nets, then you'll see that I just described a net here.

FAQ: Why can't sequences with non-numerable elements converge?

1. What is a "sum over arbitrary index set"?

A sum over arbitrary index set is a mathematical notation used to represent the summation of a set of terms indexed by any arbitrary set of values. In simpler terms, it is a way to add up a collection of numbers or variables without being limited to a specific range or sequence of indices.

2. How is a "sum over arbitrary index set" different from a regular summation?

A regular summation is limited to a specific range or sequence of indices, while a sum over arbitrary index set allows for a more flexible and general representation of a sum. This means that the values being summed can come from any set of indices, not just a consecutive range of numbers.

3. What is the purpose of using a "sum over arbitrary index set"?

The purpose of using a sum over arbitrary index set is to provide a more concise and efficient notation for representing the summation of a set of terms. It also allows for more flexibility in the range of indices, making it useful in various mathematical and scientific applications.

4. Can any type of mathematical operation be performed with a "sum over arbitrary index set"?

Yes, a sum over arbitrary index set can be used to represent any type of mathematical operation, not just addition. It can also be used for subtraction, multiplication, division, or any other operation that involves adding up a collection of terms.

5. What are some common examples of using a "sum over arbitrary index set" in scientific research?

A sum over arbitrary index set is commonly used in fields such as physics, statistics, and computer science to represent complex summations involving a large number of terms. It is also used in mathematical proofs and in the study of infinite series and integrals.

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