Why Choose Phenolphthalein Over Bromothymol Blue for Equivalence Point at pH 7?

In summary, Zwtipp05 says that bromothymol blue changes color when the pH equals about 7, while phenolphthalein won't even start to change colors. Christinono says that the base should go in the burette, and Siddharth says that either way (acid or base in burette), only one of the indicators is the best to use.
  • #1
Why is it better to use phenolphthalein than bromothymol blue to determine the equivalence point which is equal to 7?

bromothymol blue: 6.0 - 7.6 yellow @ blue
phenolphthalein: 8.3 - 10.0 colorless @ pink

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
My guess would be that since 7 falls inside the range for the blue you would have to stop the titration while the color is still mixed. With phenolphthalein you stop when it completely changes color which makes it easier to obtain consistent results rather then trying to interpret the mix of colors.
  • #3
zwtipp05 said:
My guess would be that since 7 falls inside the range for the blue you would have to stop the titration while the color is still mixed. With phenolphthalein you stop when it completely changes color which makes it easier to obtain consistent results rather then trying to interpret the mix of colors.
Actually, that is not quite right. The best indicator to use for a titration is one which the equivalence point (pH) falls into the range - preferably the middle - of the indicator. In this case, the bromothymol blue would be ideal, because it would change colour when the pH equals about 7. The phenolphthalein won't even start to change colours.
  • #4
Assuming this is a strong acid vs strong base titration, what solution is in the burette?

From what Zwtipp05 posted, I think he means that the acid is in the burette and the base is in the conical flask along with the indicator.

And according to christinono, the base is in the burette and the acid is in the conical flask along with the indicator.
  • #5
As siddharth said, let's assume it is a strong acid/base titration.

Either way (acid or base in burette), only one of the indicators is the best to use but can Chocolaty tell me which and his reasons why?

However, even though two ways have been suggesed, only one is correct. The acid should go in the burette.

The Bob (2004 ©)

FAQ: Why Choose Phenolphthalein Over Bromothymol Blue for Equivalence Point at pH 7?

What is Acid & Base Titration?

Acid & base titration is a laboratory technique used to determine the concentration of an acid or base solution by measuring the volume of a known concentration of the opposite solution that is needed to neutralize it.

Why is Acid & Base Titration important?

Acid & base titration is important because it allows scientists to accurately determine the concentration of an unknown acid or base solution, which is crucial for many scientific experiments and processes.

What are the different types of Acid & Base Titration?

There are two main types of acid & base titration: strong acid-strong base titration and weak acid-strong base titration. In strong acid-strong base titration, both solutions are strong and completely dissociate in water. In weak acid-strong base titration, the acid solution is weak and does not completely dissociate in water.

How is the endpoint of Acid & Base Titration determined?

The endpoint of acid & base titration is determined by using an indicator, a substance that changes color when the solution reaches a certain pH. Common indicators used in acid & base titration include phenolphthalein, methyl orange, and bromothymol blue.

What are some sources of error in Acid & Base Titration?

Some sources of error in acid & base titration include inaccurate measurement of solutions, impurities in the solutions, and human error in determining the color change of the indicator. To minimize these errors, it is important to use precise measuring equipment and to perform multiple trials to ensure accurate results.
