Why correlation function decay as power law at critical temperature point?

In summary, the QTF theory of Schroeder, in chapter 13.1, states that at t=0(t=\frac{T-T_{c}}{T_{c}}), the correlation should decay as a power law. This is defined by the exponent \eta in the formula G(x)=\frac{1}{x^{d-2+\eta}}, where d is the Euclidean space dimension. At the critical point, the correlation function decays as a power law because the correlation length, denoted by \chi, increases as one approaches the critical point. This means that every part of the system becomes aware of every other part, leading to an algebraic decay of the correlation function. This lack of a characteristic length scale
  • #1
Please teach me this:
In QTF theory of Schroeder,chapter 13.1 saying:
Just at t=0(t=[itex]\frac{T-T_{c}}{T_{c}}[/itex]),the correlation should decay as power law.
Define the exponent [itex]\eta[/itex] by the formula:
where d is Euclidien space dimension.
I do not understand why at critical point, the correlation function decay as power law.Please give me a to favour to explain this.
Thank you very much in advance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I would like to add that I am saying about the second phase transition in statistical physics using method of Quantum Field Theory
  • #3
as one approaches a critical point the correlation length starts increasing, i.e. units farther and farther away becomes aware of each others dynamics.
in math terms the correlation functions [itex]\sim e^{-r/\chi}[/itex], where [itex] \chi [/itex] is the correlation length, and [itex]r[/itex] is the distance from your origin. this [itex]\chi[/itex] grows as one approaches the critical point.

this feature reaches its maximum at the critical point where [itex] \chi \rightarrow \infty[/itex], i.e. every part of the system becomes aware of every other part. this is the reason the correlation functions become algebraic from exponential. one can approximately see this effect if one writes [itex] r^{-a} = e^{-\frac{r}{r(a\ln{r})^{-1}}}[/itex]. compare it with [itex]e^{-r/\chi}[/itex]. one sees that in the critical case there is no length scale like [itex]\chi[/itex]. hence correlation functions don't decay over any characteristic length scale. therefore they have algebraic decay, which lacks any length scale.

FAQ: Why correlation function decay as power law at critical temperature point?

1. What is a correlation function?

A correlation function is a mathematical tool used in statistical mechanics to measure the relationship between two physical properties of a system. It describes how one property changes as the other property changes.

2. How is the correlation function related to the critical temperature point?

The correlation function is used to study the behavior of a system at the critical temperature point, which is the temperature at which a phase transition occurs. At this point, the correlation function decays as a power law, indicating a long-range correlation between the properties of the system.

3. Why does the correlation function decay as a power law at the critical temperature point?

This decay is a result of the system undergoing a phase transition, which is characterized by a change in the long-range order of the system. At the critical temperature point, the system is in a critical state where fluctuations in the properties of the system occur at all length scales. This leads to a power law decay of the correlation function.

4. What is the significance of the power law decay of the correlation function?

The power law decay of the correlation function is a signature of critical behavior in a system. It indicates the presence of a critical point, where the system is on the border between two phases and exhibits unique properties. This behavior is important in understanding and predicting the behavior of various physical systems.

5. Can the correlation function be used to predict the behavior of a system at the critical temperature point?

Yes, the correlation function can provide valuable information about the behavior of a system at the critical temperature point. By studying the power law decay of the correlation function, researchers can make predictions about the behavior of the system and its properties at this critical point.
