Why Denote 1 Form as dx? - Sean Carroll's Lecture Notes on GR

In summary, Sean Carroll introduced dxμ as a coordinate basis for 1 form and ∂μ as a basis for vectors. He mentioned that dxμ has no meaning for infinitesimal change in xμ, and that one-forms act on tangent vectors, not other one-forms. He also explained the formalism of 1 form basis.
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Hi everyone I am reading Sean Carrol's lecture notes on general relativity.
link to lecture : https://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9712019

In his lecture he introduced dxμ as the coordinate basis of 1 form and ∂μ as the basis of vectors.

I understand why ∂μ could be the basis of the vectors but not for the dxμ. I have several confusion with the 1 form basis.

1. Is the 1 form basis dxμ really have a meaning for infinitesimal change in xμ?

2. How to convince ourselves that dxμ(dxν)=δμν?

3. Am I correct to understand the formalism of 1 form like this :
Given that a. ) df = ∂μf dxμ from vector calculus,
b.) ∂μf is identified to be component of 1 form because it transforms covariently.
Therefore we realized df is a 1-form with dxμ as its basis.

4. (more general open question though) The most puzzling part for me is to understand the formalism of 1 form basis. I follows well in realising the basis vector as ∂μ not but for dxμ. I also appreciate anyone to explain why dxμ can be a 1 form basis.
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  • #2
1. It is a 1-form, not an infinitesimal change, although the two are related. For any tangent vector ##X## and function ##f##, the exterior derivative ##df## is a one-form such that ##df(X) = X^\mu \partial_\mu f##. If you let ##f## be the coordinate functions, you get N independent one-forms and therefore a basis.

2. You don't. As you wrote it it has no meaning. One-forms act on tangent vectors, not other one-forms. With the above in mind, you will find that ##dx^\mu(\partial_\nu) = \partial_\nu x^\mu = \delta_\nu^\mu##.

3. a) is just the chain rule. No vector analysis needed. You really do not need coordinates or coordinate bases to define ##df##. However, expressed in coordinate basis, you would have ##df = (\partial_\mu f) dx^\mu## directly from the chain rule.

4. See above. By definition, the exterior derivative of a coordinate function is a one-form. If you have a good coordinate system then all the ##dx^\mu## are linearly independent and therefore form a basis. You can express any one-form in this basis.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
1. It is a 1-form, not an infinitesimal change, although the two are related. For any tangent vector ##X## and function ##f##, the exterior derivative ##df## is a one-form such that ##df(X) = X^\mu \partial_\mu f##. If you let ##f## be the coordinate functions, you get N independent one-forms and therefore a basis.

2. You don't. As you wrote it it has no meaning. One-forms act on tangent vectors, not other one-forms. With the above in mind, you will find that ##dx^\mu(\partial_\nu) = \partial_\nu x^\mu = \delta_\nu^\mu##.

3. a) is just the chain rule. No vector analysis needed. You really do not need coordinates or coordinate bases to define ##df##. However, expressed in coordinate basis, you would have ##df = (\partial_\mu f) dx^\mu## directly from the chain rule.

4. See above. By definition, the exterior derivative of a coordinate function is a one-form. If you have a good coordinate system then all the ##dx^\mu## are linearly independent and therefore form a basis. You can express any one-form in this basis.
Thank you for you reply. I understand ##df## is a map from tangent vector to real number by ##df(X) = X^\mu \partial_\mu f## and how you get the ##d x^\mu## as 1-form basis.

1.)However how can you make sure all ##df## can be expressed in linear combination of ##d x^\mu##? My intuition tells me this has to be related to the chain rule but I am not sure how to work out the formalism.

2.) Why do we adopt the notation ##df, dx_\mu##, such that they looks similar to infinitesimal change? Why don't we just use ##f, x##
  • #4
2. Because that d is actually an operator called exterior differential.
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dextercioby said:
2. Because that d is actually an operator called exterior differential.
I see. Sorry I have a few more questions.

1. The logic is like : Exterior derivatives are p-forms -> df is the exterior derivative of a scalar function -> df is a 1 form?

2. How can we make sure exterior derivative are a (0,p) tensor at the beginning?

3. Which way we do formally testify something is a 1-form?
a.) show it transform covariently?
or b.) show it is a linear map of tangent vectors into real numbers and form a vector space?
I see both ways appear in various lecture notes so I am not sure if these two are equivalent criterion.
  • #6
1. Yes.

2. By the way the exterior derivative is defined.

3. (a) A p-form is a p-form. It does not transform. It is always the same p-form. However, its components have some particular properties, including their transformation properties, that you can check.
(b) Is better. By definition, a 1-form is a dual vector. A single 1-form does not form a vector space. It is an element in a vector space.
  • #7
Note that a one form, which some (but not all) texts denote with boldface as dx is a map from some vector space V to a scalar. This notation makes explicit the difference between dx and dx, the former operates on vectors and returns a scalar, the later is just a change in a real number (a coordinate).

So the value of both is comparable, But one operates on vectors, the other doesn't - it stands alone.

The boldface not/boldface thing is not necessarily done all the time, sometimes the reader is expected to know what is meant.

FAQ: Why Denote 1 Form as dx? - Sean Carroll's Lecture Notes on GR

1. Why do we use "dx" to denote 1 form in Sean Carroll's Lecture Notes on GR?

The notation "dx" is used to represent a 1 form because it is a common mathematical convention to use the letter "x" as a variable, and the differential form "dx" represents an infinitesimal change in the variable "x". In the context of general relativity, the 1 form "dx" is used to represent the infinitesimal displacement of a point in spacetime.

2. What is the significance of using 1 forms in general relativity?

1 forms are an important mathematical tool in general relativity as they allow for the calculation of quantities such as energy, momentum, and angular momentum in a covariant manner. They also play a crucial role in the formulation of Einstein's field equations, which describe the curvature of spacetime.

3. How is the concept of 1 forms related to the geometry of spacetime?

In general relativity, spacetime is described as a curved manifold, and 1 forms are used to describe the geometry of this manifold. They represent the dual vectors, or tangent covectors, to the tangent vectors of the manifold. This allows for the calculation of quantities such as distances and angles in curved spacetime.

4. Can 1 forms be visualized in spacetime?

No, 1 forms cannot be directly visualized in spacetime as they represent infinitesimal changes and are a mathematical abstraction. However, they can be used to calculate physical quantities that can be visualized, such as the curvature of spacetime.

5. Are there other notations used to represent 1 forms?

Yes, there are other notations used to represent 1 forms, such as "dy" and "dz". These notations follow the convention of using the letter of the variable being differentiated as the subscript. However, "dx" is the most commonly used notation, particularly in the context of general relativity.
