Why did my D cell battery get hot for no apparent reason?

In summary, the conversation discusses the occurrence of a "D" cell battery getting hot without any apparent reason. The person had used this battery to power an MP3 player and after disconnecting it from the player, it sat on a table for an hour before being noticed as hot. The discussion covers possible reasons for this, including short circuits or defects in the battery, and the person tests the scenario multiple times to try and recreate the heat. Ultimately, it is determined that the battery must have been short-circuited due to the leads touching, causing it to heat up.
  • #1
"D" cell battery gets hot

As a hobbyist, I was playing around with an MP3 player that uses a single alkaline AAA battery. I wanted to see if the player would still work if I attached a "D" cell battery to the device. I went to Radio Shack and puchased a "D" cell battery holder which has two leads.
I added connectors on the end of each lead and plugged them into the player. The player worked properly.

I then disconnected the leads from the player and left the "D" cell battery in the holder sitting on the table. It sat for about an hour and when I went to remove the battery, it was HOT to the touch. The two leads were not connected to anything or laying against anything.

I am truly puzzled as to why the battery got hot. I thought if nothing was attached to the
leads, it was not completing a circuit. So why did the battery get hot?

I figured this is a great site to pose this question.
Thanks in Advance
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  • #2

mcf455 said:
As a hobbyist, I was playing around with an MP3 player that uses a single alkaline AAA battery. I wanted to see if the player would still work if I attached a "D" cell battery to the device. I went to Radio Shack and puchased a "D" cell battery holder which has two leads.
I added connectors on the end of each lead and plugged them into the player. The player worked properly.

I then disconnected the leads from the player and left the "D" cell battery in the holder sitting on the table. It sat for about an hour and when I went to remove the battery, it was HOT to the touch. The two leads were not connected to anything or laying against anything.

I am truly puzzled as to why the battery got hot. I thought if nothing was attached to the
leads, it was not completing a circuit. So why did the battery get hot?

I figured this is a great site to pose this question.
Thanks in Advance

Welcome to the PF.

There is no reason for the battery to get hot unless there was some fault current flowing, or if it was sitting in the direct sunlight or something. You are right to be concerned. Could there have been some other circumstance that caused the battery to feel warm/hot?
  • #3

berkeman, thanks for the quick response. I had the unit sitting on my kitchen table so it was not in direct sunlight. Retracing my steps, I did play the mp3 player with the D Cell battery for 30-45 minutes, I unplugged battery from the MP3 player but did not notice it being hot at that time. I left the "D" cell (still in the holder) sit for about an hour. When I went to move it that's when I noticed it was hot. The leads were not connected.
I think I have a defective battery. I will run through this test scenario again. I will reuse the same battery and see if I get the same results. Then I will retest it with a different "D" cell and see what results I get.

I will post the results of my test.
Thanks Again
  • #4

What type of "D" cell was it? Was it Zinc Carbon, Alkaline or a rechargeable?

Did you test the voltage of the battery afterwards. Was it "flat"?

The most common reason why that would happen is that the battery got short circuited. The two wires don't need to touch each other, they just need to contact some common conducting object, eg piece of metal cutlery for example.

Yes it could be just a random failed battery but the chances against it are about a billion to one. I'm guessing that the chance that you inadvertently shorted it are considerably higher than that.
  • #5

berkeman/uart thanks for your responses

I ran through the scenario as described in my previous posts twice, once with the original D cell battery (that got hot)
and also with a brand new "D"cell. Both are alkaline batteries, the one that got hot measured 1.4 volts and the brand
new one measured 1.5 volts.

This time when I disconnected the leads from the MP3 player, I taped up the postive lead to be sure there was no
chance of a short circuit.

In either case, I could not reproduce the result of the battery getting hot. I have to surmise that the leads must have
been touching and this is what originally caused the battery to heat up. I have noticed the leads from the battery holder
do curl toward each other.

Based on my IT background, you can chalk this up to a user error.

Thanks so much for your input.
  • #6
Its the battery sometimes

I had it happen last week (24 July 2013) to a Duracell D cell in a flashlight. One battery dated 2005 that was still good had gotten hot inside the flashlight. I had trouble with the switch and left it on the kitchen table. An hour later I touched it and wow. Took it apart to find one battery (D size) hotter than can be touched. I threw it out the window on the grass. The other battery was cold. The plastic flashlight was very hot. An hour later I measured the volts on the now cold battery and it was down to 1.0 volts...dead. The other battery was still 1.4 volts and dated 2012. So it can happen. Its an internal short inside the cell. Dont have any idea why it started doing this. I did not bang the battery or high quality flashlight. I thought I would post this because I had it happen 5 or 8 years ago and I thought I was loosing my mind. It really did happen last week the way it happened before.

Steve Stillman
Shrewsbury, MA

Related to Why did my D cell battery get hot for no apparent reason?

1. Why does a D cell battery get hot?

A D cell battery can get hot when it is being overworked or used in a high-drain device. This means that the battery is supplying a lot of energy at once, causing it to generate heat. If the battery is not being used properly or is experiencing a short circuit, it can also get hot due to increased internal resistance.

2. Is it normal for a D cell battery to get hot?

It is not normal for a D cell battery to get hot during regular use. It is designed to operate within a certain temperature range and should not generate excessive heat. If the battery is getting hot, it may be a sign of a problem and should be checked.

3. Can a D cell battery explode if it gets too hot?

While it is possible for a D cell battery to explode if it gets too hot, it is not a common occurrence. Batteries have built-in safety features to prevent overheating and explosions. However, if the battery is damaged or used improperly, it can become dangerous. If a battery is getting hot, it should be removed from the device and disposed of properly.

4. How can I prevent a D cell battery from getting too hot?

To prevent a D cell battery from getting too hot, make sure to use it in a device that is compatible with its size and capacity. Avoid overworking the battery by using it in high-drain devices for extended periods of time. Also, be sure to properly dispose of old or damaged batteries and avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures.

5. What should I do if my D cell battery gets hot?

If a D cell battery gets hot, it is important to remove it from the device and allow it to cool down in a safe location. Do not touch the battery with bare hands as it may be hot. Dispose of the battery properly and do not use it again. If the battery is consistently getting hot, it may be a sign of a larger issue and should be checked by a professional.

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