Why Did My Reaction Order Deviate in Chemical Kinetics Lab?

In summary, the conversation discusses a chemistry lab where the individual mixed two different concentrations of NaOH with methyl violet and measured absorbance using a spectrophotometer. They then used a formula to calculate the reaction order and were instructed to get a value of a=1. However, when they plugged in their numbers, they got a value of 1.74, indicating that only one reactant is affecting the reaction. The individual suspects that they did not dilute the NaOH enough for the second experiment, resulting in a higher concentration and a different value for a. They also mention a formula that may help determine the reaction involved and explain the meaning of the results obtained.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
tring to understand what went wrong when i did an experiment
last week i did a chemistry lab. i mixed NaOH 0.03M with equal part of methyl violet and mesured aborbance in a spectrophotometer. then i did the same thing with a 0.05M and methyl violet
i did today the graphs and got the k' =-0.1647 for the first solution and k'=-0.4022 for the second solution.( k'= k * OH conentration )
i was told to use the equation in the attached file. from what i understood the equation gives the reaction order and the instructor said we should get a=1.so i should get from this that only one reactent effects this reaction?
when i plug in my numbers i get a=1.74.
can anyone explain me the meaning of the equation , and what my result means? i guess that i didnt delute my NaOH wuth enough water and did the second expiement with 0.07M consentration instead of 0.05M (since if i put it in the equation instead of 0.05 iget a=0)


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  • #2
What is the reaction involved? Tell us about the data and how you reduced it.

Related to Why Did My Reaction Order Deviate in Chemical Kinetics Lab?

1. What is Chemical Kinetics?

Chemical kinetics is the branch of chemistry that studies the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that affect them. It involves measuring the rate at which reactants are consumed and products are formed over time.

2. Why is it important to study Chemical Kinetics?

Studying chemical kinetics allows us to understand the mechanisms of chemical reactions and the factors that influence their rates. This knowledge is crucial in many industries, such as pharmaceuticals and materials science, where reaction rates can impact product quality and efficiency.

3. What are the factors that affect reaction rates?

The factors that affect reaction rates include concentration of reactants, temperature, surface area, presence of a catalyst, and the nature of the reactants and products.

4. How is reaction rate measured in a Chemical Kinetics lab?

Reaction rate is typically measured by monitoring the change in concentration of reactants or products over time. This can be done by using techniques such as spectrophotometry, titration, or gas chromatography.

5. What are some common techniques used in Chemical Kinetics labs?

Some common techniques used in Chemical Kinetics labs include the initial rate method, integrated rate laws, and half-life calculations. These techniques allow for the determination of reaction orders, rate constants, and other important kinetic parameters.

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