Why Do Antimatter and Matter Annihilate When They Collide?

  • Thread starter Helical
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In summary, antimatter and matter annihilate when they collide because that's the way Nature is. We know this because we observe that they do, and we observe the opposite, which is that a high energy photon (E >= 1.022 MeV) may interact with a nucleus (nuclear field) to produce a positron/electron pair.
  • #1
Why do antimatter and matter annihilate when they collide?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That's what physicists would like to know. The short answer is "Thems the rules", i.e. that's the way Nature is. We know that anti-matter and matter annihilate because we observe that they do. And we observe the opposite, the a high energy photon (E >= 1.022 MeV) may interact with a nucleus (nuclear field) to produce a positron/electron pair.

Why it happens is one of those fundamental (and mostly philosophical) questions.
  • #3
Anything that can happen will happen.
  • #4
Helical said:
Why do antimatter and matter annihilate when they collide?

Generally speaking, many physicists do not answer questions starting by "Why"...
  • #5
Why not?
  • #6
I think there should be a finite cross section for such an annihilation.
And the total additive quantum number is Zero, so it can happen.
  • #7
Barmecides said:
Generally speaking, many physicists do not answer questions starting by "Why"...
clem said:
Why not?

LOL. Not being a physicist myself I can respond to that. (Though you probably weren't entirely serious, I kind of feel as though this might be the place for a “Why did the physicist cross the road?” joke.)

I think it's probably because at a certain level, responses to questions that demand conceptual answers cannot be made without making unverified claims or generalizations. In that case the guaranteed-accurate and safest way to avoid misstating things is to essentially only provide data in response to questions.
  • #8
Helical said:
Why do antimatter and matter annihilate when they collide?

Actually, it is a consequence opf marrying quantum mechanics with special relativity. When you do that (or, when dirac did that I should say) you have no choice than to introduce the concept of antiparticles. It is forced upon you by the formalism. And then, once you couple the electron (and its antiparticle) to an electromagnetic field, you have no choice than to accept that an electron and a positron will annihilate into photons. When you couple them to the weak gauge bosons, you find that they will also annihilate into Z bosons.

So if you accept quantum mechanics and special relativity, annihilation is forced upon you.
  • #9
I would rather agree with kdv's answer, especially considering that Dirac's prediction of antimatter is probably one of the most spectacular ever. And in Feynman's space-time picture this becomes quite trivial.

FAQ: Why Do Antimatter and Matter Annihilate When They Collide?

1. What is antimatter?

Antimatter is a form of matter that is composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of regular matter but with opposite electric charge. When matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing a large amount of energy.

2. How is antimatter created?

Antimatter can be created through high-energy collisions of particles in particle accelerators, or through radioactive decay of certain elements. It can also be produced naturally in some astronomical events, such as gamma-ray bursts.

3. What are the potential uses of antimatter?

Antimatter has the potential to be used as a highly efficient form of energy production, as the annihilation of matter and antimatter releases a large amount of energy. It can also be used in medical imaging and cancer treatment, as well as in propulsion systems for spacecraft.

4. Why is antimatter so rare?

Antimatter is rare because it is created in very small quantities and is quickly annihilated when it comes into contact with regular matter. It is also difficult to store and contain due to its highly energetic nature.

5. Could antimatter be dangerous to humans?

In small quantities, antimatter is not dangerous to humans. However, if large amounts of antimatter were to come into contact with regular matter, it could result in a powerful explosion. Currently, scientists are working on ways to safely contain and use antimatter for practical purposes.

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