Why do Atoms Stay in Lowest Potential Energy State?

In summary, the question is why hydrogen is always in the 1s state when it can technically be in an infinite amount of quantum levels. The answer is that the 1s state is the lowest energy state and is inaccessible unless energy is added to the system. Additionally, the difference in energy between the ground and first excited electronic state includes both potential and kinetic energy, and the excitation energy can also affect other electrons in the system.
  • #1
I have a question that I couldn't find in my textbook.

Say for example a hydrogen atom. If it is excited the electron will jump to a higher quantum level and as it relaxes it will release a photon proportional to the potential energy gained in the higher quantum level...

My question is why is hydrogen always said to be in the 1s phase if the electron can be technically be in an infinite amount of quantum levels?

My question applies to the rest of the elements. Are all electron structures applying to the atom in its lowest possible potential energy state?

I'm trying to get my head wrapped around this stuff.

Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hydrogen is in the 1s state because it is the lowest energy state. For hydrogen and almost all other atoms and molecules, the difference in energy between the ground electronic state and the first excited electronic state is much greater than the thermal energy available at room temperature, so the first electronic state is inaccessible unless you add some energy to the system (for example as a photon).
  • #3
Just a nit-pick: You shouldn't use use "potential energy" in that context. The difference between levels is the difference in the total electronic energy, which includes both potential and kinetic energy (electrons move!).

It's not even change in the energy of the single excited electron - because they all interact with (repel) each other, and will do so a bit differently when one of the electrons is in an excited state. So a small part of the excitation energy is going to other electrons. (If you think about the popular analogy of energy states as a ladder, where the excited electron is moved up to a higher rung, you could extend this to imagining that when you change your rung, the ladder will bend a bit differently, and so all the other rungs will also change slightly)

FAQ: Why do Atoms Stay in Lowest Potential Energy State?

1. Why do atoms stay in their lowest potential energy state?

The answer to this question lies in the fundamental principles of thermodynamics. Atoms naturally seek to minimize their energy and reach a state of equilibrium. This is known as the law of minimum energy, which states that any system will always tend towards a state of lowest potential energy.

2. What is the significance of atoms staying in their lowest potential energy state?

The stability of atoms in their lowest potential energy state is essential for the functioning of the universe. It allows for the formation and maintenance of chemical bonds, which are the building blocks of all matter. Without this stability, the physical and chemical properties of atoms would be drastically different, making life as we know it impossible.

3. How do atoms reach their lowest potential energy state?

Atoms reach their lowest potential energy state through various processes such as bonding, chemical reactions, and physical changes. These processes involve the transfer or release of energy, ultimately leading the atoms to a more stable state with lower potential energy.

4. Can atoms exist in a state other than their lowest potential energy state?

Yes, atoms can exist in a state other than their lowest potential energy state. This is known as an excited state, where the atom has absorbed energy and is temporarily in a higher energy state. However, this state is unstable, and the atom will eventually return to its lowest potential energy state through the emission of energy.

5. Are there any exceptions to the rule of atoms staying in their lowest potential energy state?

While the law of minimum energy holds true for most systems, there are some exceptions. In certain cases, atoms may remain in a higher energy state even when a lower energy state is available. This typically occurs in systems with high energy barriers or when the lower energy state is not easily accessible.
