Why Do Black Hole Models Assume Singularities as Facts?

In summary, The conversation discusses the difficulties in understanding the existence of a singularity in black hole physics, and how it differs from the dynamics of the early universe after the Big Bang. The concept of pressure gravitating and the inevitability of collapse are also mentioned. The question is posed of whether there is a critical limit that distinguishes stable systems from unstable ones and how it applies to systems with densities beyond experimental reach. The conversation also asks for book recommendations on the topic at an undergraduate level.
  • #1
For a long time, I'm having difficulties understanding some problems of black hole physics, so maybe someone here could help me out. Standard story goes something like this : while a massive star's undergoes gravitational collapse, it's core goes through phase transition (p+e -> n +v) transforming itself into neutron star. Let's say it's mass is over x solar masses, than collapse will go on until it reaches state of a black hole. Nothing can exit it, it has singularity point of a infinite spacetime curvation where laws of physics can't be defined.

Basically, existence of singularity is what I don't understand.

Let's say I'm *really* good in calculus and I take a well-localized mass distribution of total 10 (or whatever ) solar masses of 'ideal fluid'. I throw it in field equation and I receive black hole metrics in limit of t -> oo , measured by a distant observer, right?

Ok, now let's go a bit back in time , to phase transition between radiation dominated and matter dominated era after the Big Bang. If we plug in different equations-of-state of radiation and matter in Friedmann equations, we will get different dynamics of metrics e.g. time dependence of a scale-of-space changes. (term is translated from croatian, maybe not correct)

Now, in Big Bang physics it is obvious that a dynamics of such system *will* depend on equation of state of it's mass distribution that contribute to energy density. How come black hole's doesn't ? Late Big Bang physics, as I see it, is all about introducing detailed equation of state into Einstein's field equations to reproduce visible consequences in t ~ 10^10 years.

OTOH, for some unknown (maybe only to me) reason, it's reasonable to approximate core of a collapsing star with a ideal fluid of a quite impotent equation of state that gives a singular "core" instead of a quark-gluon-graviton plasma enclosed with a Schwarzschild surface=) I'm kidding about the "plasma", but I hope you get the point. I am not challenging validity of a Schwarzschild solution to *some* extent and I understand that system of a coupled, nonlinear , partial differential equation are hard to solve so approximations are a life-style. But then, physicist are cautious when talking about consequences of a models that incorporate such *strong* assumptions, except when they talk about BH singularities as if they are experimental fact and not remnant of a wild assumption that disregards all others forces of nature except gravity! So...what am I missing?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
remnant of a wild assumption that disregards all others forces of nature except gravity! So...what am I missing?
There is one important point you are missing: Every force you imagine to stop the collapse will do so by adding pressure, which balances the gravitational pull. And pressure gravitates, that means, the more pressure to balance gravtiy, the more gravity to be balanced. Collapse is inevitable.
  • #3
Ich said:
There is one important point you are missing: Every force you imagine to stop the collapse will do so by adding pressure, which balances the gravitational pull. And pressure gravitates, that means, the more pressure to balance gravtiy, the more gravity to be balanced. Collapse is inevitable.

Indeed. As purly mathematical objection, I could insist on a EOS that has negative pressure pole at finite density - collapse would not be inevitable.

Second , to my mind, there should be critical limit that discriminates systems that have pressure big enough to balance gravity, but small enough not to contribute to energy density much - having stabile future ( like white dwarfs ?) and OTOH systems that any additional pressure rises gravity pressure due to rise of energy density and are unstabile (e.g. black hole) My question then would be : how do we know that neutron gas ( or any OTHER phase that neutron gas might transform into ) is over such limit since supernuclear densities is way out of our experimental reach?

Does anyone know any book titles that talk on these problems on undergraduate level, btw?
  • #5

Related to Why Do Black Hole Models Assume Singularities as Facts?

What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star collapses under its own gravity.

How are black holes studied?

Black holes are studied through various methods, such as observing their effects on surrounding matter, measuring their gravitational effects on objects, and using mathematical equations to understand their properties.

What is the event horizon of a black hole?

The event horizon of a black hole is the boundary or point of no return, where the gravitational pull becomes so strong that not even light can escape. It is also the point where time and space become infinitely distorted.

Can anything escape from a black hole?

Once something crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it cannot escape. However, there is a phenomenon called Hawking radiation, where particles can escape from a black hole due to quantum effects, but this is a very slow process.

What is the current understanding of black hole physics?

Our current understanding of black hole physics is based on Einstein's theory of general relativity, which explains how gravity works in the universe. However, there are still many unanswered questions and ongoing research to further our understanding of black holes.

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