Why do darker colors absorb heat/light?

  • Thread starter RuroumiKenshin
  • Start date
In summary, the question is why do darker colors absorb heat/light and the answer is that the color of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light it absorbs and reflects. Darker colors absorb more light, including heat, while lighter colors reflect more light. The relationship between light and heat is also linked, as light is a form of energy and energy can be converted into heat. The example of a reverse radiometer demonstrates this connection. Leaves appear green because they absorb all colors except green, which is reflected back to our eyes. Chlorophyll, the pigment in leaves, absorbs specific wavelengths of light for photosynthesis.
  • #1
Why do darker colors absorb heat/light?
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  • #2

Originally posted by MajinVegeta
Why do darker colors absorb heat/light?

The question needs minor re-phrasing. You see, the fact that something is a certain color is caused by it's absorbing certain wave-lengths of light (not the other way around).
  • #3
The question needs minor re-phrasing. You see, the fact that something is a certain color is caused by it's absorbing certain wave-lengths of light (not the other way around).
More minor clarification: The color is caused by BOTH what is absorbed and what is reflected (for opaque objects).

So the question is self-answering.
  • #4
Now that the question has been re-phrased, perhaps someone would like to answer it?

Oh, OK...i'll do it...

What they mean Majin, is that our experience of colour occurs because only particular light wavelengths of the spectrum are reflected. The wavelengths which are reflected are what we see, and the wavelengths which are absorbed are the colours we do not see.

So a green leaf, is actually absorbing all of the colours which are not green (to oversimplify...)

As for colours absorbing heat. I ahve never heard that as such. Colours = Light though, and light = energy, and energy = heat... maybe there is some sort of connection there.
  • #5
Originally posted by Another God
Now that the question has been re-phrased, perhaps someone would like to answer it?

Oh, OK...i'll do it...

What they mean Majin, is that our experience of colour occurs because only particular light wavelengths of the spectrum are reflected. The wavelengths which are reflected are what we see, and the wavelengths which are absorbed are the colours we do not see.

So a green leaf, is actually absorbing all of the colours which are not green (to oversimplify...)

As for colours absorbing heat. I ahve never heard that as such. Colours = Light though, and light = energy, and energy = heat... maybe there is some sort of connection there.

Have you ever seen a "reverse radiometer"? (At least I think that's what it's called.) I saw it on the deleted scene of "The Time Machine". It looked a lot like a wind-mill, but moved by the energy of the sun, as opposed to the energy of wind. You see, it's fins were colored white on one side, and black on the other side, and thus only one side of each fin was absorbing the sun-light, while the other side reflected it. This translated to kinetic energy, and the "reverse radiometer" began to spin.
  • #6
As for colours absorbing heat. I ahve never heard that as such. Colours = Light though, and light = energy, and energy = heat... maybe there is some sort of connection there.
Yeah, the connection is the one you made. By the commutative property of math, light = heat (more or less). Every color corresponds to a specific temperature.
I saw it on the deleted scene of "The Time Machine".
You mean you DIDN'T have one in your high school physics lab? Wtf?!
  • #7
If you hold up a vial of chlorophyl dissolved in alcohol, its reflected light (light behind you) appears green, but its transmitted light (light behind vial) appears red! The differences between frequencies times Planck's constant must be close to the reaction energy of ATP<-->ADP?
  • #8
Most radiometers are not sensitive enough to turn primarily by photon momentum transfer. Rather, the black and white sides of the fins heat up differentially the rarified gas present within the radiometer and cause motion with the white side leading. Photons, I think, would cause rotation in the opposite direction. Not an efficient way to generate large amounts of energy here on Earth.
  • #9
ermz ..so why do leaves absord all the other colours except for green?
  • #10
Originally posted by Loren Booda
If you hold up a vial of chlorophyl dissolved in alcohol, its reflected light (light behind you) appears green, but its transmitted light (light behind vial) appears red! The differences between frequencies times Planck's constant must be close to the reaction energy of ATP<-->ADP?

Actually, that's not correct. The reaction centers in chloroplasts absorb two photons, at 680 and 720 nanometers. This is used to reduce water, shunt protons across a membrane, and reduce NADP+. The protons go on to produce ATP, and the NADPH drives the Kreb's cycle, which produces sugars, which can be oxidized to produce ATP. But it's a far, far way from being a 100% effecient system.

FAQ: Why do darker colors absorb heat/light?

1. Why do darker colors absorb more heat and light?

Dark colors, such as black, absorb more heat and light because they absorb a wider range of wavelengths of light. This means that they are able to capture more energy from the sun's rays and convert it into heat.

2. How does the color of an object affect its ability to absorb heat and light?

The color of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light that it reflects. Dark colors, which appear darker because they reflect less light, have a higher absorption rate because they are able to absorb a wider range of wavelengths.

3. Is there a scientific explanation for why darker colors absorb more heat and light?

Yes, this phenomenon can be explained by the laws of thermodynamics. Darker colors have a higher absorption rate because they are able to capture a greater amount of energy from the sun's rays, which is then converted into heat.

4. Does the type of material also play a role in how much heat and light is absorbed?

Yes, the type of material can also affect its ability to absorb heat and light. Materials with a higher density and a rougher surface tend to absorb more heat and light compared to materials with a smoother and lighter texture.

5. How does the absorption of heat and light by darker colors impact the surrounding environment?

The absorption of heat and light by darker colors can contribute to the urban heat island effect. This is when urban areas have higher temperatures compared to surrounding rural areas due to the absorption of heat by dark surfaces like roads and buildings. This can also lead to higher energy consumption for cooling and contribute to climate change.

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