Why Do Force Constants of DCl and HCl Differ by 10 N/m?

In summary: D)).In summary, the force constant of HCl is 477.8 N/m and the force constant of DCl is 487.95 N/m. This difference in values can be explained by the anharmonicity of the covalent bond, which causes the zero-point energy to be lower for DCl. This change in energy levels affects the force constant, as it is not constant in an anharmonic potential. The difference between HCl and DCl is more pronounced than for other isotopomers due to the 100% increase in mass for DCl.
  • #1
Steven Hanna
The force (spring) constant of HCl 477.8 N/m, and the force constant of DCl is 487.95. Why should these values differ by 10 N/m? Is a D-Cl bond somehow stronger than an H-Cl bond?
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Think in terms of percentages; a 2 % variation isn't that much.
  • #3
Bystander said:
Think in terms of percentages; a 2 % variation isn't that much.
true, but the difference is more pronounced than for other isotopomers
  • #4
Steven Hanna said:
true, but the difference is more pronounced than for other isotopomers
... for a 100 % increase in one of the masses.
  • #5
Bystander said:
... for a 100 % increase in one of the masses.
The increase in mass shows up in the vibrational frequency, not in the force constant.

I am also a bit surprised by the size of the difference. I'll try to look at the numbers.
  • #6
Steven Hanna said:
The force (spring) constant of HCl 477.8 N/m, and the force constant of DCl is 487.95. Why should these values differ by 10 N/m? Is a D-Cl bond somehow stronger than an H-Cl bond?

Out of curiosity, where are these numbers coming from?

In the harmonic approximation, there should be no difference in the force constants of HCl and DCl. However, adding anharmonic terms changes things. The most straightforward explanation that I can think of is that the zero-point energy for DCl is smaller, so the energy levels sit further down in the well. For a harmonic oscillator, this doesn't make a difference because the force constant is the second derivative of the potential with respect to the coordinate: [itex]k = \frac{\partial^2V}{\partial x^2}[/itex], which is a constant (obviously) for [itex]V=kx^2[/itex]. However, if the potential is anharmonic (as it is in a real molecule), ##k## is in general not constant, and so lowering the zero-point energy has the effect of changing ##k##. There are probably other higher order effects at play here as well, but the main reason is the anharmonicity of the covalent bond.
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  • #7
Steven Hanna said:
The force (spring) constant of HCl 477.8 N/m, and the force constant of DCl is 487.95. Why should these values differ by 10 N/m? Is a D-Cl bond somehow stronger than an H-Cl bond?
I've checked the numbers, and these don't make sense. The actual force constant is 2 orders of magnitude smaller, and the relative difference between HCl and DCl is of the order of 4×10-5.
  • #8
DrClaude said:
I've checked the numbers, and these don't make sense. The actual force constant is 2 orders of magnitude smaller, and the relative difference between HCl and DCl is of the order of 4×10-5.

These numbers are from an experimental protocol for my lab report. I can check on the actual references. In the meantime, I'll give another example that I can actually cite. The force constants of H2 (k = 510 N/m) and D2 (k = 527 N/m) differ by ca. 17 N/m. The reference for these numbers is McQuarrie, D. A. Quantum Chemistry, 2 ed.; University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 2008, p 221.
I've posted a page from the textbook here: http://imgur.com/TBmpHNT

TeethWhitener said:
Out of curiosity, where are these numbers coming from?

In the harmonic approximation, there should be no difference in the force constants of HCl and DCl. However, adding anharmonic terms changes things. The most straightforward explanation that I can think of is that the zero-point energy for DCl is smaller, so the energy levels sit further down in the well. For a harmonic oscillator, this doesn't make a difference because the force constant is the second derivative of the potential with respect to the coordinate: [itex]k = \frac{\partial^2V}{\partial x^2}[/itex], which is a constant (obviously) for [itex]V=kx^2[/itex]. However, if the potential is anharmonic (as it is in a real molecule), ##k## is in general not constant, and so lowering the zero-point energy has the effect of changing ##k##. There are probably other higher order effects at play here as well, but the main reason is the anharmonicity of the covalent bond.
  • #9
I'll check my calculations again and will post them here.
  • #10
TeethWhitener said:
Out of curiosity, where are these numbers coming from?

In the harmonic approximation, there should be no difference in the force constants of HCl and DCl. However, adding anharmonic terms changes things. The most straightforward explanation that I can think of is that the zero-point energy for DCl is smaller, so the energy levels sit further down in the well. For a harmonic oscillator, this doesn't make a difference because the force constant is the second derivative of the potential with respect to the coordinate: [itex]k = \frac{\partial^2V}{\partial x^2}[/itex], which is a constant (obviously) for [itex]V=kx^2[/itex]. However, if the potential is anharmonic (as it is in a real molecule), ##k## is in general not constant, and so lowering the zero-point energy has the effect of changing ##k##. There are probably other higher order effects at play here as well, but the main reason is the anharmonicity of the covalent bond.
Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but I'm taking a physorg class and we're talking about isotope effects. So anyway, I understand why the ZPE of DCl is lower than that of HCl, but I'm not quite sure how anharmonicity causes k to not be constant. As I understand it, the series expansion of V(x), where x is the displacement of the bond from equilibrium, is V(x) = ∑(1/n!)(d(n)V/dx)*xn. However, these terms don't depend on the reduced mass. Since you can differentiate taylor series term-by-term, d2V/dx2 should also be independent of reduced mass too, right? Also, the equation for a Morse potential, V(x) = D[1-exp(-ax)]2 doesn't contain any mass terms (a = sqrt(k/2D)).
  • #11
Steven Hanna said:
Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but I'm taking a physorg class and we're talking about isotope effects. So anyway, I understand why the ZPE of DCl is lower than that of HCl, but I'm not quite sure how anharmonicity causes k to not be constant. As I understand it, the series expansion of V(x), where x is the displacement of the bond from equilibrium, is V(x) = ∑(1/n!)(d(n)V/dx)*xn. However, these terms don't depend on the reduced mass. Since you can differentiate taylor series term-by-term, d2V/dx2 should also be independent of reduced mass too, right? Also, the equation for a Morse potential, V(x) = D[1-exp(-ax)]2 doesn't contain any mass terms (a = sqrt(k/2D)).
$$k=\mu \omega^2$$
So the Morse potential does contain mass terms; they're just hidden in the force constant. Ditto for a generic potential, since even in the harmonic case, ##V(x)=\frac{1}{2}\mu \omega^2 x^2##. So for an anharmonic example, if you have ##V=\frac{1}{2}\mu \omega^2 x^2 + \varepsilon x^3##, then your force constant
will be ##k(x)=\mu \omega^2 + 6\varepsilon x##, both mass-dependent and non-constant.
  • #12
TeethWhitener said:
$$k=\mu \omega^2$$
So the Morse potential does contain mass terms; they're just hidden in the force constant. Ditto for a generic potential, since even in the harmonic case, ##V(x)=\frac{1}{2}\mu \omega^2 x^2##. So for an anharmonic example, if you have ##V=\frac{1}{2}\mu \omega^2 x^2 + \varepsilon x^3##, then your force constant
will be ##k(x)=\mu \omega^2 + 6\varepsilon x##, both mass-dependent and non-constant.
OK I think I get it. If I differentiate the Morse equation twice I get
dV/dx = 2D[1-exp(-ax)]*a = 2aD -2aD*exp(-2ax)
dV2/dx2 = 4a2D*exp(-2ax)=4(μω2/2D)D*exp(-2ax) = 4μω2exp[-2x*sqrt(μω2/2D)]

This final result is not simply equal to μω2, contains an additional mu term, and decreases exponentially with x, as does the restoring force of a covalent bond near the dissociation limit. Agree?
  • #13
Steven Hanna said:
Sounds reasonable.

FAQ: Why Do Force Constants of DCl and HCl Differ by 10 N/m?

1. What are force constants?

Force constants are numerical values that represent the strength of the bonds between different atoms in a molecule. They are used to calculate the energy required to stretch or bend a bond, and can provide information about the stability and reactivity of a molecule.

2. How are force constants determined for DCl and HCl?

Force constants for DCl and HCl can be determined experimentally using techniques such as infrared spectroscopy or theoretical calculations based on quantum mechanics. These methods allow us to measure the vibrations and movements of the atoms in the molecule and determine the force constants that govern these movements.

3. What factors affect the force constants of DCl and HCl?

The force constants of DCl and HCl can be influenced by various factors, including the masses of the atoms, the bond lengths, and the strength of the intermolecular forces between the molecules. Temperature and pressure can also affect the force constants by altering the molecular vibrations and bond lengths.

4. How do force constants differ between DCl and HCl?

The force constants of DCl and HCl may differ due to the difference in mass between deuterium (D) and hydrogen (H) atoms. The heavier mass of deuterium can result in stronger bonds and higher force constants compared to hydrogen. Additionally, the force constants for DCl may be slightly higher than HCl due to the larger size of the deuterium atom.

5. What is the significance of force constants for DCl and HCl?

The force constants of DCl and HCl play a crucial role in understanding the properties and behavior of these molecules. They can provide information about the bond strength, molecular structure, and reactivity of these compounds. Force constants are also essential in predicting the vibrational spectra of these molecules, which can be useful in chemical analysis and identification.
