Why do glass and crsytals absorb light?

In summary, the absorption of light is determined by the orbitals of electrons and their interactions with each other. This is not as straightforward in complex materials such as wood or glass, as they do not have discrete orbitals like gases. In solids, there are additional factors such as electronic band structure that affect absorption. Metals are conductors and have their own unique properties. The transparency of materials like glass and water is due to the absence of electronic transitions for incoming radiation.
  • #1
What determines of something absorbs light? Is it determined by the orbitals the electrons spin at, and what makes these two things special when other things like wood and metal don't
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
It defiently has to do with the eletrons in the material. And how all the electrons affect each other ,
We don't have discrete orbitals in a complex material like wood or glass. As the photon comes in an oscillates the electron , The coulomb interaction between the electrons will dictate what light gets re-emitted . This might not be completely accurate but its a start and hopefully someone else can elaborate .
  • #3
the absorption spectra of gases is determined by their orbitals.
with solids it gets complicated. you get effects like "electronic band structure" that single atoms don't really show
thats why there is a whole branch of physics called 'solid state physics'.

metals are a special case because they are conductors
I really don't know what makes glass (or water) so special.
  • #4
Transparency to visible radiation is simply when there are no electronic transitions possible for the incoming radiation.
  • #5

Glass and crystals absorb light because of their molecular structure and the arrangement of their atoms. This structure allows them to absorb certain wavelengths of light, which causes the electrons in the material to become excited and jump to a higher energy level. This absorption of light is determined by the orbital paths that the electrons spin at, as well as the energy levels of these orbits.

The unique properties of glass and crystals, such as their high level of transparency and ability to refract light, are due to their highly ordered and symmetrical molecular structure. This allows for a more efficient absorption and transmission of light compared to other materials like wood and metal, which have a more random arrangement of atoms.

Additionally, the atomic composition of glass and crystals plays a role in their ability to absorb light. For example, glass is made up of silicon dioxide, which has a high refractive index and can absorb light in the ultraviolet and infrared regions. Crystals, on the other hand, have a regular and repeating pattern of atoms, which allows them to absorb light at specific wavelengths based on their crystal lattice structure.

In summary, the absorption of light is determined by the molecular and atomic structure of a material, specifically the orbitals and energy levels of the electrons in that material. Glass and crystals have unique properties that make them more efficient at absorbing and transmitting light compared to other materials, making them useful in various scientific and technological applications.

FAQ: Why do glass and crsytals absorb light?

1. Why do glass and crystals have the ability to absorb light?

Glass and crystals have a unique molecular structure that allows them to absorb certain wavelengths of light. The atoms in glass and crystals are arranged in a regular pattern, which causes light to interact with the electrons in the material. This interaction results in the absorption of light.

2. How does the absorption of light occur in glass and crystals?

When light hits the surface of glass or a crystal, it causes the electrons in the material to vibrate. This vibration absorbs the energy from the light, converting it into heat. The absorbed light is then re-emitted as heat energy, causing the material to warm up.

3. Why do different types of glass and crystals absorb different colors of light?

The absorption of light in glass and crystals depends on the arrangement of atoms and the properties of the material. Different types of glass and crystals have different molecular structures, which determine the specific wavelengths of light they can absorb. This is why some crystals appear to be different colors, as they absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others.

4. Can glass and crystals also emit light?

Yes, glass and crystals can also emit light through a process called fluorescence. When light is absorbed by the material, some of the energy is stored in the electrons. As the electrons return to their original state, they release the stored energy in the form of light. This is what causes certain crystals to glow when exposed to UV light.

5. How does the absorption of light in glass and crystals impact their optical properties?

The absorption of light in glass and crystals has a direct effect on their optical properties, such as transparency and color. The more light a material absorbs, the less transparent it will appear. Similarly, the color of the material will be determined by the wavelengths of light that are absorbed. This is why some crystals have a specific color and appear opaque, while others are transparent and colorless.

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