Why Do Heat Capacities Use Derivatives of Entropy in Their Formulas?

In summary, pabloenigma found a discrepancy in the definitions of the heat capacities when working with constant pressure. He was able to equate the two definitions by deriving Q from T or TdS from T when working with a process that is reversible.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm working with the heat capacities definition and I have got a confusion. I don't understand why we can express them like

Cp = T(∂S/∂T)p
Cv = T(∂S/∂T)v

I know that Cp=(dQ/dT)p = (∂H/∂T)p with H equal to TdS + VdP and Cv=(dQ/dT)v = (∂U/∂T)v with U equal to TdS + PdV,

My guess: If I begin for instance with the enthalpy, H, and I constrain it to constant pressure I get just the TdS term, that is the thermodynamic definition of "Heat (Q)" . So I get the definition of the heat capacity if I derive Q respect to T, or TdS respect to T (is the same thing). Doing it, I get:

dQ/dT = (TdS)/dT = Td^2S/d^2T + dS/dT.

An expression very different of the definition.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
dapias09 said:
Hi all,

I'm working with the heat capacities definition and I have got a confusion. I don't understand why we can express them like

Cp = T(∂S/∂T)p
Cv = T(∂S/∂T)v

I know that Cp=(dQ/dT)p = (∂H/∂T)p with H equal to TdS + VdP
You cannot equate TdS to dQ unless dQ = dU + PdV, and that is true only if the process is reversible. Generally, you have to use the first law: dQ = dU + ∂W.

and Cv=(dQ/dT)v = (∂U/∂T)v with U equal to TdS + PdV,
I think you mean dU = TdS - PdV. Again, that is only true if it is a reversible process.

My guess: If I begin for instance with the enthalpy, H, and I constrain it to constant pressure I get just the TdS term, that is the thermodynamic definition of "Heat (Q)" . So I get the definition of the heat capacity if I derive Q respect to T, or TdS respect to T (is the same thing). Doing it, I get:

dQ/dT = (TdS)/dT = Td^2S/d^2T + dS/dT.
I don't follow what you are doing. Why would it not just be T(dS/dT)? Again, this is true only in a reversible process.

  • #3
dapias09 said:
Hi all,

I'm working with the heat capacities definition and I have got a confusion. I don't understand why we can express them like

Cp = T(∂S/∂T)p
Cv = T(∂S/∂T)v

I know that Cp=(dQ/dT)p = (∂H/∂T)p with H equal to TdS + VdP and Cv=(dQ/dT)v = (∂U/∂T)v with U equal to TdS + PdV,

My guess: If I begin for instance with the enthalpy, H, and I constrain it to constant pressure I get just the TdS term, that is the thermodynamic definition of "Heat (Q)" . So I get the definition of the heat capacity if I derive Q respect to T, or TdS respect to T (is the same thing). Doing it, I get:

dQ/dT = (TdS)/dT = Td^2S/d^2T + dS/dT.

An expression very different of the definition.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

( ∂Q/∂T )p = ( T∂S/∂T )p = T (∂S/∂T)p

Cp = T (∂S/∂T)p = (∂Q/∂T)p
Cv = T (∂S/∂T)v = (∂Q/∂T)v
  • #4
dapias09 said:
My guess: If I begin for instance with the enthalpy, H, and I constrain it to constant pressure I get just the TdS term, that is the thermodynamic definition of "Heat (Q)" . So I get the definition of the heat capacity if I derive Q respect to T, or TdS respect to T (is the same thing). Doing it, I get:

dQ/dT = (TdS)/dT = Td^2S/d^2T + dS/dT.

An expression very different of the definition.

The problem you have encountered in the italicized step is mathematical.
(TdS)/dT is T(dS/dT).But in the mentioned step,you have computed the derivative of (T(dS/dT)).
Read up on differentials.
  • #5
Thanks everybody,

pabloenigma you are right, your advice was very useful!
  • #6
Thank you

FAQ: Why Do Heat Capacities Use Derivatives of Entropy in Their Formulas?

What is the definition of heat capacity?

Heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius.

How is heat capacity measured?

Heat capacity is typically measured in units of joules per degree Celsius (J/°C) or calories per degree Celsius (cal/°C).

What is the difference between specific heat capacity and molar heat capacity?

Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius, while molar heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one mole of a substance by one degree Celsius.

What factors can affect the heat capacity of a substance?

The heat capacity of a substance can be affected by its mass, temperature, and chemical composition.

How does heat capacity relate to thermal conductivity?

Heat capacity and thermal conductivity are related, as substances with higher heat capacities are typically better insulators and have lower thermal conductivity values.
