Why Do Itches Spread? The Truth Behind the Don't Scratch Warning

  • Thread starter aychamo
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of scratching an itch and whether it can cause the irritation to spread. It is noted that scratching can provide temporary relief but can also lead to secondary infection if the skin is broken. It is also mentioned that for things like bites, scratching can irritate the surrounding skin but does not actually spread the irritant. However, for substances like poison ivy, scratching can spread the irritant and should be avoided to prevent further inflammation and infection.
  • #1
Hey guys;

I got into red bugs a while back, and everyone was warning me "Don't scratch! They will spread!" Well, I recovered from that, but I got into something else now and I'm itching again.

Anyway, I'm wondering if there is an validity in the "dont scratch your itch because they will spread" statement?

I know the good thing of scratching is that momentary relief of the irritating itch. But I know that also with scratching you risk secondary infection from bacteria by opening the wound futher.

Also, as far as answering my own question, my thought was that perhaps whatever is irritating your skin and causing the itch, when you scratch it, that you will futher irritate more skin (probably creating small tears in the epidermis), and when you scratch you will be moving some of the irritating agent (whatever is irritating the skin) and it will get into the small tears in the skin you just made, which then makes the body have more inflammation.

Does that sound kind of correct?
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  • #2
For things like bites, scratching will do as you suggested, irritate the surrounding skin by scratching off the skin of the surrounding area, not by actually transferring any of the irritant. Spreading the irritant would be the case for something like poison ivy, where the oily substance that leads to the rash can be spread by touching it. Avoiding scratching is more related to what you mentioned of opening up the skin to further infection.
  • #3

Hi there,

You are correct in your assumption that scratching can lead to further irritation and potential infection. When we scratch an itch, we are causing microtears in the skin and exposing it to bacteria and other irritants. This can lead to inflammation and potentially spread the original irritation to other areas of the body.

Itchiness is often caused by histamines, which are released by the body in response to an irritant. When we scratch, we are actually stimulating the release of more histamines, which can make the itch worse and spread to other areas.

In addition, scratching can also damage the skin's protective barrier, making it easier for irritants and bacteria to enter and cause further irritation. This is why it is important to resist the urge to scratch and find alternative ways to soothe the itch, such as using a cold compress or anti-itch cream.

So, while scratching may provide temporary relief, it is important to be mindful of the potential consequences and try to find other ways to alleviate the itch. I hope this helps answer your question!

FAQ: Why Do Itches Spread? The Truth Behind the Don't Scratch Warning

1. Why do we feel itches in the first place?

Itching is a sensation that occurs when nerve endings in our skin are stimulated. This can happen due to various reasons, such as insect bites, allergies, or dry skin.

2. What causes itches to spread?

When we scratch an itch, it stimulates the release of a chemical called histamine in our body. This chemical can spread to surrounding areas, causing more itchiness.

3. Can stress make itches spread?

Yes, stress can worsen itching sensations. When we are stressed, our body releases cortisol, which can make us more sensitive to histamine, leading to increased itchiness.

4. Are there any medical conditions that can cause itches to spread?

Yes, certain skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can cause widespread itching. These conditions are characterized by inflammation and irritation of the skin, leading to a constant urge to scratch.

5. How can we prevent itches from spreading?

The best way to prevent itches from spreading is to avoid scratching. Instead, try using a cold compress or anti-itch creams to relieve the sensation. Keeping the affected area moisturized can also help reduce the urge to scratch.

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