Why Do Linewidths Appear in the Kramer-Heisenberg Formula?

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    Atomic Qed
In summary: Another possible justification is that the inclusion of linewidths becomes necessary when considering higher order perturbation theory, as the higher order terms involve transitions between intermediate states with different energy levels and therefore different linewidths. Additionally, the concept of including all energy levels/states in the "sum over all intermediate states" can be used to justify the inclusion of linewidths from the beginning of the derivation, as it takes into account the dynamic intra-atomic behavior of the atom and the fact that all energy steps are allowed. However, this may require a change in notation from the traditional concept of "special" atomic energy states to a more dynamic understanding of the atom's behavior. Ultimately, the inclusion of linewidths in the Kramer-Heisenberg formula can be justified
  • #1
In the straight-forward derivation of the Kramer-Heisenberg formula describing the photon-atom scattering cross section (to second order perturbation theory, see e.g. the path leading to https://quantummechanics.ucsd.edu/ph130a/130_notes/node470.html), the finite lifetimes of the intermediate states and their natural linewidth, respectively, do not (explicitly?!) show up. As their neglection would cause an infinite coupling for resonant scattering, the linewidths are included subsequently and manually (after the rigorous derivation) without justification.

One possible justification could be, that the linewidth show up when the derivation includes higher order perturbation theory. But I doubt this.

Another approach could be linked to the question: Which states are actually included in the generic "sum over all intermediate states"? Does it include just all "classical" atomic eigenstates? Or rather any discrete energy levels/states from the ground state to the ionisation energy threshold possibly discretised by ΔE = h/(2π τplanck)?
This would perfectly solve the problem because the linewidth is already included in the sum since the very beginning of the rigorous derivation. In consequence, we/I/the notation however would have to change from the comfortable concept that there are some "special" atomic energy states due to the quantum numbers to the concept of purely dynamic intra-atomic behaviour where all energy steps n*h/(2π τplanck) are basically allowed and in principle identical in their physical nature except of their different lifetimes.

Can someone provide a justification?

Many thanks in advance!
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  • #2
One possible justification for the inclusion of the linewidths in the Kramer-Heisenberg formula is that they are a natural consequence of the quantum mechanical nature of the atom. In particular, due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the energy levels of an atom are not perfectly discrete but instead are spread out in energy around their nominal values. This is because the electrons in an atom can never be completely localized and so their momentum is always uncertain. This means that each energy level can be thought of as having a finite width, or linewidth. When calculating the photon-atom scattering cross section, this linewidth must be taken into account since it affects the probability of the photon being scattered at any given energy. Thus, by including the linewidths in the calculation, one is taking into account the fact that the energy levels of the atom are not perfectly discrete but instead have a finite spread in energy.

Related to Why Do Linewidths Appear in the Kramer-Heisenberg Formula?

1. What is QED?

QED stands for quantum electrodynamics, which is a quantum field theory that describes the interactions between electrically charged particles and electromagnetic fields.

2. What are atomic transitions in QED?

Atomic transitions in QED refer to the changes in energy levels and quantum states of atoms when they interact with electromagnetic radiation, such as light.

3. How are atomic transitions in QED calculated?

Atomic transitions in QED are calculated using the perturbation theory, which involves treating the electromagnetic radiation as a small disturbance to the atom's energy levels and using mathematical equations to predict the resulting transitions.

4. What is the significance of atomic transitions in QED?

Atomic transitions in QED play a crucial role in understanding the atomic structure and behavior of matter. They also have practical applications in fields such as laser technology and atomic clocks.

5. Are there any limitations to QED's ability to predict atomic transitions?

Yes, there are some limitations to QED when it comes to predicting atomic transitions, such as the complexity of the interactions between particles and their environment, and the need for further refinements in the theory. However, it is currently the most accurate theory we have for describing the behavior of atoms and their interactions with electromagnetic radiation.

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