Why Do Low Frequencies Travel Through Walls?

  • Thread starter BigMacnFries
  • Start date
In summary, low frequencies have a larger wavelength which allows them to easily bend around obstacles, such as walls in a closed house. This phenomenon is called diffraction and can only occur if the wavelength is larger than the size of the obstacle. Windows may also contribute to the transmission of sound, and the resonance frequencies of the window and walls may affect this as well. Additionally, the loudness of the bass may be due to the resonance of the room. However, the absorption of wave amplitudes and the concentration of energy in each frequency also play a role in the perception of sound.
  • #1
After being pissed by my neighbours bass all afternoon I am wondered why is it that only the low frequencies travel into my room while the treble is completley inaudible?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Waves at low frequencies have a larger wavelength. Typically, low noises are roughly at ~75 Hz, the speed of sound is about 340 m/s, so that gives a wavelength of [itex]\lambda = v/f=340/75 \approx 4.5 m[/itex]. Since this is much larger than the typical dimensions of the obstructions the waves meet, it will 'bend around it'.

Higher notes, at a frequency of about 750 Hz, which is 10 times higher, have a wavelength taht is 10 times shorter ~45 cm. Waves at these frequencies are more easiliy blocked.
  • #3
"bend around it", please explain, as I am inside a closed house so sound must travel through the walls.
  • #4
It's called diffraction. I found a site about it:

Diffraction will only occur if the wavelength is large compared to the size of the obstacles.

Even though your house is closed, the sound will be transmitted through the windows much easier than through the walls. This too might be frequency dependant due to the resonance frequencies of the windows and walls, but I`m not too sure about that.
  • #5
You can tell if the walls and windows are resonant with the frequency from your neighbours bass because they will rattle and shake quite noticably. In fact the rattling and shaking at my house is more annoying than the actual music.

I too have loud neigbours :smile: .

  • #6
Is that somewhat similar to the resonance when you place two tuning forks beside each other and make one vibrate
  • #7
no - that's either forced or the 2 tuning forks have the same natural frequency. But think about it, those idiots, that spend thousands on sound systems, aren't even benefitting from it - what kind of rice burner has ANY 4.5 meter span, let alone one, from the front of the sub-woofer. The car is too small to even set up a wave in.
  • #8
Cab Calcs

Automobile cab tuning frequencies are typical based on ¼ wavelengths not the full wavelength.
  • #9
Claude Bile said:
I too have loud neigbours :smile: .

I have a bunch of Menonite (sp?) neighbors. Loudest noise is the occasional car starting up around here :D Except when some low rider or whatever jerk comes up the main street a few blocks away with their stupid base.
  • #10
The correct answer is that wave amplitudes are absorbed exponentially with distance
according to the wavenumber. If the wall is only 0.01 wavelengths thick, the sound
will get through much better than if it is .1 wavelengths thick.
  • #11
I agree with Antiphon, and I guess you can also think in terms of the cavity (room) resonances. In a cubic room of 5 meters you have [itex] \lambda = 68 m [\itex] which is pretty close to the wave length you are mentioning. Moreover this resonances tell us that the transmissivity of you walls get higher at these frequencies. You have also to consider how much energy is concentrated in each frequency of the music source, i.e. its spectrum.

Best Regards


FAQ: Why Do Low Frequencies Travel Through Walls?

1. Why is my neighbor's bass so loud?

There could be multiple reasons for this. It could be because your neighbor has a powerful speaker system or subwoofer, or they may be playing their music at a high volume. It is also possible that the sound is resonating through the walls and floors of your shared building.

2. Can loud bass from my neighbor's house cause damage to my hearing?

Yes, prolonged exposure to loud bass can cause damage to your hearing. It is important to protect your ears by using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones when necessary.

3. Is there a legal limit for how loud my neighbor's bass can be?

Yes, most cities and towns have noise ordinances that specify the maximum decibel level for residential areas. If your neighbor's bass is exceeding this limit, you can file a noise complaint with your local authorities.

4. What can I do to reduce the sound of my neighbor's loud bass?

You can try talking to your neighbor and politely asking them to lower the volume of their bass. If that does not work, you can also invest in soundproofing materials for your walls and floors to reduce the noise. Alternatively, you can also use noise-cancelling headphones or white noise machines to block out the sound.

5. Why does my neighbor's bass sound louder at certain times?

There could be various reasons for this. It could be because your neighbor is playing their music at a higher volume during certain times of the day or night. It could also be due to the time of day and the way sound travels. For example, sound can travel further and sound louder at night due to lower ambient noise levels.

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