Why do nerves get a blood supply?

In summary: However, the reason that sugars are so important for the brain is that they provide the energy the brain needs to function. Glucose is not the only energy source the brain uses, but it is the main one.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I like to know why nerves get a blood supply. Is it because they need ATP to open protein channel to carry out action potential, or is the extra cellular matrix of a neuron determined by the blood supply. If a neuron can not carry out cellular respiration, why would it cause permanent damage to the structure? What I'm asking is if there is a damage to a major artery in the brain and brain doesn't get much blood, why would the structure disintegrate. Is the phospholipid bilayer of cells maintaIned by ATP? Thanks :smile:
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
A nerve is a bunch of axons. Axon is a part of a cell. A cell needs oxygen and "food"...
  • #3
sameeralord said:
Hello everyone,

I like to know why nerves get a blood supply. Is it because they need ATP to open protein channel to carry out action potential, or is the extra cellular matrix of a neuron determined by the blood supply. If a neuron can not carry out cellular respiration, why would it cause permanent damage to the structure? What I'm asking is if there is a damage to a major artery in the brain and brain doesn't get much blood, why would the structure disintegrate. Is the phospholipid bilayer of cells maintaIned by ATP? Thanks :smile:

Good question!

Neurons are very needy little things. Unlike some other cell types in your body they can't survive long without oxygen (though certain conditions can improve their oxygen deficient life spans, such as temperature).

One the blood supply is cut off the clock is ticking. If the supply returns before the 'point of no return' then often significant neuroregeneration can happen; things like remyelination, regeneration of glia or axons etc.

Depending on where the neurons in question are matters a lot. Neurons of the central nervous system (which includes your brain) aren't given to repair very often (though do under certain circumstances and during early development). In the peripheral nervous system the repair functions work quite well.
  • #4
Neurons are fussy eaters, they prefer sugars and no fats, which if you think about needs a better blood supply to provide enough of.

Low blood sugar reduces your mental capacity. 3 tea spoons of sugar is about all the brain needs for a whole day.
  • #5
Lok said:
Low blood sugar reduces your mental capacity. 3 tea spoons of sugar is about all the brain needs for a whole day.

The actual number for the average requirement of glucose in brain is ~130g of glucose / day, not 3 teaspoons.

FAQ: Why do nerves get a blood supply?

1. Why do nerves need a blood supply?

Nerves require a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to function properly. These substances are delivered through the blood supply, which also helps to remove waste products and maintain the health of nerve cells.

2. What happens if nerves don't get a blood supply?

Without a blood supply, nerves can become damaged or die. This can lead to a variety of neurological symptoms, such as numbness, tingling, and weakness, and can potentially result in permanent nerve damage.

3. How does the blood supply reach nerves?

The blood supply reaches nerves through a network of small blood vessels called capillaries. These capillaries branch off from larger blood vessels and penetrate deep into nerve tissue, ensuring that all parts of the nerve receive a sufficient supply of blood.

4. Are there any diseases or conditions that can affect the blood supply to nerves?

Yes, there are several diseases and conditions that can impact the blood supply to nerves. These include diabetes, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and vascular disorders. Injuries and infections can also disrupt the blood supply to nerves.

5. Can the blood supply to nerves be improved?

Yes, there are ways to improve the blood supply to nerves. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking can all help to improve overall blood flow, which in turn benefits the nerves. In some cases, medications or procedures may be needed to address underlying conditions that are affecting the blood supply.

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