Why do neutrinos always have a specific flavor when detected?

In summary, neutrino oscillation involves producing and detecting neutrinos with specific flavors, but these travel as mass eigenstates. The PMNS matrix elements determine the linear combinations of mass eigenstates that make up the flavor states. During propagation, the mass eigenstates travel at different velocities, resulting in a different ratio of mass eigenstates at any given time. However, when measured, the neutrino will always be one of the three flavors, determined by the weak interaction. The PMNS matrix is probabilistic, and the average ratio of mass eigenstates making up a flavor state is ~68% nu_1, ~30% nu_2, and ~2% nu_3.
  • #1
Hi, this is probably pretty simple but it's puzzling me...

In neutrino oscillation, you produce and detect neutrinos with a specific flavour (e,μ,τ) but they travel as mass eigenstates (1,2,3).

The flavour eigenstates are just linear superpositions of mass eigenstates:
nu_e = U_e1 nu_1 + U_e2 nu_2 + U_e3 nu_3
nu_μ = U_μ1 nu_1 + U_μ2 nu_2 + U_μ3 nu_3
nu_τ = U_τ1 nu_1 + U_τ2 nu_2 + U_τ3 nu_3

where U_ij are the PMNS matrix elements. So for example, an electron neutrino will consist of ~68% nu_1, ~30% nu_2 and ~2% nu_3.

During propagation the mass eigenstates travel at different velocities so at any given time, the neutrino you started with will consist of a certain fraction of nu_1,2,3 but not necessarily the correct ratio which corresponds to nu_e, nu_μ or nu_τ.

Therefore, I don't understand why whenever you detect a neutrino, it is always one the three flavours.

If it were ~66% nu_1, 33% nu_2 and 1% nu_3, would it "become" an electron neutrino because it's closest to this state? Is the PMNS matrix just probabilistic so the average ratio is ~68% nu_1, ~30% nu_2 and ~2% nu_3 but this is not fixed? Does it have something to do with never detecting neutrinos directly but only through interactions and e.g. a W boson can only ever interact with one of the flavour states? Or some other reason altogether? =s

Thanks in advance,
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  • #2
If it were ~66% nu_1, 33% nu_2 and 1% nu_3, would it "become" an electron neutrino because it's closest to this state?
No. You can invert the matrix and express the mass eigenstates as linear combination of flavor eigenstates. This allows to add the present mass eigenstates (with their amplitudes and relative phases!) to calculate the flavor eigenstate contributions. It is random which state you measure, you can just calculate probabilities*.
Measurements are always done via the weak interaction, so you detect flavor eigenstates.

FAQ: Why do neutrinos always have a specific flavor when detected?

What is neutrino oscillation?

Neutrino oscillation is the phenomenon in which neutrinos change from one type to another as they travel through space. This is due to the fact that neutrinos have mass and are constantly in motion.

Why do neutrinos oscillate?

Neutrinos oscillate because they have mass and different types of neutrinos interact differently with matter. This causes them to change from one type to another as they travel through space.

How do scientists study neutrino oscillation?

Scientists study neutrino oscillation by using large detectors, such as the Super-Kamiokande in Japan, to observe the interactions of neutrinos. They also use particle accelerators to produce large numbers of neutrinos and measure their properties.

What are the implications of neutrino oscillation?

The discovery of neutrino oscillation has greatly expanded our understanding of the fundamental properties of neutrinos and has provided evidence for the existence of mass in the universe. It also has implications for the Standard Model of particle physics and our understanding of the early universe.

Are there any practical applications of neutrino oscillation?

While there are currently no direct practical applications of neutrino oscillation, understanding this phenomenon can lead to advancements in technology, such as more efficient solar panels and improved medical imaging techniques.
