Why Do Orientations Affect Stokes' Theorem Results?

In summary, the conversation discusses solving a problem involving Stoke's theorem and vector fields. The two parts of the problem involve showing that two surfaces with the same boundary satisfy the same integral, and showing that two surfaces with opposing orientations and the same boundary also satisfy the same integral. The key is understanding how to choose the orientations of the surfaces and their boundaries in relation to the vector field. The expert also provides a detailed explanation of the concepts involved and reassures the person asking the question that their attempt was on the right track.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I have to prove this problem but I have no idea how to approach this problem. I tried something but it seems not working...

Suppose F is a vector field in R3 whose components have continuous partial derivatives. (So F satisfies the hypotheses of Stoke's Theorem.)

(a) Explain why any two surfaces S and S' oriented upward and with boundary the
unit circle x^2 + y^2 = 1 satisfy

Int Int_s (curl F dot d sigma) = Int Int_s' (curl F dot d sigma)

(b) Explain why any two surfaces S and S'', one oriented upward, the other oriented
downward, and both with boundary the unit circle x^2 + y^2 = 1 satisfy

Int Int_s (curl F dot d sigma) = - Int Int_s'' (curl F dot d sigma)

Since I don't know how to insert Greek characters, I attach 2 files here; one is the problem and another one is my attempt.

Thank you for help!


  • Problem.JPG
    23.7 KB · Views: 508
  • My Attempt.jpg
    My Attempt.jpg
    44 KB · Views: 428
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  • #2
Let me give you a hint. Stoke's theorem relates the surface integration of the curl of F with the boundary integration of JUST F, taking into account orientation (you should be able to answer how you do this, the trick is in relating the normal to the surface to a direction in boundary integration).

Both questions are essentially the same (since the value of these integrals depend, because of Stoke's theorem) only on the value of F on the boundary of the surface.

Please reply if this was helpful. I'd be happy to write a more detailed answer if you find yourself stuck.
  • #3
Thank you for your fast reply,

I think I need a more detailed answer. When you check my attempt would you tell me where I should modify so that I can go further?

  • #4
Ok, here goes, I hope my LATEX is good enough.

Let me describe the situation we have here. We have a vector field F of class C1 defined on the whole of R3, two surfaces S and S' sharing the same boundary B (namely, the circle). For the sake of clarity, Stokes' theorem says:


\iint_{S} \left( \nabla \times \mathbf{F} \right) \cdot \mathbf{n} \, dS = \int_\textrm{B} \mathbf{F} \cdot \mathbf{t} \, dl


Where n is the unit normal of the surface and t is the unit tangent of the boundary of the surface.
n is chosen arbitrarily, but t must respect the orientation imposed by choosing n; t must obey the right hand rule: if n is in the direction of your thumb, t must point in the direction of your remaining fingers.

Alternately, we could arbitrarily choose t and get the direction of n respecting the right hand rule.

We have assumed implicitly that the tangent vector of the circle has been chosen.

a) Since the surfaces share boundary and have the same orientation, they are equal. Their normals are parallel, so are their tangents to their boundaries.

For the first surface,

\iint_{S} \left( \nabla \times \mathbf{F} \right) \cdot \mathbf{n} \, dS = \int_\textrm{B} \mathbf{F} \cdot \mathbf{t} \, dl

for the other one,

\iint_{S^{'}} \left( \nabla \times \mathbf{F} \right) \cdot \mathbf{n} \, dS = \int_\textrm{B} \mathbf{F} \cdot \mathbf{t} \, dl

b) Since the surfaces share boundary but have opposing orientation they must be equal to each other's negatives. Their orientation is opposite because they have opposing normals and the same tangents to their boundary.

As for your attempt, there is no need to write these integrals in any sort of coordinates, the question posed here is a matter of a subtlety that arises in Stoke's theorem: orientation. Basically, the n and t used in Stokes' theorem must express the same orientation of the surface.

I hope this was helpful, if you have any questions just ask and be happy.

*I'm not getting this latex feature, I may not be implementing it right, I'll try to fix it.
**Got it fixed.
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  • #5
thank you very much for your detailed answer:wink::wink::wink:

Now my question has got solved!

I really appreciate it!


FAQ: Why Do Orientations Affect Stokes' Theorem Results?

1. What is Stokes' Theorem?

Stokes' Theorem is a mathematical theorem in vector calculus that relates a surface integral over a closed surface to a line integral around the boundary of the surface. It is named after the mathematician Sir George Gabriel Stokes.

2. What is the significance of Stokes' Theorem in Calculus III?

In Calculus III, Stokes' Theorem is used to evaluate line integrals in three-dimensional space. It allows us to relate the line integral to a surface integral, making it easier to solve for complex and curved surfaces. It also helps in understanding the fundamental principles of vector calculus.

3. Can you explain the formula for Stokes' Theorem?

The formula for Stokes' Theorem is: ∫∫S(∇×F)·dS = ∫CF·dr, where ∇×F is the curl of the vector field F, dS is the surface element, C is the boundary curve of the surface, and dr is the line element along the boundary curve. This formula relates the surface integral to the line integral.

4. How is Stokes' Theorem used in real-world applications?

Stokes' Theorem is used in many real-world applications, such as in fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and engineering. It allows us to calculate the flow of a fluid or the flux of an electric field through a surface by using information from the boundary curve. This makes it a powerful tool in understanding and solving physical problems.

5. What are the limitations of Stokes' Theorem?

Stokes' Theorem has some limitations, such as only being applicable to closed surfaces and boundary curves that are smooth. It also requires the vector field to be continuous and differentiable. Additionally, it cannot be applied to surfaces with holes or boundaries that intersect. In these cases, other theorems such as Green's Theorem or the Divergence Theorem may be more suitable.
