Why do people resort to terrorism?

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  • Thread starter kasse
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In summary, the conversation started with discussing the reasons for terrorism and how it was previously discussed in a thread that was locked for going off-topic. The conversation then shifted to discussing the idea of someone killing one's God and the motivation behind terrorist acts. The point was made that religion and blind belief are often the main reasons for terrorism, but the individual clarified that this does not mean all religious people are terrorists. The conversation then turned to the lack of atheists among terrorist groups and the idea that religion and blind belief are the root of terrorism and wars in today's world. The conversation ends with one participant stating that the discussion seems to be targeting a specific religion rather than discussing the issue of terrorism as a whole.
  • #1
In the thread "Student faces terrorism charges" we started discussing the why terrorism exist, but it was locked because of straying too far OT. We continue here.

"Can you imagine one thing: Somebody will/or trying to kill your "GOD" who you trust forever, then what you will do then?"

My point exactly! Their religion and God is holy to them, even if it doesn't exist! Many of them are filled with hate, but I doubt they would commit suicide if they weren't also convinced that they'll get paid in Paradice for doing these horrible things.
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  • #2
3...2...1...cling cling.
  • #3
kasse said:
In the thread "Student faces terrorism charges" we started discussing the why terrorism exist, but it was locked because of straying too far OT. We continue here.

"Can you imagine one thing: Somebody will/or trying to kill your "GOD" who you trust forever, then what you will do then?"

My point exactly! Their religion and God is holy to them, even if it doesn't exist! Many of them are filled with hate, but I doubt they would commit suicide if they weren't also convinced that they'll get paid in Paradice for doing these horrible things.
Are you are inferring that only Muslims are terrorists? If so, there is no need to continue this thread.
  • #4
Evo said:
Are you are inferring that only Muslims are terrorists? If so, there is no need to continue this thread.

I'm not! I mentioned suicide bombers in particular. I want to hear what you think is the reason for the acts of terror we've seen in the US and in Europe recently. Most of them (if not all) are committed by Muslims.

Off course other people are terrorists as well. Christians, atheists, Jews, pangans...
  • #5
Are you suggesting Muslims are the only ones who give their lives for their beliefs?

Maybe you'd better retreat and regroup and pose your question more carefully.

P.S. I'm not sure how many aetheist terrorists there are. I'd would be willing to bet there is a ... statistically significant ... lack of aetheism amongst the world's terroists.
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  • #6
DaveC426913 said:
Are you suggesting Muslims are the only ones who give their lives for their beliefs?

Maybe you'd better retreat and regroup and pose your question more carefully.

P.S. I'm not sure how many aetheist terrorists there are. I'd would be willing to bet there is a ... statistically significant ... lack of aetheism amongst the world's terroists.

I'm not! But certainly more than other religious people. Giving ones life for ones blind beliefs is not a good thing, btw.

By the way, I agree with you. There are short of ateists among terrorists. I think religion and blind belief that is the main reason why there is terrorism and wars in todays world.

I don't respect religious beliefs. But that doesn't mean I don't respect religious people.
  • #7
kasse said:
I'm not! But certainly more than other religious people. Giving ones life for ones blind beliefs is not a good thing, btw.

By the way, I agree with you. There are short of ateists among terrorists. I think religion and blind belief that is the main reason why there is terrorism and wars in todays world.

I don't respect religious beliefs. But that doesn't mean I don't respect religious people.
You have so many presuppositions and personal biases that it's difficult to call this a discussion. It's really you asserting your personal (and, arguably, blind) beliefs.
  • #8
This thread appears to have been created for targeting a specific religion for criticism rather than discussing the roots of terrorism generally.

"cling cling"
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FAQ: Why do people resort to terrorism?

1. Why do people turn to terrorism?

There are a variety of reasons why individuals may turn to terrorism. Some may feel marginalized or oppressed by their government or society, leading them to seek revenge or try to bring about change through violent means. Others may be influenced by extremist ideologies or propaganda. In some cases, individuals may also be driven to terrorism due to personal grievances or a desire for power and control.

2. Is poverty a major factor in the existence of terrorism?

Poverty alone is not a direct cause of terrorism, but it can contribute to the conditions that make individuals vulnerable to recruitment by terrorist groups. Poverty can create a sense of hopelessness and desperation, making people more susceptible to extremist ideologies and promises of a better life through violence.

3. What role does religion play in terrorism?

While some terrorist groups may use religion as a justification for their actions, it is important to recognize that their beliefs and actions do not represent the majority of followers of that religion. Religion is often used as a tool by extremist groups to manipulate and recruit vulnerable individuals, but it is not the sole reason for terrorism.

4. Can terrorism be justified as a means to an end?

No, terrorism is never justified. Resorting to violence and targeting innocent civilians to achieve political or ideological goals is a violation of human rights and can never be justified. There are always peaceful and lawful ways to bring about change and address grievances.

5. How can we prevent or eradicate terrorism?

Preventing and eradicating terrorism is a complex and ongoing effort that requires a multifaceted approach. This includes addressing root causes such as poverty, inequality, and political grievances, promoting education and critical thinking, strengthening security and intelligence measures, and countering extremist ideologies through effective messaging and counter-narratives.

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