- #36
jim mcnamara
- 4,783
- 3,843
D H said:...
The US has always had a bit of an anti-intellectual streak to it. That pile of **** that khemix posted, and the derogatory words I posted, exemplify that streak. ..
D H has a firm grip on it. Without invoking personal experiences - you see it everywhere.
Films often have super smart nerds or scientists as the bad guys. I cannot recall a film where the really smart guy or the well-educated guy/gal saves the day and is the hero.
The reading level in most print media in the US is about US grade 5-6. Back when I was on a software development team, our company had to hire people to 'dumb down' the manuals we had written before we could market the product. The folks hired were tech writers and they actually used software metrics to shoot for a 5.5 reading level.
~30% of people in the US do not graduate high school:
These folks can't read well, analyze, apply the Scientific Method, or perform routine arithmetic operations well. So if they derive information from TV and streaming media, they view Jerry Springer as a genius and a fount of knowledge. Which in some ways he actually is.
So it'd be tough for them to even imagine what a PhD does to get thru grad school.