Why do physicists claim the universe came from nothing?

  • Thread starter AdkinsJr
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    Big bang
In summary: Both theories have a lot of evidence in their favor. It's just that we currently don't know what caused the big bang. Saying "it came from nothing" is not any more preposterous than saying "it always existed". Both theories have a lot of evidence in their favor. It's just that we currently don't know what caused the big bang.
  • #1
I often hear creationists claim that the Big Bang Theory states that something came out of nothing and exploded. Interestingly enough, I've found that physicists are often quote mined as saying things like "the universe came from nothing." Why would a physicists say such a thing?

"Big Bangs occur in the sea of nothingness."
- Michio Kaku Ph.D. Theoretical Physicist and Harvard Educated.

Another Quote:

"Speaking to a sold out crowd at the Berkeley Physics Oppenheimer Lecture, Hawking said yesterday that he now believes the universe spontaneously popped into existence from nothing. He said more work is needed to prove this but we have time because 'Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end.'
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
The cause of the Big Bang is unknown. Here is a good page on this:

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  • #3
Freeman Dyson said:
The cause of the Big Bang is unknown. Here is a good page on this:


I'm aware that there is no known cause for the big bang. That's why I don't understand some of these bizarre quotes. Why would someone like Stephen Hawking say that the universe spontaneously formed out of nothing? I don't see how someone could possibly justify such a bizarre claim if we aren't even beyond the big bang. This notion of cosmic nothingness eludes me.
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  • #4
That the universe came from nothing is one of the current hypotheses. So I'm not sure why you're taking umbrage.

It is speculated that - similar to how quantum flucuations in vacuum can spontaneously spawn a pair of real particles - so the universe may have simply sprung into existence as a point and then rapidly expanded to the BB we know today.
  • #5
It is not unreasonable to postulate a universe from 'nothing'. It is certainly reasonable from a quantum physics point of view. Is it any more reasonable to assume it always was?
  • #6
Chronos said:
It is not unreasonable to postulate a universe from 'nothing'. It is certainly reasonable from a quantum physics point of view. Is it any more reasonable to assume it always was?

To assume it aways was only begs the question as to where the previous state came from. It never really answers where those previous states came from, and so it denies any reason for those previous states. It's the same as having no explanation at all.

But it would seem that the principle of spacetime coming into existence is consistent with space expanding with time, more of it coming into existence from ... nothing?
  • #7
friend said:
To assume it aways was only begs the question as to where the previous state came from. It never really answers where those previous states came from, and so it denies any reason for those previous states.
I think that's his point.

Saying "it came from nothing" is not any more preposterous than saying "it always existed".

FAQ: Why do physicists claim the universe came from nothing?

What is the Big Bang theory and why is it important?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. It states that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, and has been expanding and cooling ever since. This theory is important because it provides a framework for understanding the early development of the universe and has been supported by various observational and experimental evidence.

Did the Big Bang create the universe from nothing?

No, the Big Bang theory does not suggest that the universe was created from nothing. It simply explains the expansion and development of the universe from a singularity. The concept of creation from nothing is a philosophical and theological question, not a scientific one.

What caused the Big Bang?

The cause of the Big Bang is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some theories suggest that it was the result of a quantum fluctuation, while others propose the existence of a multiverse where our universe was created from a collapsing black hole in another universe. Currently, there is no definitive answer to this question.

Does the Big Bang theory conflict with religious beliefs?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation and does not make any claims about religious beliefs. Many religious leaders and scholars have found ways to reconcile the Big Bang theory with their beliefs. Ultimately, the acceptance of the Big Bang theory does not depend on one's religious beliefs.

Is the Big Bang theory proven?

The Big Bang theory is supported by a vast amount of evidence from various fields of science, such as cosmology, astrophysics, and particle physics. However, as with any scientific theory, it is subject to revision and refinement as new evidence is discovered. Therefore, it is not considered a proven fact, but a well-supported and widely accepted scientific explanation.

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