Why do poeple say Killing yourself is Bad?

  • Thread starter CRYorDIE9
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the belief that suicide is often a result of genetic reasons, and questions why people always try to offer positive solutions or label it as a sin. The conversation also delves into the idea that depression is a natural function of the brain and can be caused by various factors such as unresolved issues or chemical imbalances. However, seeking help and treatment is encouraged, as it can greatly improve one's mental health. The conversation ends with a hypothetical scenario of someone contemplating suicide due to a difficult past.
  • #36
Pengwuino said:
Wow what a depressing yet silly thread.

I've never known, met, or heard of anyone who had come to the logical conclusion that suicide was the best option. It's silly. That's like someone in high school going "Oh I failed math, life is over, /wrist". I see a lot of people pinpoint why they're sad and then just blow it out of proportion until it's their entire life.

Has anyone ever heard of someone committing suicide that came out to be a 'plus' for those around them or even themselves?

It certainly could be a non-minus in some particular cultures:

For example, during the reigns of Tiberius, Nero and Domitian, numerous individuals got a living out of being "delators", i.e, basically charging others for being guilty of treason.

If convicted, the delator would collect a fee, the rest of the delated individual's estate would pass to the emperor.

In order to salvage his own estates for his family, numerous persons (like the philosopher Seneca) took their own lives to escape formal conviction.
(Without a formal conviction, the emperor "only" got the bequest given him in the will, the rest was left to the family)
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  • #37
Maybe I'm just a horrible person, but every time I hear about someone killing themselves because they don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend, I sort of laugh. What a stupid and vain thing to kill yourself over.
  • #38
jgens said:
Depends, pain usually arises from a specific event (for example, you fall and "skin" your knees) whereas clinical depression often doesn't arise from external stimuli. Some people, like my sister, just have/had chemical imbalances in their brain.
My god, I'm not talking about Clinical Depression, I agree with how to deal with this type of depression because the brain isn't normally functioning right because they were born that way. However the point i was making is that, there are reason people get depressed ( normal depression).

Why do you people believe when an individual is going thought so much negative things that's happening to there lives , you expect them to stay emotional positive? That's like a person feeling pleasure every time he gets hit and coming back for more.Knowing the body is getting damaged .

Getting Depress is natural , just like feeling pain is natural, these things happen for a reason .

To stop depression make the indiviuals life better , simple as that, no need to drug him with fake positive emotion that only killing the brain .
  • #39
lisab said:
This is complete nonsense. You should educate yourself with the current medical view of depression. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/depression/complete-index.shtml" .

The part of you post that I bolded is a 1950's view of depression..."Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!" It would be just as silly to tell that to a person with lung cancer.

I've read many articles on depression, and none of them provided convincing evidence to the contrary of my opinion. "Current opinions" are not evidence for anything other than people's opinions. If you have something specific that you'd like to share, go ahead..but saying my viewpoint is complete nonsense and giving a generic link to a depression website is in no way productive.
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  • #40
CRYorDIE9 said:
My god, I'm not talking about Clinical Depression, I agree with how to deal with this type of depression because the brain isn't normally functioning right because they were born that way. However the point i was making is that, there are reason people get depressed ( normal depression).

Why do you people believe when an individual is going thought so much negative things that's happening to there lives , you expect them to stay emotional positive? That's like a person feeling pleasure every time he gets hit and coming back for more.Knowing the body is getting damaged .

Getting Depress is natural , just like feeling pain is natural, these things happen for a reason .

To stop depression make the indiviuals life better , simple as that, no need to drug him with fake positive emotion that only killing the brain .

well see, here's the thing. you would think people in america would all be happy, right? because our lives are pretty good compared to people in many other parts of the world. yet, we're not. there are a lot of very unhappy people here. it's not a simple matter of how good your situation is. the root cause is often organic, which causes everything to seem much worse than it is.
  • #41
CRYorDIE9 said:
Getting Depress is natural , just like feeling pain is natural, these things happen for a reason .

Normal depression rarely leads to suicide. I believe most of us have referred to clinical depression due to your references to suicide.
  • #42
Proton Soup said:
well see, here's the thing. you would think people in america would all be happy, right? because our lives are pretty good compared to people in many other parts of the world. yet, we're not. there are a lot of very unhappy people here. it's not a simple matter of how good your situation is. the root cause is often organic, which causes everything to seem much worse than it is.

So if somebody is rich in life, and they are depressed, that mean there is something wrong with them mentally, from a organic stand point? are you ****ing kinding?

It doesn't matter how good your situation or stander of living is, you can still have bad experiences with your life.

When people base there life and value on things like Materialism "you would think people in america would all be happy, right? because our lives are pretty good compared to people in many other parts of the world. yet, we're not." They tend to lose the most important and essential things needed in life.

here are a few examples, love , friendship, having a sense of belonging, being yourself and etc.

People become depress because they don't have those things i typed up top , it doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, being alone is one of the main things that lead to depression.

A rich guy may not be happy with his life because people only like him because of money or want to be around him so that they may make money off of him . Maybe the rich guy feels he has no real true friends in his life and in the end feels alone. Women may only be with him because of money and it make him feel bad that women are only interested in him because of money.

A child from school may not be happy because he is bullied all the time, making school harder for the child. Being a outcast as a child all because you are different or that some may don't like you can really effected you psychologically . it doesn't mean the child is brain problems or that the problem is organic.

let say some girl hate the way they look because they are ugly. They have to suffer because of something they had no control over. being sadden by the way she look , the girl become depress and feel there is no point in here life if she can't find somebody to love. Of course the girl can find some body that's ugly like her, but it doesn't change the fact that she hates the way she looks.

what about a person who want to be accepted so badly that he changed everything about himself to gain acceptance a pond others. Even tho he may be accepted by people, deep down inside he is unhappy because he is being something he is not!

Like I said, its all about the persons interests , Materialism doesn't mean ****. I know a few people who would give up a lot of money or stuff to have friends, a girl/boy friend, and etc.
  • #43
CryorDIE, you're confusing being unhappy with depression, they are not the same.
  • #44
MissSilvy said:
Maybe I'm just a horrible person, but every time I hear about someone killing themselves because they don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend, I sort of laugh. What a stupid and vain thing to kill yourself over.

I don't think anyone who is healthy(mentally) would ever kill himself for not getting a girlfriend or boyfriend. That is simply not possible.
  • #45
rootX said:
I don't think anyone who is healthy(mentally) would ever kill himself for not getting a girlfriend or boyfriend. That is simply not possible.

I agree with that, but I also think a person will become mentally unstable if they are deprived of all romantic contact with the opposite gender for a long enough time.. :-p
  • #46
ideasrule said:
Sadly, for many people, that isn't true; they're right in thinking the whole world is against them. Imagine this scenario: in his childhood, a boy was abused by his parents and not allowed to have friends. Suffering from stress, pain, and loneliness, he becomes an adult who has no idea how to socialize and alienates everybody he meets. If he enters a depression, nobody will come to help him; likely, nobody will know or care. Some people may even consider it a relief if he ever suicides.

I'm not just practicing my fiction writing skills; a lot of people have no friends and no supportive relatives. To think that every death is a tragedy is sadly an over-optimistic view of the world.

I feel the exact same way. Obviously, I am someone who seems to alienate people somewhat. Being hearing impaired since birth has affected me. The psychological pain is more unbearable than the physical pain. It occurs more often.

I think about suicide almost every single day. Have you ever wondered why many people say to themselves "oh FML..."? Most people don't like to say it but they are not leading a good life (whatever that is or whatever society tells them is).

One can easily see the world as being mundane and not full of surprises.
  • #47
suicide is "bad" because it is unfit to kill youself.

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