Why do quantum effects arise due to microscopic size?

In summary, the conversation discusses the role of uncertainty in quantum mechanics and how it is affected by the relative sizes of observers and what is being observed. The Planck constant is a fundamental constant of nature and does not change with the size of observers. There is no known limit to the validity of quantum laws and they are important for both microscopic and macroscopic objects. There is no scientific reference for the idea of a relativistic Planck constant and personal speculation is not allowed on the forum.
  • #1
First, in quantum mechanics, space is not quantized. So, you can have particles of any size. It's not like the minimum size should be a space quantum. If there's no absolute 'huge' and no absolute 'microscopic', just relative sizes, then there should be no reason to assume that we follow general relativity while electrons follow quantum mechanics.
My question is: Do quantum effects arise due to the difference in relative sizes of the observer and what is being observed? Considering space is not quantized, and you can divide it as much as you want, then there can be a particle whose size is microscopic relative to an electron and there can be living creatures for which Earth is of microscopic size. So, for those creatures, will Earth show quantum effects?
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  • #2
The crucial quantum feature is uncertainty. According to quantum mechanics, the product of momentum and position uncertainties is
$$\Delta p \Delta x \approx \hbar$$
The quantum effects are important when the uncertainties are big, i.e. comparable to the average values. In other words, when
$$\Delta p \Delta x \approx \langle p\rangle \langle x\rangle$$
Therefore quantum effects are important when
$$\langle p\rangle \langle x\rangle\approx \hbar$$
The Planck constant ##\hbar## is small, meaning that the quantum effects are important when ##\langle p\rangle \langle x\rangle## is small. Usually, this quantity is small for microscopic objects, not for macroscopic ones.
  • #3
There's no known limit of validity of the natural laws expressed by quantum theory (it's only not completely understood how to describe gravity by quantum theory, but that's not so relevant for your question). Given the atomistic structure of matter, one of the most frequent quantum properties of matter around us is its stability. The very fact that I'm sitting on a chair and not falling freely in space is a quantum phenomenon (Pauli principle of the electrons in the atoms of the chair and myself), typing this posting into a laptop (with chips based on the laws of quantum theory describing semicondutors).
  • #4
Demystifier said:
The crucial quantum feature is uncertainty. According to quantum mechanics, the product of momentum and position uncertainties is
$$\Delta p \Delta x \approx \hbar$$
The quantum effects are important when the uncertainties are big, i.e. comparable to the average values. In other words, when
$$\Delta p \Delta x \approx \langle p\rangle \langle x\rangle$$
Therefore quantum effects are important when
$$\langle p\rangle \langle x\rangle\approx \hbar$$
The Planck constant ##\hbar## is small, meaning that the quantum effects are important when ##\langle p\rangle \langle x\rangle## is small. Usually, this quantity is small for microscopic objects, not for macroscopic ones.
If Plank's constant changed with relative size of observers and what is observed then......
  • #5
According to our present knowledge ##\hbar## is just a conversion factor between arbitrarily chosen units, i.e., a fundamental constant of nature. It doesn't change with the size of observers.
  • #6
Prem1998 said:
If Plank's constant changed with relative size of observers and what is observed then......
I don't understand what do you mean. Planck constant doesn't change, that's why it is called constant.
  • #7
Demystifier said:
I don't understand what do you mean. Planck constant doesn't change, that's why it is called constant.
Maybe it's value is larger for living beings of the size 10^32 times that of Earth (I'm not saying they exist, but if they existed) who are observing the Earth with a planet microscope. Maybe Earth has uncertain position and momentum for them. A relativistic Plank's constant,...no wait, plank variable
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  • #8
Prem1998 said:
Do quantum effects arise due to the difference in relative sizes of the observer and what is being observed?
No they don't.
  • #9
Prem1998 said:
Maybe it's value is larger for living beings of the size 10^32 times that of Earth (I'm not saying they exist, but if they existed) who are observing the Earth with a planet microscope. Maybe Earth has uncertain position and momentum for them. A relativistic Plank's constant,...no wait, plank variable
Do you have a scientific reference for this? If not, then please review the PF rules on personal speculation.

If you have such a reference then send me a PM. Until then the thread is closed.
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Related to Why do quantum effects arise due to microscopic size?

1. Why do quantum effects only occur at the microscopic level?

Quantum effects arise due to the inherent uncertainty and probabilistic nature of particles at the subatomic level. At this scale, particles behave more like waves, making it impossible to accurately predict their exact position or momentum. This uncertainty gives rise to quantum effects, which are not observed at larger scales where classical physics can accurately describe the behavior of particles.

2. How does the size of an object affect its quantum properties?

The size of an object determines the number of particles and the distance between them, both of which can influence the strength of quantum effects. As the size decreases, the number of particles decreases, and the distance between them increases, leading to a higher likelihood of quantum effects occurring.

3. What is the relationship between quantum effects and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This is due to the probabilistic nature of particles at the quantum level. Therefore, this uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of quantum effects and is essential for understanding the behavior of particles at the microscopic level.

4. Can quantum effects be observed in everyday objects?

While quantum effects are only observed at the microscopic level, their effects can be seen in everyday objects. For example, the technology we use, such as smartphones and computers, rely heavily on quantum mechanics to function. However, these effects are not visible to the naked eye and can only be observed through specialized equipment.

5. How do quantum effects impact our understanding of reality?

Quantum effects challenge our traditional understanding of reality by showing that particles can exist in multiple states at the same time and that their behavior is inherently unpredictable. This concept goes against our everyday experiences and forces us to think about the nature of reality in a different way.

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