Why do so many professors use Macs?

  • Thread starter Simfish
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In summary, many of the professors on campus use Macs, but this trend started many years ago because they have been easier to use and safer. There is also a trend towards using Macs because of the security and support issues.
  • #1
Gold Member
Many of them grew up on Linux so I'd expect them to be able to configure computers well. Yet, for some reason, many of them seem to be very averse to Windows. Of course, Macs allow you to use the terminal and to easily install applications. But is this the only reason? Or are there others?

In academia, is there a culture that encourages other people to use Macs? Is it "uncool" to use Windows?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why would anyone use Windows, ever?
  • #3
Cheaper than Macs, perhaps?

(but I also wonder - did professors use windows in the early 2000s?)
  • #4
I've used a Mac since the mid 1980s, and have never owned a PC (Windows-based or otherwise). Many of the professors where I teach (in all departments) also use Macs, and have used them for a long time.

I do have Windows 7 running under Parallels Desktop on my current Mac, for one program that requires Windows.

Here, this trend is because Macs have been easier to set up and use, and even now are much safer to use (viruses, spyware, trojans, etc.). Also, the main "go-to" guy for faculty computer support for many years (another member of my department) was strongly pro-Mac.

Campus-wide (faculty, students and administration) we support both Macs and PCs. But our current CFO, who was for many years in charge of our campus network, once told me that he would love it if everyone on campus used Macs, because of the security and support issues. This would of course be totally impractical; he was just pipe-dreaming.
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  • #5
I thought schools used Macs because of school discounts or something. In my high school, the laptops that are given to the teachers are Macs, but they all also have a Windows desktop.

Coin said:
Why would anyone use Windows, ever?

Personal preference, games, in my opinion it is easier to use than Macs, and of course...the toolbar!

FAQ: Why do so many professors use Macs?

1. Why do so many professors prefer Macs over PCs?

There are a few reasons why many professors choose to use Macs. One reason is that Macs are known for their reliability and stability, making them less likely to crash or have technical issues during a lecture. Additionally, Macs have a user-friendly interface and require minimal troubleshooting, which can save time for busy professors. Finally, many academic institutions have a strong partnership with Apple, providing discounts and support for Mac products.

2. What makes Macs better for academic purposes?

Macs have several features that make them well-suited for academic use. One of the most notable features is the built-in software, such as Pages, Keynote, and Numbers, which are useful for creating presentations, documents, and spreadsheets. Moreover, Macs have a long battery life and are designed to handle multiple tasks at once, making them ideal for research and writing. Additionally, Macs have a reputation for being more secure and less susceptible to viruses, which is important for protecting sensitive academic information.

3. Do Macs have more specialized software for academic research?

While PCs may have a wider range of software options, Macs have a growing number of specialized programs for academic research. For example, Macs have a strong presence in fields such as graphic design, music production, and video editing, which can be valuable for professors who require these tools in their research. Additionally, many research institutions and universities use Macs, making it easier for professors to collaborate and share data.

4. Are Macs more expensive than PCs for professors?

Macs are generally more expensive than PCs, but this may not be a significant factor for professors. Many academic institutions offer discounts for Mac products, making them more affordable for professors. Additionally, Macs are known for their longevity, so professors may be able to use the same device for several years without needing to upgrade. Overall, the initial investment in a Mac may be higher, but it could save money in the long run.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using a Mac for academic purposes?

One potential disadvantage of using a Mac for academic purposes is compatibility issues. Some software or programs may only be available for PCs, making it necessary for professors to use a virtual machine or find alternative solutions. Additionally, the learning curve for using a Mac may be steeper for those who are used to using PCs. However, with the growing popularity of Macs in academia, these issues are becoming less common.
