Why do some people say that Newton's Second law is the real Law of Motion?

In summary: I don't understand what you are trying to say...eq...2)Now..3rd frm 2nd..let two bodies interactlet F1 and F2 be the action n reactionthen according to the second law F1=dP1/dt F2=dP2/dtThis is true, but what about the First Law?The First Law is a special case of the second law.
  • #36
I found this one for first level physics class. The essential point being that before and after the interaction the velocities of the masses (two in this case) are constant so the derivative of the velocity times the constant mass is zero. From this the F one = -F two is then concluded.

Let the net momentum of a system of two bodies of mass m1 and m2 be p where p=p1+p2.from the second law net external force on the body =dp1/dt+dp2/dt. if the total momentum in any direction is constant then dp1/dt+dp2/dt=0(derivative of a constant is zero.)let the velocities of the bodies change from u1 to v1 and u2 to v2 in time t due to their mutual interaction. then m1(v1-u1)/t+m2(v2-u2)/t=0 (since dp/dt is time rate of change of momentum.) again we know (v-u)/t=acceleration. so m1f1+m2f2=0. again from the second law we get force =mass*acceleration. so f1+f2=0 and so f1= -f2. which shows thr force applied by the first body on the second is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the force applied by the second on the first. this is stated in the third law.thus it is derieved from the second law.
<h2>1. Why is Newton's Second Law considered the real Law of Motion?</h2><p>Newton's Second Law, also known as the Law of Acceleration, is considered the real Law of Motion because it takes into account both the mass and the acceleration of an object, while the First Law only considers the object's motion in the absence of external forces and the Third Law only focuses on the equal and opposite reaction of forces. In other words, the Second Law provides a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.</p><h2>2. How does Newton's Second Law relate to the other Laws of Motion?</h2><p>Newton's Second Law is often referred to as the "real" Law of Motion because it builds upon the First and Third Laws. The First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force, while the Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Second Law expands on these concepts by explaining how an object's motion changes when acted upon by a force.</p><h2>3. What is the mathematical formula for Newton's Second Law?</h2><p>The mathematical formula for Newton's Second Law is F = ma, where F is the force applied to an object, m is the mass of the object, and a is the resulting acceleration. This equation shows that the greater the force applied to an object, the greater the acceleration will be, and the greater the mass of an object, the smaller the resulting acceleration will be.</p><h2>4. Why is Newton's Second Law considered a fundamental principle of physics?</h2><p>Newton's Second Law is considered a fundamental principle of physics because it explains the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, which are essential concepts in understanding the motion of objects. This law is applicable to a wide range of scenarios, from the motion of planets in space to the movement of everyday objects on Earth, making it a fundamental principle in the study of physics.</p><h2>5. Can Newton's Second Law be applied to non-inertial reference frames?</h2><p>Yes, Newton's Second Law can be applied to non-inertial reference frames. In fact, this law was originally developed to describe the motion of objects in non-inertial reference frames, which are frames of reference that are accelerating or rotating. This is because the Second Law takes into account the acceleration of an object, which is necessary for understanding its motion in non-inertial reference frames.</p>

FAQ: Why do some people say that Newton's Second law is the real Law of Motion?

1. Why is Newton's Second Law considered the real Law of Motion?

Newton's Second Law, also known as the Law of Acceleration, is considered the real Law of Motion because it takes into account both the mass and the acceleration of an object, while the First Law only considers the object's motion in the absence of external forces and the Third Law only focuses on the equal and opposite reaction of forces. In other words, the Second Law provides a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.

2. How does Newton's Second Law relate to the other Laws of Motion?

Newton's Second Law is often referred to as the "real" Law of Motion because it builds upon the First and Third Laws. The First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force, while the Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Second Law expands on these concepts by explaining how an object's motion changes when acted upon by a force.

3. What is the mathematical formula for Newton's Second Law?

The mathematical formula for Newton's Second Law is F = ma, where F is the force applied to an object, m is the mass of the object, and a is the resulting acceleration. This equation shows that the greater the force applied to an object, the greater the acceleration will be, and the greater the mass of an object, the smaller the resulting acceleration will be.

4. Why is Newton's Second Law considered a fundamental principle of physics?

Newton's Second Law is considered a fundamental principle of physics because it explains the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, which are essential concepts in understanding the motion of objects. This law is applicable to a wide range of scenarios, from the motion of planets in space to the movement of everyday objects on Earth, making it a fundamental principle in the study of physics.

5. Can Newton's Second Law be applied to non-inertial reference frames?

Yes, Newton's Second Law can be applied to non-inertial reference frames. In fact, this law was originally developed to describe the motion of objects in non-inertial reference frames, which are frames of reference that are accelerating or rotating. This is because the Second Law takes into account the acceleration of an object, which is necessary for understanding its motion in non-inertial reference frames.
