Why Do Some Students Struggle with A-Level Physics Concepts?

In summary: As the reverse potential difference increases, the current decreases until it reaches a minimum value at the stopping potential, and then remains constant as the potential difference continues to increase. This is because once the stopping potential is reached, all of the emitted electrons have been stopped and no additional current can be detected. In summary, we discussed how to improve the accuracy of measuring the fringe width in Young's double slit experiment, the derivation of the intensity formula from a point source, and the principles of photoelectric emission, including the explanation of why a small current is present when the p.d is set to zero and how to calculate the stopping potential for a given frequency of radiation. We also looked at a graph showing how current changes as the reverse potential difference is increased
  • #1
Last year I sat my physics A-Level paper and despite achieving A's in the first 3 modules I took a nosedive and underachieved. I have finished school now and am retaking modules in January time and upon my preparation I have come across a few problems which I can't seem to answer! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here goes:

1) Explain the problem and state how the measurement can be made more accurate when measuring the fringe width in Young's Double Slit experiment (laser/monochromatic light source)

2) Explain how the following formula follows from the definition of intensity:
I= P/(4 x pi x r2)

3) Photoelectical Emission:
(i)When p.d is set to zero the microammeter indicates a small current. Why?

(ii) The cathode is made from sodium - work function 3.7 x 10^-19 J. Show the stopping potential for radiation of frequency 7.5 x 10^14 Hz is approx 0.8V

(iii) Sketch a graph to show how current changes as the reverse potential difference V is increased from 0 to 1.0 V

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  • #2
!1) In Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width can be made more accurate by using a laser or monochromatic light source. This allows for the light to be more focused and concentrated, creating sharper fringes with a greater contrast between the bright and dark fringes. Additionally, a more powerful light source can be used to produce higher intensity of light across the entire screen, further increasing the accuracy of the measurement. 2) The formula I=P/(4 x pi x r2) follows from the definition of intensity, which is the amount of energy per unit area that is passing through a given surface. The formula can be derived by considering the total power being emitted from a point source, P, and the fact that this power will be spread out in all directions. As the distance, r, increases, the total area over which the power is spread increases, thus decreasing the intensity at any given point. This can be expressed mathematically through the equation I = P/(4 x pi x r2). 3) (i) When the p.d is set to zero, the microammeter indicates a small current because there is a small amount of current present due to thermal electrons. These electrons are generated from thermal energy within the cathode and are not related to the photoelectric effect. (ii) The stopping potential for radiation of frequency 7.5 x 10^14 Hz can be calculated using the equation V = hf/e, where h is Planck's constant (6.63 x 10^-34 Js), f is the frequency of the radiation, and e is the charge on an electron (1.60 x 10^-19 C). Substituting the values given into the equation yields V = 0.8 volts. (iii) A graph to show how current changes as the reverse potential difference V is increased from 0 to 1.0 V would look something like this: | | || * | | * || * || * || * ||* ||-----------------------| 0 1.0V
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1) The problem in the Young's Double Slit experiment is that the measurement of the fringe width can be affected by factors such as the accuracy of the laser/monochromatic light source and the positioning of the slits. To make the measurement more accurate, one can use a more precise laser or light source, and ensure that the slits are properly aligned and the distance between them is accurately measured. Another way to improve accuracy is to increase the distance between the slits and the screen, which will result in a larger fringe width and therefore easier to measure.

2) The formula for intensity follows from the definition of intensity as the power per unit area. The power is represented by the symbol P, and the area is represented by 4 x pi x r2, where r is the radius of the circle. This formula is derived from the fact that the intensity of light decreases as the distance from the source increases, and the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius.

3) (i) When the p.d is set to zero, there is still a small current because the photoelectric effect is still occurring. Electrons are being emitted from the cathode due to the incident radiation, even though the potential difference is zero.

(ii) The stopping potential is the minimum potential difference needed to stop the photoelectric current. In this case, the frequency of the radiation is given as 7.5 x 10^14 Hz. Using the equation for the stopping potential, V = hf/W, where h is Planck's constant and W is the work function, we can calculate the stopping potential to be approximately 0.8V.

(iii) The graph of current vs reverse potential difference V would show a linear increase in current as V increases from 0 to the stopping potential, and then a plateau at zero current for higher values of V. This is because at lower values of V, the electrons have enough energy to overcome the work function and be emitted from the cathode, resulting in an increase in current. However, once the stopping potential is reached, no more electrons can be emitted and the current remains at zero.

Related to Why Do Some Students Struggle with A-Level Physics Concepts?

1. What are the main topics covered in A-Level Physics?

The main topics covered in A-Level Physics are mechanics, electricity, waves, quantum physics, and thermodynamics. Other topics may vary depending on the curriculum and exam board.

2. How can I improve my understanding of A-Level Physics?

Some tips for improving your understanding of A-Level Physics include practicing problems regularly, seeking help from teachers or tutors, and utilizing online resources such as videos and interactive simulations.

3. What are some common misconceptions about A-Level Physics?

Some common misconceptions about A-Level Physics include thinking that it is only for students who want to pursue a career in science, or that it is only about memorizing equations and formulas. In reality, A-Level Physics requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

4. What are some career options for students who excel in A-Level Physics?

Students who excel in A-Level Physics have a wide range of career options, including engineering, research, medicine, and technology. A-Level Physics also provides a strong foundation for further studies in fields such as astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and materials science.

5. How can I prepare for A-Level Physics exams?

To prepare for A-Level Physics exams, it is important to review and understand key concepts, practice past papers, and seek help from teachers or tutors if needed. It is also important to manage your time effectively and stay organized during the exam preparation process.

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