Why do two like currents attract (frame of reference)?

In summary, the forces between two currents of the same charge are due to the laws of physics as stated, but the forces between two currents of oppositely charged particles are due to the law of electric forces.
  • #1
So the picture is this.

Basically an application of amperes law and Newtons third law shows that they attract.But what about from the frame of reference of the moving currents. Say I have a stream of charges moving to the right, and another stream of charges moving to the right. Both with same velocity and charge density.

Well, in the frame of reference of the moving charges, I just have one row of charges and another row of charges below it. They exert electric forces on each other but not the magnetic force since in this frame, none of the charges are moving relative to each other. If I look at one charge, the left and right charges' effects from the same line cancel. And the left and right charges' effects from the line below will add positively in the vertical while only canceling in the left right direction. And of course, the charge directly below will exert a net force up. In the end, the two currents should be repelling each other when viewed from the frame of reference of the currents.

What resolves this?
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  • #2
FallenApple said:
In the end, the two currents should be repelling each other when viewed from the frame of reference of the currents.
Oh, why ? Are the wires charged ? or just a conduit for the mobile charge carrierss ?
  • #3
BvU said:
Oh, why ? Are the wires charged ? or just a conduit for the mobile charge carrierss ?

I'm just using a bunch of positive test charges moving to the right at the same speed and the same configuration separated a distance below and parallel. Not wires per se.

So in the frame of the moving charges, I just have two rows of charges, that are stationary in that frame. And like charges repel like charges.
  • #4
I've thought about it from a actual wire's perspective. So wires are fixed positive nucleuses with negative mobile electrons flowing over them.

So from the electrons perspective, assuming that the electron flow on both wires are at the same rate and in the same direction(say the right), from one of the electrons persepctive, none of the other electrons are moving. But the positive nucleuses would be moving to the left. But due to relativistic effects, the postive charges would be lorentz contracted. So in this frame, both wires would still each still have a net charge density. Both being positive from the electrons frame due to the contraction of the protons. So here, the wires should still repel because in this frame, the nucleuses from one wire would repel the nucleuses from the other wire.
However here, the two positive currents would still attract in the electron frame because of ampres law.

Thats why I used moving charges of a single type instead of a wire, because I want to transform away the magnetic effect.
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  • #6
FallenApple said:
But the positive nucleuses would be moving to the left. But due to relativistic effects, the postive charges would be lorentz contracted.
Yes. See also:

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  • #7
Let's do a simpler case first. Consider a wire along the ##z## axis carrying a current density ##\vec{j}##, i.e.,
$$j^{\mu}=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ j \vec{e}_z \end{pmatrix}, \quad \rho<R,$$
where ##R## is the radius of the wire and ##\rho=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}## the usual cylinder coordinate.

Using a circle parallel to the ##xy## plane with radius ##\rho>R## in Ampere's law with the ansatz ##\vec{B}=B(\rho) \vec{e}_{\varphi}## leads to
$$B_{\rho}=\frac{I}{2 \pi c \rho}, \quad I=\pi R^2 j$$.
Now consider a charge ##q## running with velocity ##\vec{v}=v \vec{e}_z## along the ##z## axis. The spatial part of the Lorentz force is
$$\vec{K} = mc \frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{u}}{\mathrm{d} \tau}=q \vec{u} \times \vec{B}=-\frac{\gamma q v}{c} B_{\rho} \vec{e}_{\rho},$$
$$c \vec{u}=\gamma \vec{v}=\frac{\vec{v}}{\sqrt{1-\vec{v}^2/c^2}}.$$
Since further ##u \cdot K=0##, the time component is given by
$$u^0 K^0=\vec{u} \cdot \vec{K} \; \Rightarrow \; K^0=\frac{\vec{v}}{c} \cdot \vec{K}=0.$$
So we have
$$(K^{\mu})=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ -\frac{\gamma q v}{c} B_{\rho} \vec{e}_{\rho} \end{pmatrix}.$$
Now consider the same situation in the rest frame of the particle. We have to Lorentz boost with ##\vec{v}## in ##z## direction, such that in the new frame ##u^{\prime 0}=1##, ##\vec{u}'=0##, i.e., with the Lorentz matrix
$$({\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu})=\begin{pmatrix} \gamma & 0 & 0 & -\gamma v/c \\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\
-\gamma v/c & 0 & 0 & \gamma \end{pmatrix}.$$
This immediately leads to
$$K^{\prime \mu}=K^{\mu}.$$
Now, how comes this force about in the rest frame of the particle? That's easily answered by taking the Lorentz transform of the current vector,
$$(j^{\prime \mu}) = ({\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu} j^{\nu}) = \begin{pmatrix}-\gamma v j/c \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \gamma j\end{pmatrix}.$$
As we see, there's a charge density ##\varrho=-\gamma v j/c^2##. If you evaluate the corresponding electric field you get
$$\vec{E}=-\frac{\gamma v I}{2 \pi c^2 \rho},$$
and you see that the force is precisely the electrostatic force on the particle at rest in the new reference frame,
$$\vec{K}'=q \vec{E}.$$
So everything is consistent.

You can of course generalize this to the charges in a second current conducting wire, using the superposition principle.
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  • #8
Normal everyday wires are uncharged, so don't expect a charged wire to act the same way!
  • #9
vanhees71 said:
Let's do a simpler case first. Consider a wire along the ##z## axis carrying a current density ##\vec{j}##, i.e.,
$$j^{\mu}=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ j \vec{e}_z \end{pmatrix}, \quad \rho<R,$$
where ##R## is the radius of the wire and ##\rho=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}## the usual cylinder coordinate.

Using a circle parallel to the ##xy## plane with radius ##\rho>R## in Ampere's law with the ansatz ##\vec{B}=B(\rho) \vec{e}_{\varphi}## leads to
$$B_{\rho}=\frac{I}{2 \pi c \rho}, \quad I=\pi R^2 j$$.
Now consider a charge ##q## running with velocity ##\vec{v}=v \vec{e}_z## along the ##z## axis. The spatial part of the Lorentz force is
$$\vec{K} = mc \frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{u}}{\mathrm{d} \tau}=q \vec{u} \times \vec{B}=-\frac{\gamma q v}{c} B_{\rho} \vec{e}_{\rho},$$
$$c \vec{u}=\gamma \vec{v}=\frac{\vec{v}}{\sqrt{1-\vec{v}^2/c^2}}.$$
Since further ##u \cdot K=0##, the time component is given by
$$u^0 K^0=\vec{u} \cdot \vec{K} \; \Rightarrow \; K^0=\frac{\vec{v}}{c} \cdot \vec{K}=0.$$
So we have
$$(K^{\mu})=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ -\frac{\gamma q v}{c} B_{\rho} \vec{e}_{\rho} \end{pmatrix}.$$
Now consider the same situation in the rest frame of the particle. We have to Lorentz boost with ##\vec{v}## in ##z## direction, such that in the new frame ##u^{\prime 0}=1##, ##\vec{u}'=0##, i.e., with the Lorentz matrix
$$({\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu})=\begin{pmatrix} \gamma & 0 & 0 & -\gamma v/c \\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\
-\gamma v/c & 0 & 0 & \gamma \end{pmatrix}.$$
This immediately leads to
$$K^{\prime \mu}=K^{\mu}.$$
Now, how comes this force about in the rest frame of the particle? That's easily answered by taking the Lorentz transform of the current vector,
$$(j^{\prime \mu}) = ({\Lambda^{\mu}}_{\nu} j^{\nu}) = \begin{pmatrix}-\gamma v j/c \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \gamma j\end{pmatrix}.$$
As we see, there's a charge density ##\varrho=-\gamma v j/c^2##. If you evaluate the corresponding electric field you get
$$\vec{E}=-\frac{\gamma v I}{2 \pi c^2 \rho},$$
and you see that the force is precisely the electrostatic force on the particle at rest in the new reference frame,
$$\vec{K}'=q \vec{E}.$$
So everything is consistent.

You can of course generalize this to the charges in a second current conducting wire, using the superposition principle.
I was just about to write that everything is consistent

FAQ: Why do two like currents attract (frame of reference)?

1. Why do two like currents attract in the same frame of reference?

Two like currents attract each other in the same frame of reference because they both produce a magnetic field that interacts with the other. This interaction results in a force that pulls the two currents towards each other.

2. How does the direction of the current affect their attraction in the same frame of reference?

The direction of the current does not affect their attraction in the same frame of reference. As long as the currents are flowing in the same direction, they will experience the same force of attraction towards each other.

3. Can two like currents attract in different frames of reference?

No, two like currents cannot attract in different frames of reference. The force of attraction between two like currents is a result of their interaction in the same frame of reference. In different frames of reference, the currents may not produce the same magnetic field, therefore, there will be no force of attraction between them.

4. What other factors can affect the attraction between two like currents?

The strength of the currents and the distance between them can affect their attraction. The stronger the currents, the greater the force of attraction between them. Similarly, the closer the currents are to each other, the stronger the force of attraction will be.

5. Is the attraction between two like currents always the same?

No, the attraction between two like currents can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. If the currents are not of equal strength or are not close enough to each other, the force of attraction may not be the same as in ideal conditions.

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