Why do USA people vote on republicans?

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In summary: They're not as flashy as either party. But they're the ones who get things done.In summary, the Republican party in the USA is supported primarily by the rich and they attempt to manipulate the lower classes to vote for them by providing them with money and false information. The inequality between the rich and poor is much greater in Europe than it is in the USA, and this is one of the reasons why European voters support different parties based on their platform rather than voting based on who will give them the most money.
  • #1
I'm not from USA, but I've always wondered how republicans can get so many votes. Republicans generally support tax cuts to the rich, reducing government spending on social programs (healthcare, etc...) and measures that benefit the higher classes. With so much inequality between the rich and poor on US, why do people still vote republican that promise to make this difference between the rich and poor even larger? If there were a party in any Europe's country that proposed what republicans do they wouldn't get any votes.

I know many rich people support the republicans so they can become even richer, and they fund the republicans and support ridiculous channels like Fox News to brainwash people, but is it only that? Is it that easy to manipulate poor/medium class people to make them vote republicans? Is US democracy that rotten?

Everytime I watch something from Fox News, even if it's just something regular, I find it funny. Those reporters and journalists are so biased and ridiculous... Do republicans still think government should interfere in the economy the least possible,, and that will lead to economic growth and employment? Wake up, US real economy is dying since the 80s. The financial sector contributes to 40% of US GDP, and it heavily uses debt to grow. Cash reserves from companies have been growing excessively, CEOs don't want to invest in US. US's economy isn't far from a total paper economy. And republicans still think government shouldn't intervene in the economy?
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  • #2
Apparently Europeans vote solely based on which party is going to give them more money. With such a high tax rate in Europe already, why is the greed of the poor and middle class not yet satiated? If this was in America we would have reversed several trends because we're more morally upright. Why haven't Europeans figured out that there's more to governing than just taking money from others and giving it to yourself?
  • #3
Office_Shredder said:
Apparently Europeans vote solely based on which party is going to give them more money. With such a high tax rate in Europe already, why is the greed of the poor and middle class not yet satiated? If this was in America we would have reversed several trends because we're more morally upright. Why haven't Europeans figured out that there's more to governing than just taking money from others and giving it to yourself?

Germany, France, Italy, most north european countries have a center-right party in power. If we voted solely for the party who gave us more money, we'd vote on communists and extreme left.
Inequality between rich and poor on Europe is much lower than US. If you look at north europe countries, that inequality is very narrow.
US is one of the countries on the top of that list, it's an oligopoly out there.
How is letting rich become richer, and having so many poor people in your country, socially right? There's nothing wrong about being rich, but if the rich don't want to look at the country they live in and see there are many poor people who only needed a fraction of the rich's money to live well, government needs to take away their money by force.
  • #4
Republicans get so many votes because, to put it bluntly, there are a lot of stupid people in America. I'm in a bit of a rush so I don't have much time to make a credible argument, but:


I'm speechless about that. I can't wrap my mind around the stupidity of American Republican voters. The fact that a US president had to officially release his birth certificate to prove to the countless morons which plague the US pretty much proves that American politics are a joke. However, we all know that people will call this fake and continue living their meaningless lives blinded by their own stupidity and ignorance. America needs to wake up and get over their Republican mindset. A complete separation of church and state needs to happen. I get legitimately angry when I think of how much of a role religion plays in American politics - and I'm not even American.
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  • #5
I generally vote Republican because I agree with their core opinion and plans that I research myself more than I agree with the opinion and plans of the Democrats who run against them. I ignore the extreme views and opinions that are made center stage by the American media because the majority of what they say is crap.

Would anyone disagree that at least a quarter of the people who vote Republican are borderline mental, and that at a least a quarter of the people who vote Democrat are borderline mental in the opposite extreme.

Really you have to try to find the moderates and vote for them. The unfortunate thing about moderates is they have a tendency to make everyone mad instead of just one side or the other. At the moment we live in a age of extremism and a pursuit of idealistic, but unrealistic ideals.

People like to call our government and the people in it "stupid", but in reality they just have a different opinion than you and the average person's reaction to someone who doesn't reach the same conclusion as you is that they are stupid.

It has been this way as long as government has existed. Just be glad your not living in Rome during the "Barracks Emperors".
  • #6
I generally vote Republican because I agree with their core opinion and plans that I research myself more than I agree with the opinion and plans of the Democrats who run against them

What core opinion and plans are you talking about exactly?
  • #7
I prefer to think of the Republicans as the adults - and the Democrats as everyone with their hand out.
  • #8
This thread has turned into a Republican bashing thread and violates the rules on insults and attacks.

Related to Why do USA people vote on republicans?

1. Why do some people in the USA consistently vote for Republican candidates?

There are a variety of factors that may influence an individual's decision to vote for a Republican candidate. Some may align with the party's conservative values and policies, including lower taxes and smaller government. Others may prioritize national security and defense, which are typically areas of focus for the Republican party. Additionally, some may have a strong loyalty to the Republican party and its history, or may have family or community ties to the party.

2. What socioeconomic factors contribute to the tendency for USA citizens to vote for Republicans?

Studies have shown that individuals with higher incomes and education levels are more likely to vote for Republican candidates. This may be due to the party's emphasis on personal responsibility, individualism, and free market capitalism. Additionally, rural and suburban areas, which tend to have higher incomes and education levels, are more likely to vote for Republicans compared to urban areas.

3. How does the media influence people's decision to vote for Republican candidates?

The media can have a significant impact on people's perceptions and attitudes towards political parties and candidates. Conservative-leaning media outlets may portray Republican candidates in a positive light, while liberal-leaning media outlets may criticize and challenge their policies. This can sway individuals towards voting for or against Republican candidates, depending on their media consumption habits and biases.

4. What role does religion play in the decision to vote for Republican candidates?

Religion is often closely tied to political beliefs and can influence an individual's decision to vote for a particular party. The Republican party has historically aligned with conservative Christian values and policies, which may appeal to religious voters. However, there is also diversity among religious groups in the USA, and not all religious individuals may vote for Republican candidates.

5. Are there any regional or demographic patterns in the USA regarding voting for Republicans?

Yes, there are some regional and demographic patterns in voting for Republican candidates. Generally, the South and Midwest regions of the USA tend to have a higher percentage of Republican voters compared to the Northeast and West regions. Additionally, older individuals and white voters are more likely to vote for Republicans, while younger individuals and voters of color tend to lean towards the Democratic party.

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