Why Do We Dream? Exploring Conscious and Unconscious Minds

  • Thread starter Rader
  • Start date
In summary: The senses are the only way we can experience an objective reality. The brain is the most important organ for the senses. The brain is the organ of the mind. The mind is the subjective reality. When we dream our brains are still functioning in the objective reality.So, in summary, the concept of duality exists in the objective world to maintain balance and order. Our consciousness may not physically move between the dream and wake state, but our perception of consciousness may shift. Dreaming involves the senses and the brain, which are essential for experiencing the objective reality.
  • #36
I mentioned it at around the middle of the second page of this thread. I rarely talk about things that I find out through those kind of personal scenarios where I have my most awesome questions answered by my ID. Mainly because it always seems for me and me alone... If I went around quoting my dreams to everyone else, then I'd more than likely be locked up faster than a raving madman. I've figured out that many of the answers that I find out through personal revelation and dreaming is only for me, and not everyone else is meant to understand, but they must find out for themselves.

Are you referring to the site that you gave me earlier that talked about RNA, that has to do with the "Tim" and "Per" demands of the brain?

On another note... Genius means divine.
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  • #37
Originally posted by Hegira
I mentioned it at around the middle of the second page of this thread. I rarely talk about things that I find out through those kind of personal scenarios where I have my most awesome questions answered by my ID. Mainly because it always seems for me and me alone... If I went around quoting my dreams to everyone else, then I'd more than likely be locked up faster than a raving madman. I've figured out that many of the answers that I find out through personal revelation and dreaming is only for me, and not everyone else is meant to understand, but they must find out for themselves.

Yes i agree with you but remember everything that you say do and reveal to another affects yours and there advancement or not to a new level of awarenss.

Are you referring to the site that you gave me earlier that talked about RNA, that has to do with the "Tim" and "Per" demands of the brain?

The quote is from the book Power verses Force.

On another note... Genius means divine.

Human history is the record of mans struggle to comprehend "truths" which to those of genius appear obvious. Genius is by definition a style of consciousness characterized by the ability to access high energy attractor patterns. It is not a personality trait. It is NOT something that a person “has” nor even something that someone “is”. Those in whom we recognize genius commonly disclaim it. A universal characteristic of genius is humility. The genius has always attributed its insights to some higher influence.
  • #38
Originally posted by Rader
Human history is the record of mans struggle to comprehend "truths" which to those of genius appear obvious. Genius is by definition a style of consciousness characterized by the ability to access high energy attractor patterns. It is not a personality trait. It is NOT something that a person “has” nor even something that someone “is”. Those in whom we recognize genius commonly disclaim it. A universal characteristic of genius is humility. The genius has always attributed its insights to some higher influence.

I can only say that I totally agree... and well, I Love You like a brother! You've affirmed much of what I (we) think and have known... I have just found it hard to relate these same things to others.

I must ask you to tell me a bit more on what you mean by "high energy attractor patterns"... I can understand it from context, though I want to confirm what it seems to me.

I often read my own words, and cringe because of fear of misinterpretation of my true intentions... I say "My", "Mine", "I" a lot more than I probably should if I wish to convey my view points well. I suppose some of the major trouble I've had with relating experiences is that I've found difficulty in vocalizing how I seem to see things. For the most part, I've tried and tried to communicate and relate to anyone about anything, and through the many pains of suspected and obviuos failure to do so time and again... I give up and continue to feel stuck in my own world, especially when I KNOW I'm not alone.

I'll try to say this broadly... Must it always be the dreamers, the artists, the shamans, the "labeled genius" that drag the rest of society into the future (often while they are kicking and screaming)!? Or could there ever be a worldwide awakening in which humans can take a more atoned control of there thoughts, dreams, and apparent lives!? (If not, then I wouldn't mind us moving to our own planet!) Or should I just start another thread?...lol...

No matter what I've done, seen, learned, understood... In dreams and out... I still feel quite hopeless and helpless in things that I know must be done!

Would any of you think that our DREAMS could mean everything, yet nothing at all?? Questions to remain unanswered or Answers that may never be properly questioned?

I try to think of everything, though I never KNOW anything!

  • #39
Originally posted by Hegira
I can only say that I totally agree... and well, I Love You like a brother! You've affirmed much of what I (we) think and have known... I have just found it hard to relate these same things to others.

What we know is only learning what we know already. The knowledge is there we just have to be aware of it. What we have learned about anything is just accumaltive, from what was known before.

I must ask you to tell me a bit more on what you mean by "high energy attractor patterns"... I can understand it from context, though I want to confirm what it seems to me.

High energy attractor fields corresponding to levels of consciuousness that provide new paradigms for reconstextualing the human experience though all time. This simple means exposure to and inlfluence of consciousness based on neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, enlightenment to couterbalance courage, pride, anger, desire, fear, grief, apathy, guilt, shame.

I often read my own words, and cringe because of fear of misinterpretation of my true intentions... I say "My", "Mine", "I" a lot more than I probably should if I wish to convey my view points well. I suppose some of the major trouble I've had with relating experiences is that I've found difficulty in vocalizing how I seem to see things. For the most part, I've tried and tried to communicate and relate to anyone about anything, and through the many pains of suspected and obviuos failure to do so time and again... I give up and continue to feel stuck in my own world, especially when I KNOW I'm not alone.

Dreaming is a focal point to go one step behond that. But first the ego in the wake state must change by voluntrary action and then in the dream state, the id reorganizes the learning for the next day of the ego trip. Much can be changed by the influence of oneself on others.

I'll try to say this broadly... Must it always be the dreamers, the artists, the shamans, the "labeled genius" that drag the rest of society into the future (often while they are kicking and screaming)!? Or could there ever be a worldwide awakening in which humans can take a more atoned control of there thoughts, dreams, and apparent lives!? (If not, then I wouldn't mind us moving to our own planet!) Or should I just start another thread?...lol...

You ae what you wish to be and nothing more.

No matter what I've done, seen, learned, understood... In dreams and out... I still feel quite hopeless and helpless in things that I know must be done!

Ever humans motto should be change for the goog, what you can, and change not what you can not.

Would any of you think that our DREAMS could mean everything, yet nothing at all?? Questions to remain unanswered or Answers that may never be properly questioned?

The best i can come up with is we dream in the id to evlolve the ego. Why? to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. Why? Because the beauty of creation is in its diversity to evolve from nothing to the conscious universe. Why? To know and be in unity with the mind of God

I try to think of everything, though I never KNOW anything!

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  • #40
Originally posted by Rader

Dreaming is a focal point to go one step behond that. But first the ego in the wake state must change by voluntrary action and then in the dream state, the id reorganizes the learning for the next day of the ego trip. Much can be changed by the influence of oneself on others.

If you believe something consciuosly then your subconscious makes it real and true to you. This is like what I've read in "The Power of the Subconscious Mind". Pretty much identical to prayer... if every night or day you "ask" for something, then eventually you will get it one way or another. As long as you believe it, it will undoubtly materialize from your own convincing suggestions. Besides that you will be more conscientious of oppurtunities. The problem is that it is difficult to convince yourself when the goals are extremely outlandish.

The best i can come up with is we dream in the id to evlolve the ego. Why? to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. Why? Because the beauty of creation is in its diversity to evolve from nothing to the conscious universe. Why? To know and be in unity with the mind of God.
Does the dream end when we die, fading away... or would it be more like a quantum leap into a seemingly distant neo-existence on an atomic level!? I don't believe it fades though it might seem at first. Merely an unconceivable (to our present state) transition towards a return to the source through a constant flux of alternating God-states until the final unity that comes before ultimate and absolute peace. A practically Eternal Journey! Time never matters when the dream never has to end!
  • #41
Originally posted by Hegira
If you believe something consciuosly then your subconscious makes it real and true to you. This is like what I've read in "The Power of the Subconscious Mind". Pretty much identical to prayer... if every night or day you "ask" for something, then eventually you will get it one way or another. As long as you believe it, it will undoubtly materialize from your own convincing suggestions. Besides that you will be more conscientious of oppurtunities. The problem is that it is difficult to convince yourself when the goals are extremely outlandish.

The ego feeds the Id to remodel the Ego.

Does the dream end when we die, fading away... or would it be more like a quantum leap into a seemingly distant neo-existence on an atomic level!? I don't believe it fades though it might seem at first. Merely an unconceivable (to our present state) transition towards a return to the source through a constant flux of alternating God-states until the final unity that comes before ultimate and absolute peace. A practically Eternal Journey! Time never matters when the dream never has to end!

Consciousness is life, it can not die. The body can die yes but not consciousness. If the universe is conscious then, consciousness is in everyting. The created would have, what the creator put in it, consciousness. Unity would be total consciousness.

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  • #42

There are four brainwave states that range from the high amplitude, low frequency delta to the low amplitude, high frequency beta. These brainwave states range from deep dreamless sleep to high arousal. The same four brainwave states are common to the human species. Men, women and children of all ages experience the same characteristic brainwaves. They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries.

What might there purpose be for being 4?
  • #43

Originally posted by Rader
There are four brainwave states that range from the high amplitude, low frequency delta to the low amplitude, high frequency beta. These brainwave states range from deep dreamless sleep to high arousal. The same four brainwave states are common to the human species. Men, women and children of all ages experience the same characteristic brainwaves. They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries.

What might there purpose be for being 4?
Why there are 4? Probably because of the structure by which they are conducted. I put now a new webpage related to consciousness and dreams. With images I try to explain what previously I tried here on PF with the analogies with kitchen, livingsroom and Internet, and with that TV-set and remote-control.
The link:
  • #44
Well, I'm not sure of the signifigance of Four brainwave patterns, as opposed to 3, 5, or 10, etc... But I know that they are all present at any given time, no matter which state is precedent. When you're awake, focused or concentrating you are primarily Beta, but the other Three are still in operation and fluxuation. When you are relaxed after certain accomplishment or not stimulated from your envrionment you are primarily Alpha. When you are resting or you're not in need of more focused brain function for physical activities you are Theta. And Delta is for sleep and deep sleep.

Overall thought processing has its different formats, creativity, and productivity with respect to each brainwave emition. Realization and better awareness of these can give you a more profound understanding of your own system of data processing. You can also use some of the devices that exercise your brainwave states in order to achieve or induce alternation of each state. These are accomplished through Binaural Beat Frequencies, that I mentioned earlier in this discussion.

I've been experimenting for about 6 years with my own music that I record, mix, and master. In some songs I've even combined and mixed alternating frequencies simultaneously, while in other longer compositions I'll make either a circular or triangular transition between the beta, alpha, and theta. Dealing with Delta has been difficult in some ways, since its hard to catalog results on myself...lol... :wink: Most people wouldn't even know what is "underneath" practically every song I've mixed unless I specifically bring it to someone's attention... And then some still wouldn't even be able to tell or notice. These frequencies are so subtle that your brain can recognize their presence, but they tend to elude awareness.

Why is there Four!? Not sure... Four is the root of much within realms of relation and transition... From seasons to symmetria... Square to tesseract... Heaven to Hell... Good to Evil...

As far as I can tell, whenever there exists Two extremes there is two neutrals between. Often the two between may seem like one extention(equivilent to the sum of extremes), since the middle line is rarely obvious or evident. Ex: Hot and Cold - Warm; Good and Evil - Neutral; Black and White - Gray

Does any of that make sense?

Yeah, I've died before, and I'm still here... Now What!?
  • #45

Originally posted by pelastration
Why there are 4? Probably because of the structure by which they are conducted. I put now a new webpage related to consciousness and dreams. With images I try to explain what previously I tried here on PF with the analogies with kitchen, livingsroom and Internet, and with that TV-set and remote-control.
The link:

pelastration vey good job done, so the layman can understand this complicated subject. You have included all levels of awarenss of consciusness, including the dream state. Then the answer to my question could be something like. There are 4 portholes of awarness inside consciousness, that link the human level of consciousness. Each porthole alows intrance, interaction, recording and manipulation of individual consciousness with the whole of consciousness. The type of wave, the door, the frequency of the waves, interactions points, the id records it, and the ego is manipulated. Can you add, correct or destroy what i have said?
  • #46
Originally posted by Rader
pelastration vey good job done, so the layman can understand this complicated subject. You have included all levels of awarenss of consciusness, including the dream state. Then the answer to my question could be something like. There are 4 portholes of awarness inside consciousness, that link the human level of consciousness. Each porthole alows intrance, interaction, recording and manipulation of individual consciousness with the whole of consciousness. The type of wave, the door, the frequency of the waves, interactions points, the id records it, and the ego is manipulated. Can you add, correct or destroy what i have said?
Thanks ;-).
It think Richard that is a good description.

I don't see it in relation to plasma (somewhere your suggestion in another thread). In my approach all building up to more complex holons happens on the brane.

About id and Ego can you detail more?
I am not really impressed by Wolf: (quote) I have shown that the phenomenon of "wave function collapse" or the change in the probability of a process associated with the action of a measurement affects neural operation and leads to an uncertainty in timing of conscious events. . I conclude that the action of conscious awareness occurs as a result of this collapse mechanism.(end quote).

I introduced the "Attention Shift" which makes "uncertainty" obsolete. You can see that Shift on a new webpage with three animated gif's. http://www.mu6.com/consciousness2.html . It's really dynamic. Think you will like it.
  • #47
Originally posted by Hegira
Well, I'm not sure of the signifigance of Four brainwave patterns.

As far as I can tell, whenever there exists Two extremes there is two neutrals between. Often the two between may seem like one extention(equivilent to the sum of extremes), since the middle line is rarely obvious or evident. Ex: Hot and Cold - Warm; Good and Evil - Neutral; Black and White - Gray

Does any of that make sense?

Yeah, I've died before, and I'm still here... Now What!?

I have not heard this analogy before. Can you explain further?
  • #48
brain wave functions

Originally posted by pelastration
Thanks ;-).
It think Richard that is a good description.

I don't see it in relation to plasma (somewhere your suggestion in another thread). In my approach all building up to more complex holons happens on the brane.

About id and Ego can you detail more?
I am not really impressed by Wolf: (quote) I have shown that the phenomenon of "wave function collapse" or the change in the probability of a process associated with the action of a measurement affects neural operation and leads to an uncertainty in timing of conscious events. . I conclude that the action of conscious awareness occurs as a result of this collapse mechanism.(end quote).

I introduced the "Attention Shift" which makes "uncertainty" obsolete. You can see that Shift on a new webpage with three animated gif's. http://www.mu6.com/consciousness2.html . It's really dynamic. Think you will like it.

There are four categories of brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity. When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves. The frequency of beta waves ranges from 15 to 40 cycles a second. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.

The Brainwaves
The next brainwave category in order of frequency is alpha. Where beta represented arousal, alpha represents non-arousal. Alpha brainwaves are slower, and higher in amplitude. Their frequency ranges from 9 to 14 cycles per second. A person who has completed a task and sits down to rest is often in an alpha state. A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in an alpha state. A person who takes a break from a conference and walks in the garden is often in an alpha state.

The next state, theta brainwaves, are typically of even greater amplitude and slower frequency. This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a second. A person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state. A person who is driving on a freeway, and discovers that they can't recall the last five miles, is often in a theta state--induced by the process of freeway driving. The repetitious nature of that form of driving compared to a country road would differentiate a theta state and a beta state in order to perform the driving task safely.

Individuals who do a lot of freeway driving often get good ideas during those periods when they are in theta. Individuals who run outdoors often are in the state of mental relaxation that is slower than alpha and when in theta, they are prone to a flow of ideas. This can also occur in the shower or tub or even while shaving or brushing your hair. It is a state where tasks become so automatic that you can mentally disengage from them. The ideation that can take place during the theta state is often free flow and occurs without censorship or guilt. It is typically a very positive mental state.

The final brainwave state is delta. Here the brainwaves are of the greatest amplitude and slowest frequency. They typically center around a range of 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. They never go down to zero because that would mean that you were brain dead. But, deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency. Typically, 2 to 3 cycles a second.

When we go to bed and read for a few minutes before attempting sleep, we are likely to be in low beta. When we put the book down, turn off the lights and close our eyes, our brainwaves will descend from beta, to alpha, to theta and finally, when we fall asleep, to delta.

It is a well known fact that humans dream in 90 minute cycles. When the delta brainwave frequencies increase into the frequency of theta brainwaves, active dreaming takes place and often becomes more experiential to the person. Typically, when this occurs there is rapid eye movement, which is characteristic of active dreaming. This is called REM, and is a well known phenomenon.

When an individual awakes from a deep sleep in preparation for getting up, their brainwave frequencies will increase through the different specific stages of brainwave activity. That is, they will increase from delta to theta and then to alpha and finally, when the alarm goes off, into beta. If that individual hits the snooze alarm button they will drop in frequency to a non-aroused state, or even into theta, or sometimes fall back to sleep in delta. During this awakening cycle it is possible for individuals to stay in the theta state for an extended period of say, five to 15 minutes--which would allow them to have a free flow of ideas about yesterday's events or to contemplate the activities of the forthcoming day. This time can be an extremely productive and can be a period of very meaningful and creative mental activity.

Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times. In other words, while somebody is an aroused state and exhibiting a beta brainwave pattern, there also exists in that person's brain a component of alpha, theta and delta, even though these may be present only at the trace level.

This is a pretty good summary of the how of the 4 types of brain waves. No one type of brain wave works alone, they are always in interaction. Your animated graph shows that clearly.

About id and Ego can you detail more? About id and Ego can you detail more?
I am not really impressed by Wolf: (quote) I have shown that the phenomenon of "wave function collapse" or the change in the probability of a process associated with the action of a measurement affects neural operation and leads to an uncertainty in timing of conscious events. . I conclude that the action of conscious awareness occurs as a result of this collapse mechanism.

This same collapse mechanism, v vector, exists in all of nature. Might it be that in other entities, the way or level in which awareness is manifested in due to complexity of the entity, when the v vector collapses? What might be the physical construct,attached to, in other entities? Would the uncertainty in timing of conscious events, be reduced in units of time, due to less complexity?
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  • #49

When you initiated this discussion on the four brainwave patterns, I commenced to refresh my memory on much of what I've read before. Ironically, the first site I came to (by a google search for - Four Brainwave States) was:


Were you the author of that site?

Aside from that... Pelastration, your site is outstanding and awesomely informative on your studies and ideas! I'll be spending some time there whenever I have the spare moments to do so. Thank You!

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  • #50
attractor patterns

Originally posted by Hegira

When you initiated this discussion on the four brainwave patterns, I commenced to refresh my memory on much of what I've read before. Ironically, the first site I came to (by a google search for - Four Brainwave States) was:


Were you the author of that site?

Aside from that... Pelastration, your site is outstanding and awesomely informative on your studies and ideas! I'll be spending some time there whenever I have the spare moments to do so. Thank You!

No i am not the author, just have a deep interest in the subject and consider, that info was a good place to start a new direction of thought. This demonstrates, that there is evidence of such things in the physical world. There are no coincidences, just mixing of attractor patterns. While we posted back an forth for quite a while, i had thouhgt about asking pelastration alittle, wondering why he did not include anything on the dream state. But he has.
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  • #51
Originally posted by Hegira
Aside from that... Pelastration, your site is outstanding and awesomely informative on your studies and ideas! I'll be spending some time there whenever I have the spare moments to do so. Thank You!
Thanks Hegira! ;-)
About your music. Do you mind to share some with us in which the 4 waves are included. I always was interested in brainwaves. If you can convert in a mp3 of 10 minutes max. ...you could email it to me? I would love to see if I am able to 'feel' them. ;-). If it's not possible or you want to keep it for yourself that's OK too.
At this moment I have about 3 hours of Enigma on my laptop. I believe they also include some braniwaves technics.
  • #52

Originally posted by Rader
There are no coincidences, just mixing of attractor patterns.
For that reason Rader I never accepted Heisenbergs uncertainty. IMO everything is hierachic layered. Everything has embedded history. Jung spoke about synchronicity, and that includes also non-local (distance) communication. The images I showed include that. The essence is that if you have developed ( by training ... or gifted by nature?) a personal sensibility you can catch more resonant frequencies. But I am sure you and Hegira too, know that. On brainwaves: ... the Tibetan, Yogi ... and other masters learn to apply ALL 4 during mediation. Is it a type of DayDream? Yes and no! ;-)
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  • #53
I'm still using 56K, so sending any of my longer compositions, that include multiples of these frequencies, is unreasonable... Even in mp3 or wma formats. But I could send two songs at separate times that either have Delta to Theta or another with an Alpha intro that goes into a mixture of Beta and Theta (which I feel has an interesting sensory flavor).

Perhaps one day I might be able to find enough time or become inspired to create a website or a few that are dedicated to sharing these ideas. Aside from that my work is under fairly strict "Lock and Key"! Quite frankly, I haven't decided to "SELL" my soul to the world yet and more so I'd rather die without ever really "releasing" anything and let others argue left and right once I'm not around to explain every last detail.

Nonetheless... for this one time offer...:wink: If I am contacted by you (Rader), or you (Pelastration), (also one_raven, Iacchus32, and Nommos Prime) with the e-mail that you wish me to send these two songs... I'd be delighted!

For anyone else that has happened to follow this discussion that we've had on Dreams, consciousness, Brainwave patterns/fluxuations... Contact me through this forum simply by stating your interest, however since hardly anyone joined in our discussion...

The THREE of us would like additional posts that explicate your own opinions, arguments, and evidence that you may be able to provide in support or against whatever we have covered. I ask this because I KNOW we could never know it all, yet every little bit helps our generalized understanding of Dreams, Thoughts, and Life! If that's too much to ask, then contact me anyway and I will ask a single question... If you know or find the answer... I'd be delighted, as well as inspired to share! :wink:

OK, I wish to apologize for the previous explanation, but I won't... however I find no necessity in going into it any further or else it becomes a troublesome paradox for me. I dislike having to do such things, yet I believe that by sharing a piece of what I have will bring another personal touch to our collective studies on these matters... Which is what these forums should be all about, right!?

Among the things I've held most precious... Thoughts Unspoken.

  • #54
I hope that you didn't take offense to my blatant nature, I just hoped that you would have specified that the information that you were relating came from another site. I'm actually glad that you took our thread to another level. I hadn't been around enough lately to post every night. :wink: I'm not sure how to explain the analogy that I began having to do with some universal relation of the number Four. It's something that I've constantly pondered or percieved, but not sure how to put it into the right words for illustration, though I see and think it most moments of everyday!

You're correct about Enigma! They use many techniqes of what we are discussing. Its used all over the place, and often its hardly realized. Just like I had mentioned earlier, its used within multiple forms of media/advertizing, music, movies, hypno-therapy, meditation, etc...

Perhaps most existing frequencies of brain functions are even beyond our comprehension and are under higher influence without us ever knowing or ever being able to realize their existence; yet denying us total control. I've always wondered that if "we only use 3-4% of our total brain capacity"(Einstein), then what might we achieve with full functionality control capabilities!? I could see extremes of Good and Evil within this idea.

Another question might be: Are our thoughts EVER our own?? I'd say... most likely no. In support of the MATRIX, choice may very well be an illusion.

I really wish I could find some time to encompass what you've put on site, Pelastration... I'm sure you've covered this in more depth than I have.

Trust bestowed awaits the test of temptation.
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  • #55
Here's an excerpt from one of the mixing programs that I've used extensively for recording and mastering audio:

Cool Edit Pro’s Brainwave Synchronizer can produce files that, when listened to with stereo headphones, will put the listener into any desired state of awareness. For example, by listening to “brainwaved” files, you can achieve states such as deep sleep, theta meditation, or alpha relaxation. Because of the nature of this function, it only works on stereo waveform data, and to be effective, it must be listened to with stereo headphones.

The Brainwave Synchronizer function spatially locates the audio left and right, in a circular pattern over time. In order to spatially encode the signal, either the left or right channel is delayed so that the sounds will appear at each ear at different times, tricking the brain into thinking they are coming from either side. When this is done at frequencies of 3Hz and above, the brain will start synchronizing at the same frequency, increasing its output of Delta, Theta, Alpha, or Beta frequencies.

The following link is one that I happened across a while back that breaks down some of the specifics to brainwave functions and possible manipulations:


Mr. Greene even has files listed on his Perfect Pitch page that exhibit some of the binaural beats or brainwave synchronizing techniques.

All this is in lue of the fact that I've never taken the time to develope any sites of my own, so I hope you find this as useful as I have!

I try to think of everything, though I never KNOW anything!
  • #56
nothing rustles my feathers

Originally posted by Hegira

Perhaps most existing frequencies of brain functions are even beyond our comprehension and are under higher influence without us ever knowing or ever being able to realize their existence; yet denying us total control. I've always wondered that if "we only use 3-4% of our total brain capacity"(Einstein), then what might we achieve with full functionality control capabilities!? I could see extremes of Good and Evil within this idea.
Trust bestowed awaits the test of temptation.

Hegira nothing rustles my feathers. Its permitted to quote, link sites, copy info for study, no problem. It would be great to listen to one of your pieces. I did not realize that music could be linked to brain states until we started taling about it. As for wondering that if "we only use 3-4% of our total brain capacity. It might be for a reason, 100% might be total consciousness.
The 70 sciences that study conscientiology
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  • #57

What might the realtionship be between the Cartesian Theory and the human brains 4 brain lobes and 4 frequencies from which it connects to consciousness?


In summary then, Gray tells us that there is a comparator which compares reality with expectation, but it turns out from the Cartesian Theory that expectation depends upon four opinions. The four personalities defined by the intersection of Eysenck's E and N axes are shown by the cartesian theory to reside in the four primary lobes defined by the intersection of the Medial and Central fissures of the brain. These four lobes input highly processed multimodal information into the four extremities of the Papez-Gray fornical system and there is a strong diagonal component of circulation in this system. Thus it is that the generation of expectations is composed of a diagonal balance of opinion between the diagonally opposed lobes, or personalities, of the brain. Gray's diagonal system is the mediator of personality conflict and as such, is a functional corollary to the underlying Eysenckian structure of personality. Finally, it is seen, that it is the Cartesian principle of structure which unifies these two heretofore conflicting models and gives the resulting unified model the status of an axiomatic theory, the first such theory in the history of psychology.

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