Why do we extremize the Lagrangian in the Hamilton principle instead of energy?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the extremization of the Lagrangian and energy in classical mechanics. The principle of least action states that the action, defined as the integral of the Lagrangian over time, is to be minimized. This results in the Lagrange and Hamilton equations of motion. The conversation also discusses how the Hamiltonian, which is related to the energy, can be used in the action principle. However, it is explained that using T+V instead of T-V in the Lagrangian would not work. The conversation concludes with the clarification that 2T - H is another form of L, and that the original question was about using T+V in the action principle.
  • #1
I know that by extremizing lagrangian we get equations of motions. But what if we extremize the energy? I am just little bit of confused, any help is appreciated.
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  • #2
The Lagrangian is a quantity describing a whole trajectory between instants of time ##t_1## and ##t_2##. The energy is a property of a single instant ##t##. The extremal problem gives the same trajectory as Newton's II law.
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  • #3
The principle of least action says

[tex]\delta S=\delta \int_{t_1}^{t_2}L(q,\dot{q},t)dt=0[/tex]
with ##q(t_1),q(t_2) ##fixed. ##L(q,\dot{q},t) ## is defined on the paths. It gives Lagrange equation of motion.

By its Legendre transformation Hamiltonian H, i.e. energy expressed by ##p_i## and ##q_i## is

[tex]H(p,q,t)=\Sigma p_i\dot{q_i}−L[/tex]

So the principle of least action is stated as

[tex]\delta S=\delta \int_{t_1}^{t_2}[\Sigma p_i\dot{q_i}−H]dt=0[/tex]

This gives Hamilton equation of motion.
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  • #4
anbhadane said:
I know that by extremizing lagrangian

We extremize the action, not lagrangian.
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  • #5
There's also an action principle using the Hamiltonian,
$$H(q,p,t)=\dot{q}^{k} p_k-L,$$
$$p_k=\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}^k}$$
is the canonical momentum. The action reads
$$S=\int_{t_1}^{t_2} \mathrm{d} t (p_k \dot{q}^k-H),$$
and the Hamilton principle says ##S## is to be minimized under variations of the phase-space trajectories ##(q^k(t),p_k(t))## with the ##p_k## unrestricted and the ##q^k## at fixed boundaries ##q^k(t_1)## and ##q^k(t_2)##.

The formalism works, because it is equivalent to Newton's equations of motion for systems with no constraints and with D'Alembert's principle for systems with constraints. The reformulation in terms of a variational principle is just an important mathematical tool to analyze the equations of motion in more general detail. Of particular importance is Noether's theorem and the fact that you can formulate everything in terms of Poisson brackets, because in this way classical mechanics looks pretty similar to quantum mechanics in the operator formalism, which is the way how Dirac formulated his version of quantum mechanics, which reveals its structure most clearly of all formalism.

Quantum mechanics, written in terms of Feynman's path integrals, most easily explains "why" the action principle in classical mechanics holds, it's an approximation for the quantum dynamics, if the situation is such that the action becomes very large compared to ##\hbar##. Then the path integral for the propagator can be approximated by the stationary-phase approximation.

Another way to come to the same result is to use Schrödinger's wave-mechanics formulation and use the WKB approximation, which is a formal expansion in orders of ##\hbar##, using the ansatz ##\psi(t,\vec{x})=\exp(\mathrm{i} S/\hbar)##. In leading order you get the Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation which is equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange or Hamilton canonical equations of motion, and ##S## is the classical action in this leading-order approximation.
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  • #6
hilbert2 said:
The Lagrangian is a quantity describing a whole trajectory between instants of time and . The energy is a property of a single instant .
so, basically we find first path and it automatically satisfies the minimum energy requirement?
  • #7
weirdoguy said:
We extremize the action, not lagrangian.
sorry, I was saying action with energy as function.
  • #8
anbhadane said:
so, basically we find first path and it automatically satisfies the minimum energy requirement?
Not the minimum energy as you say but the stationary action would be satisfied. As you know Lagrangean is kinetic energy ##\mathbf{-}## potential energy. How did you come to the idea that not Lagrangean but energy, i.e. kinetic energy ##\mathbf{+}## potential energy, should play some role in action principle ?
  • #9
anuttarasammyak said:
How did you come to the idea that not Lagrangean but energy, i.e. kinetic energy potential energy, should play some role in action principle ?
I know in action we use lagrangian which is T - V, but i am saying instead of T-V, can we use T+V? anyway it's function too.
  • #10
anbhadane said:
I know in action we use lagrangian which is T - V, but i am saying instead of T-V, can we use T+V? anyway it's function too.
Can you see why minimising or maximising ##T + V## would not work? Imagine an object in a gravitational field.
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  • #11
anbhadane said:
I know in action we use lagrangian which is T - V, but i am saying instead of T-V, can we use T+V?
Lagrangian L = T - V = 2T - (T+V) = 2T - H as post #3 says. This expression of Lagrangian, i.e. integrand for action, using energy H ( and T ) might be of your interest.
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  • #12
PeroK said:
Imagine an object in a gravitational field
Thank you. Now I got it.
  • #13
anuttarasammyak said:
Lagrangian L = T - V = 2T - (T+V) = 2T - H as post #3 says
Anyway I am now clear with my doubt. 2T - H is another form of L so basically it's the same as L. I was interested in only T + V. Thank you for your valuable responses.
  • #14
anbhadane said:
I know in action we use lagrangian which is T - V, but i am saying instead of T-V, can we use T+V? anyway it's function too.
The answer is that Hamilton's variational principle in configuration space (i.e., the Lagrangian version of the principle) works with the Lagrangian ##L(q,\dot{q},t)=T-V##, i.e., it gives the correct equations of motion known from Newton's Laws.

It's also not simply a minimum as a function of ##q## and ##\dot{q}## but what's minimized (or rather extermized) is the action functional
##A[q]=\int_{t_1}^{t_2} \mathrm{d} t L(q,\dot{q},t),##
i.e., you look for the curve ##q(t)## in configuration space with fixed endpoints ##q_1=q(t_1)## and ##q_2=q(t_2)## which makes the action stationary. This leads to the Euler-Lagrange equations,
$$p=\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}, \quad \dot{p}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial q}.$$

Related to Why do we extremize the Lagrangian in the Hamilton principle instead of energy?

1. Why do we use the Hamilton principle to find the equations of motion instead of just using energy?

The Hamilton principle is used because it provides a more general and comprehensive approach to finding the equations of motion. It takes into account all possible paths that a system can take, not just the one that minimizes energy. This allows for a more accurate and complete understanding of the dynamics of a system.

2. How does extremizing the Lagrangian in the Hamilton principle relate to finding the equations of motion?

The Hamilton principle states that the actual path taken by a system is the one that minimizes the action, which is the integral of the Lagrangian over time. This means that by extremizing the Lagrangian, we are essentially finding the path that minimizes the action, and therefore, satisfies the equations of motion.

3. What is the significance of the Lagrangian in the Hamilton principle?

The Lagrangian is a function that describes the dynamics of a system in terms of its position and velocity. It is the key component in the Hamilton principle as it allows us to determine the equations of motion by extremizing it. The Lagrangian takes into account both kinetic and potential energy, making it a more comprehensive approach than just considering energy alone.

4. Can the Hamilton principle be applied to all physical systems?

Yes, the Hamilton principle can be applied to all physical systems, as long as they can be described by a Lagrangian. This includes classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and even quantum mechanics. The Hamilton principle provides a unified approach to understanding the dynamics of different systems.

5. How does the Hamilton principle relate to the principle of least action?

The Hamilton principle is essentially an extension of the principle of least action. The principle of least action states that a system will follow the path that minimizes the action, which is the integral of the Lagrangian over time. The Hamilton principle takes this concept further by considering all possible paths and finding the one that minimizes the action, resulting in the equations of motion for the system.

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